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  1. #1
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    Talking enath first time

    age:26 height:1.80m weight: 80 kg i ve been training from 3.5 years and i d like to have some gain. i did some research about steroid and i red the newbie cycle in your site so i d like to do this :
    Cycle 1:
    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED
    so my friends can i have some gain if i do only 250 mg of enan /week
    and 5 mg of nolvadex /wk ( to be more safe )

    and the pct cycle with clomid will be 2 weeks after last injection in this :
    1st week : day 1 200mg down to 150 then 50 mg to the end of the first week
    2dn and 3rd week will be 50 mg ed .

    the problem where i live i dont have L-dex what i must do. i have some product its a liver protection can i use it . thanks

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    age:26 height:1.80m weight: 80 kg i ve been training from 3.5 years and i d like to have some gain. i did some research about steroid and i red the newbie cycle in your site so i d like to do this :
    Cycle 1:
    1 – 10 Enan 500mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED
    so my friends can i have some gain if i do only 250 mg of enan /week
    and 5 mg of nolvadex /wk ( to be more safe )

    and the pct cycle with clomid will be 2 weeks after last injection in this :
    1st week : day 1 200mg down to 150 then 50 mg to the end of the first week
    2dn and 3rd week will be 50 mg ed .

    the problem where i live i dont have L-dex what i must do. i have some product its a liver protection can i use it . thanks

    Well, yes you can gain off of 250mgs/week it is a low dose, but if diet and training are in line you can make nice gains.
    Just click on the banner at the very top right of the page for ar-r research supplies to get ldex and other PCT

  3. #3
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    dear ..
    i live in africa i can do inline command . ( hear i have only clomid-nolvadex -proviron ) and test enan and deca only .
    and one thing more i heard that deca is good for joint and can give some kick in gain can i stack it like this .
    1- 250 mg test
    2-250 mg test
    3-250 mg test 50mg -deca
    4-250 mg test 100mg deca
    9-250 mg test 50 mg deca
    10- only 250 test

    i heard that i shoud run test more than deca for i week bcoz the life time of the injection (end at the same time )
    and my pct cycle is good do i need some HGC injection... thanks

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    L-dex throughout is enough, save nolva for pct.You can go with 250, but Ide just go with 500 because after a bit I bet youll bump it up from 250 anyways once you start to feel it.Since your sticking yourself make it worth while.
    Last edited by BG; 07-09-2006 at 04:09 PM.

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    dear ..
    i live in africa i can do inline command . ( hear i have only clomid-nolvadex -proviron ) and test enan and deca only .
    and one thing more i heard that deca is good for joint and can give some kick in gain can i stack it like this .
    1- 250 mg test
    2-250 mg test
    3-250 mg test 50mg -deca
    4-250 mg test 100mg deca
    9-250 mg test 50 mg deca
    10- only 250 test

    i heard that i shoud run test more than deca for i week bcoz the life time of the injection (end at the same time )
    and my pct cycle is good do i need some HGC injection... thanks

    It would be better if you just run stable levels of everything throughout the cycle like this maybe:

    Weeks 1-12 Test E at 250mgs/week ( needs shot in two doses, one every 3.5 days)

    Personally If this is your first cycle, just stick with Test E ONLY!!

    If you can get HCG , yes you can add it. There are many different ways to use it so do some research on here to see which you want to do

  6. #6
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    i think like that too. but i cant do online command thats i need other solution fro the l-dx

  7. #7
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    My first cycle was 250mg of test e shot once a week and I gained about 24 pounds and get 17 of them. So yes you can grow off of that.

  8. #8
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    HCG i must take it after the 2nd week after the last injection with
    PCT ( 1 injection 5000 /week) per week with clomid .
    can i run my cycle without L-dex means nolvadex only . no gyno (bitch tits ) ?????

  9. #9
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    sorry for my english i mean that HCG should be like this
    10 - 250 mg test
    11- HCG 5000
    12- HCG 5000
    13- HCG 5000 and PCT ( clomid )
    14 - PCT
    15- PCT

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    HCG i must take it after the 2nd week after the last injection with
    PCT ( 1 injection 5000 /week) per week with clomid .
    can i run my cycle without L-dex means nolvadex only . no gyno (bitch tits ) ?????

    Sorry, your english is hard to understand.

    Yes you can run it without Nolvadex, but you are better to have it if you can in case of any signs of gyno.
    HCG needs to be run more than just one injection.
    Go to the PCT forum on here and read some more on it please.

