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Thread: dosing help

  1. #1
    roybon79 is offline New Member
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    dosing help

    I am 27 and have been training for 15 years. I have no problem with size. My normal bodyweight is a decently cut 245 and I am 5'10. Right now I am 265 and not really fat, just bulky. My proportions are decent. I have been juicing for about 6 years and I am having trouble figuring out the best doses and drugs for me. I have taken everything there is aside from GH. I try to stay away from bulking agents like test, d tabs, or anadrol . The best cutting results I get seem to be from deca surprisingly. I know a lot of people say it makes them retain water, but not me. Winny seems to have stopped working for me. I have taken up to 100mg/day inj. and the last couple times it has not done what it used to. EQ does nothing for me even in doses of 1000mg/wk. I have my Deca doses up to 800 mg/wk forcing me to use some sust to balance me out. Tren did work , but the amount I took did not seem to be enough and the cost would be to high. any suggestions?

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Have you tried laying off fo ra couple of months so that your receptors can rejuvinate and get fresh again so you can grow again. thats most people's problem they dont give themselves time to recover.

  3. #3
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Have you tried laying off fo ra couple of months so that your receptors can rejuvinate and get fresh again so you can grow again. thats most people's problem they dont give themselves time to recover.

    im with him, i say take some time off. focus on ur diet and ur training.. get urself ready for a fall/winter bulker and then do an awesome cutter in the spring/summer

    even though your probably not gonna do that

    honestly i suggest tryin a test prop/masteron /anavar cycle. or if money is a big issue just get some prop and run it at 150mg/ed for like 8 weeks. ita work

  4. #4
    roybon79 is offline New Member
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    I just took a year off. I generally only cycle 6 months a year and I have had 2 one year layoffs. Like I said about the test, I only take it when I have to because I really don't need size.

  5. #5
    roybon79 is offline New Member
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    I never go for more then four months and always take off at least three in between

  6. #6
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    do a nice anavar cycle then. like 80mg/ed for 8 weeks.

  7. #7
    roybon79 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    do a nice anavar cycle then. like 80mg/ed for 8 weeks.
    Is that enough for a 260 person?

  8. #8
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by roybon79
    Is that enough for a 260 person?

    ya i didn't thiink about that...

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