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I'm surprised Seattle didn't grab this one already.
The answer to your question is two fold, both hormonal and genetic:
Firstly, it is a long established fact that there is a correlation between MPB and DHT, which is why many of the treatments for MPB include decreasing the amount of DHT in the scalp that can affect the hair follicles. The rate-limiting factor in the production of DHT is primarily the amount of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase available to convert the testosterone to DHT. So, having more testosterone in the body does not necessarily mean there is also going to be more DHT.
Secondly, your DNA carries an encoded genetic blueprint. This determines when (manly) hormones are released, thereby signaling the onset of puberty for each individual...thus we get early bloomers (baritones in middle school, facial hair freshman year, etc.) and late bloomers. Similarly, this blueprint carries a 'time release' if you will, for the onset of MPB. Again we see it in 20's fresh out of college, in 30's, 40's, 50's and sometimes not at all.