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Thread: first cycle

  1. #1

    first cycle

    hello everyone,

    i just finished my first cycle and it was only 250 test cyp....i have been training for about ten years and my diet is good, i am very happy with my pumps are amazing......i also added about 20 lbs of lean muscle while lowering my question is what is a good second cycle and what if any supplements should i run to help me keep my gains while im off....

    thanks for the help...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Test at a 500mg week with d-bol jump start.

    What are your stats and goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Congratulations on your gains. It is good to see people that don't have the more is better attitude on here. If I were you I would run and a low dose anabolic like deca or EQ at like 200-400mg a week with the test as your base in your next cycle and just keep it simple. If you grew of 250 mg then there is no need for crazy dosages. I dont run any types of supp's to hold my gains but alot of buddies of mine swear by creatine even if it is just a bunch of water weight it sucks to watch the weight on the scales go down. It can be depressing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    What did you run for your PCT and how long?
    I would do Test at 500mgs/week for 12 weeks and add ONE compound
    Either Dbol to kickstart or
    Deca for 10 weeks

    Kind of depends on what goals you have in mind for your second cycle. Cut or bulk??

  5. #5
    i havent ran a pct yet, im actually getting ready for my last test shot tomorrow, i have novaldex but i havent had any sides i guess due to tha low dose i am taking....

    im 5 foot 11....235 lbs....30 years bf is lower i really havent checked it not real concernced with cutting....bulking/stregnth and mass is more what im interested in.....

    i am planning on taking 8 weeks off AS and then hiting my next cycle....probably test at 400 and either d-bol or eq. i havent decided yet....

    i feel amazing by the way i cant believe i waited this long to finally try this..


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