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Thread: Normal Gyno or Deca Gyno??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria

    Normal Gyno or Deca Gyno??

    I was just reading some posts about Deca, and Im worried about the Deca gyno how can you tell when it's starting ? I mean I will be including Sus and Deca both can give Gyno so let's say i start to feel the itch on the nipples and so I start taking Nolvadex but How do I know if it's normal gyno or Deca Gyno ? and how do you protect against Deca Gyno ?

    Cycle:SUS 250mg/w Deca 200mg/w

    Hip I am confused, please show me some light.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southern California
    Mike, had the same question. I'm running Deca/Test2000 300mg/wk. Just started this week. Have Novaldex on had but it won't help with Deca. I have hear that vitex and Bromocriptine will work for Deca Gyno. You can get vitex at the health food store. If I get gyno I will probably take both Novaldex and Vitex b/c I won't know caused the Gyno. I'm still reading about vitex and would suggest the same.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Originally posted by sk*
    Take armidex/liquidex during your cycle, if you do get gyno then you will know it was from the deca. Nolva is shit imo, just keep it on hand if armidex isn't enough.
    SK, at 200mg of Deca a week do you think I'ts possible to get Deca Gyno and if you do get it How do you Remove it?

    I see that Scott has mentioned vitax and Bromocriptine I will follow up and do some research.
    Thanks Scott.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Originally posted by sk*

    200mg/week of deca is a waste anyway.
    Sk, This is will be my first cycle I have being doing some research on SUS and Deca I know that the dosages I have choosen are not great but you said yourself unless i am extremely prone to gyno it should be fine at the low dosage I have choosen, Being my first cycle i dont know how my body will react
    So truley don't you think I should play it safe ?

    I hope to put on 10kg of mass after this cycle, with your experience is this possible with the dosages I have choosen ?

    stats: 1.73m tall 76kg 3 years Natural 10-15% BF.

    Thanks for your advice.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    I will take your word for it, but why than do most steroid profiles say that a first time user could gain up to 20 pounds on sus alone ?
    I have cut and pasted this cycle that is displayed on alot of the steroid web sites. What do you Think ?



    Beginner Bulk Cycle
    This simple cycle can gain a first time steroid user 20-30 pounds. Sustanon is one of the best beginner drugs to use, and is great on it's own. Some first time users regret only using 250 mg of sustanon. They wish they would have taken 500 mg instead. However, 250 mg is fine, you should see very good results with just this simple cycle.
    DAY Sustanon mg/injection
    1 250
    12 250
    22 250
    30 250
    37 250
    44 250
    50 250
    58 250

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    SK, you say they are not accurate, this specific board under cycles for the Novice they have included a sus cycle. Under their profiles sus for an example states that sus is a good steroid for a Newbie.

    what I'm trying to say, if they are incorrect than why dont they take the time to change those profiles and educate the Novice instead what's happening is that most of us Newbies are getting incorrect info.

    To make things worse is when you ask advice than you get some members that have absolutley no experience with the specific drugs an give you the incorrect advice.

    That's why i am scared to up the dosages for my first cycle, i also don't want to waste all this money and get no results.
    So I will be looking into maybe taking your advice and changing my cycle.
    i just hope I get a good Experience with my first cycle.

    Thanks for your comments.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Originally posted by sk*

    You go hit the search button, which contains a wealth of information on this SPECIFIC topic before knocking my knowledge which I have taken the time and effort to study.

    Fist of all if you read my posts correctly I have not KNOCKED your Knowledge, why in the world would I do that if i have no cycles under my belt, I am not in the least trying to have an argument, specialy when I do not know enough of the topic.
    Yes I have hit the search button if you read my above post I have stated that I haver came across various steriod web pages which contain the same profiles and same cycles as the OUTDATED ONES ON THIS BB AS YOU HAVE SAID. (twice)
    I am just simply trying to do my 1st cycle correctly, since you have suggested i increase my dosages and also to use armidex/liquidex instead of Nolvadex i thank you for your suggestions.
    I will look more into armidex and see if it is avalible in South Africa and hope their is no big price tag on the product due to our Dollar/Rand exgange Rate.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I have to disagree with you on this one bro, I think he could gain ten pounds on 10wks of sus and deca at 200mg/wk if his diet and training are right. It's a gamble though, you may end up very unhappy with your results and realize you wasted your money. Either way, it's not a bad idea to add a little more, but I KNOW for my first cycle if I had run those doses I would have definitely gained 10lbs.

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