  11. #11
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    sorry man again :
    i said i will run nolvadex 10 mg ED , but without L-DEX ( no gyno )

  12. #12
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    sorry man again :
    i said i will run nolvadex 10 mg ED , but without L-DEX ( no gyno )
    because i cant find it , today i found only proviron

  13. #13
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    hello can someone answer.
    said i will run nolvadex 10 mg ED , but without L-DEX ( no gyno )
    because i cant find it , today i found only proviron

  14. #14
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    i ran monday 125 mg test enath to c how my body will react ( iam alergic).
    next monday i will do 500 mg i must inject 500 mg on monday or i must divide my injection like this (monday 250 and friday 250 )

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    test E should be taken twice a week, once every 3.5 days. so if you take it at 9AM on Monday morning, then take it at 9PM thursday night.
    It is best to keep at one dose to keep blood levels even. SO if you are going to do 500/week, then start and finish with 500/week no need to start lower adn work your way up or down

  16. #16
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    yes sir i understand, about my training it should be high weight low repitetion and 6 days /week (1:30 min)
    i train like this :

    shoulder , back , trapez
    legs, triceps

    is that good thx
    note : testoviron do an oily skin even with this small dose that i take it . i woke up last night at about 3:00 am i found so oil at my noise >

  17. #17
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Injecting in the bathroom
    id work tri's with chest <-- day 1
    day2 shoulders/legs
    day3 back/bi/trap

    you could also throw in shoulders on day1 and do legs alone on day2 but i find it hard to work 3 muscle groups in 1 session

  18. #18
    Pieru is offline Junior Member
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    never heard that test used for bodybuilding low as 250mg week alone.Atleast do 500mg test and you will see some gains.yes,even for beginners.T3/T4 GSR"My first cycle was 250mg of test e shot once a week and I gained about 24 pounds and get 17 of them. So yes you can grow off of that."test e therapeutic use is every two weeks of 250mg and some patients complain that its no enough for them.Maybe people with low cycle dosage will eat better and train better than normal dont know ...?.Look at steroid .com beginer cycle section that will help you.

  19. #19
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    all plz what about 250 mg /week enough or not for the first time aas user and i choose 250 becoz i dont have L-dex i have only nolvadex and clomid. so if there is no problem running 500mg test enant with only 10mg nolvadex for 10 weeks i will do it .(no order online iam in africa)

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    all plz what about 250 mg /week enough or not for the first time aas user and i choose 250 becoz i dont have L-dex i have only nolvadex and clomid. so if there is no problem running 500mg test enant with only 10mg nolvadex for 10 weeks i will do it .(no order online iam in africa)
    250mg/week is a LOW dose BUT it is OK if that is what you want to do as long as you understand it is considered a LOW dose. You will still make gains from it just nothing too great.
    Nolvadex is fine to run throughout the cycle and in PCT

  21. #21
    magic32's Avatar
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    There are other AI's that may be available to you, look into them.

    [qwertyouyou]all plz what about 250 mg /week enough or not
    I agree with Sman, it's low but as a first-timer with good diet and training you'll still see results.
    [qwertyouyou]so if there is no problem running 500mg test enant with only 10mg nolvadex for 10 weeks i will do it .(no order online iam in africa)
    The risks here would be quite similar to running 250mg, so all things considered, you might as well just run the 5.


  22. #22
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    i dont understand (sorry) , but 500mg /week with 10 mg nolvadex is enough or not ?? ( i found proviron it might help with nolvadex or not ..)
    in your site i found on cycle for movice like this : 500 mg test enant and 400 deca / week with only 10 - 20 mg nolvadex with 200 mg vit B6 .(without L-Dex) so how you can explain that thank u..

  23. #23
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    BLEH, get this guy an interpetor!!!

  24. #24
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    another Answer plzzzzzz

  25. #25
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    pick a dose and stick with it dont pyramid

    make sure youre doses are 3.5 days apart

    if you are doing 500mg of test OR 250mg of test and running nolva every day i think you should be fine and not have to worry about l-dex if you cant get it

    proviron will do some of what ldex will do start at 50mg ed, its very synergetic with test

    you could stick with 50mg proviron ED and no nolva unless you see sign of gyno then use your nolva right away.

    really you could use proviron, or nolva, or proviron AND nolva on 250-500 mg test /wk alone go with both if you feel safer

  26. #26
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    another Answer plzzzzzz

