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Thread: Ok to inject EQ just once a week?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.

    Ok to inject EQ just once a week?

    Would it be ok to inject EQ once a week- i thought cause it had a life of 3 weeks in the blood that would be fine but i have also heard you should do it twice a week to keep blood levels stable... This question applies to a single ester long lasting test like Enthanate too.
    thanks bros

    "the chief"

  2. #2
    Although I wouldn't recommend it, you can inject EQ only once a week and still get some results. For optimum blood concentration levels though, at least 2 or 3 times a week is ideal. I have only used EQ in one cycle, and I injected 200mg eod. I had great, steady gains starting half way through the fourth week. And a buddy of mine just got off a cycle where he injected 200mg twice a week and he had great gains too.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    its better(theoretically) to inject 2 times per week, but, when i first began doing gear, i injected everything once a week and grew just fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    Injecting more than once a week kind of sucks... but i want to get the best results i can on my first cycle so i'll do it twice a week i think. Is it ok to just alternate cheeks for my shots or should i use other parts of my body as well as it seems ill be injecting pretty frequently?
    -thanks for the responses.

    "the chief"

  5. #5

    once is enough

    Equipoise levels are quite stable and do not need frequent injections unless using the 50mg/ml options.

  6. #6
    alternating cheeks of your ass is fine, infact most AS users do just that if its your first cycle only stick to your glutes and make sure u damn near no wear to poke it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    i'm a little confused now- some of you say to do it 2 or more times a week, others say once a week is just as good.
    I just want the best gains possible- even if that means injecting twice a week- but if i dont have to i certainly wouldnt do it just for the hell of it.
    I'm using the 200mg/ml version of EQ btw.
    -i'm not sure what i should do now

  8. #8

    I've tried it both ways

    and there was no difference so I prefer fewer injections and being able to mix the test and Equipoise as cited above...Equipoise has a long, stable release. BTW the number of injections wont change either way..I just dont like the frequent injections and prefer getting it over with once a week.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    ok thanks guys

    "the chief"

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