I wanna see if I can get any advice outta ya...here's the deal I'm planning on driving down tommorrow(WED23rd) to talk to the owner of the pharmacy to see what the fuck is up with my order (he was supposed to ship it to me over a month ago). Give me your advice and also let me know if my calculations are correct. *This is what my cycle is gonna look like:
wk1> 100mg/Prop, 500mg/Sus, 400mg/EQ
wks2-8> 500mg/Sus, 400mg/EQ
wks6-12> 50 or 100mg Winny ED
wks9-12> 300mg/Prop
Starting Clomid Therapy 3 days after last Prop Shot.
*This is what I'm gonna tell the fucking Hoto to send me:
2 10ml Vials@200mg/ml of TTokoyo EQ.
*if they don't have TTokoyo I will get 7 10ml Vials of which kind of EQ@50mg/ml?
16 amps of Sustanon(Organon)
2 Vials of Testosterona(Brovel) Proprionate
42 amps of Winstrol Depot (what kind should I get?)
84 amps of Winstrol Depot if taken 100mg ED
40 tabs of Clomid- 2 boxes?
Clenbuterol tablets( which kind should I get?)
box of Proscar for preventing hair loss.
Now let me know if everythings correct. I leave at 9:00a.m. and will check my this thread before I leave. Should I try to sneak anything back or just have it all shipedl?
Thanks and wish me luck![]()