    We are trying to help you q, what questions have we not answered or that you do not understand?? You now have me completely confused as to what you want to do here

  27. #27
    one8nine's Avatar
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    you dont need deca but if you are set on using it pcik and dont pyramid. if you want 400 use 400 EVERY WEEK and cut it 2 full weeks before you cut test e to be safe

  28. #28
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    sorry for the confusion bro
    i said that i want to take 500mg enant but i will run 10mg nolvadex without L-dex is there a problem (and wht about proviron can be in the place of L-dex)
    thx man and sorry again

  29. #29
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    yeah ok i under stand ow i recived the message ok

  30. #30
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    yeah ok i under stand ow i recived the message ok

    Good Luck with your cycle, let us know how it goes!!

  31. #31
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    monday i will do 250 mg thursday 250 also .
    smaman look if deca is more safer then testa why for the newbie we dont use deca thx ( sorry man but your site is full of info and i want to have a nowledge in this )

  32. #32
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    monday i will do 250 mg thursday 250 also .
    smaman look if deca is more safer then testa why for the newbie we dont use deca thx ( sorry man but your site is full of info and i want to have a nowledge in this )

    Deca is supressive, meaning it will shut down your natural test production quickly and could give you what is called "Deca Dick" Meaning it could make you LIMP and not be able to get hard. So using it without some TEST is not the best way to go.

    For your FIRST cycle, it is always best to go with TEST so that you learn what it does to your body and how you react with it. Test is the bases for most cycles so you need to learn how your body handles each compound seperately. Once you get through this cycle, then you can add one compound to your next cycle knowing how you reacted to this one. SO, cycle 2 can be Test E ( which you will know how you react to), and add Deca

    The cycles in the "NOVICE" section is a general understanding that they have done at least ONE cycle before and they are still for beginners which would be anyone that has done less than 4 cycles,

    There is nothing that says you CAN'T use Deca with this cycle, it is just that you will not be able to tell which compound your body is reacting to,

    Hope this clears things up a bit for you. Feel free to ask anything you dont' understand. Better to get your answers BEFORE you start your cycle

  33. #33
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    thanks a lot man .
    so final : monday 250 mg thursday 250 mg and i will ran nolvadex 10 mg ED and i can use with it proviron 50 mg ED to be more safer.and then PCT after 2 weeks of the last injection
    day 1 : 200 mg (clomid)
    day2 : 150 mg
    day 3 - 15 : 100 mg
    day 15- 30 : 50 mg ( with nolvadex and proviron all the way )

  34. #34
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    thanks a lot man .
    so final : monday 250 mg thursday 250 mg and i will ran nolvadex 10 mg ED and i can use with it proviron 50 mg ED to be more safer.and then PCT after 2 weeks of the last injection
    day 1 : 200 mg (clomid)
    day2 : 150 mg
    day 3 - 15 : 100 mg
    day 15- 30 : 50 mg ( with nolvadex and proviron all the way )

    YES that is fine!!!

  35. #35
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    ok i will be in touch bro .. and i want to put a photo like your amazing eyes but i dont know how .
    and if i want to weekly post a photo for my body to c the changes also how

  36. #36
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyouyou
    ok i will be in touch bro .. and i want to put a photo like your amazing eyes but i dont know how .
    and if i want to weekly post a photo for my body to c the changes also how
    The pictures that people have next to their name are called AVATARS

    near the top left of the page there is a button for USER CP click on that and you can change your profile by using the keys on the left side of that page.

    to post pics you should do that in the proper fourm under Member Cycle Results. here is the link to it:

    Just start a thread you want and then click on Manage Attachments and follow the instructions.

    There are also thread on how to do this if you do a search for them

  37. #37
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    yes yes thank .testa is toxic on liver and kidny becoz i have i liver protector form all chemicals that are toxic to liver so do u think bro its a good idea to use it .

  38. #38
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    NICE AVY !!! You can take liver protection, it is totally up to you. You are NOT doing any ORAL AAS so you should be OK without it since you are just using Test INJECT

  39. #39
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    sman i red some thread about the fat on the lower back . my weight was 96 kg of heavy fat and then i start to get ripped now iam at 79 kg ripped my abs is good weist fine but the problem on the lower back what should i do to lose it ?
    Last edited by qwertyouyou; 07-21-2006 at 03:37 PM.

  40. #40
    qwertyouyou's Avatar
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    man to be sure only
    proviron 50 mg should also continue on PCT cycel with clomid and nolvadex thx

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