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Thread: need help with first cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    need help with first cycle.

    Need some help from the veterans. I'm about to start my first cycle. I'm 6-2 225 with 10%bf, 26, and have been lifting hard for 6 years. My cycle goes like this. 500mg/wk of sustanon 250, 300mg/wk of deca ( ttokyo), and 40mg/day of anavar for 10 weeks with deca tapering after 10 weeks. Start hcg at week 11, followed by clomid with nolv/proviron being used during this time as a anti-estrigen. I will follow clomid with clen at week 14 in a pyramid fashion. My question is should I run anavar through the entire cycle or just through the first or last 6 weeks and why. When should I start the hcg and clen or are my weeks ok? Any additional input would be greatly helpful. I'm looking to get to 240lbs+ after all my muscle is kept. Eating/sleeping/training are perfectly in line. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Man, I would use the Anavar throu out your cycle, but in higher dosages 60-80 mg/d. for 10-12 weeks. you'll have no problems there. Your cycle looks good, for a beginner. Smart. I inject hcg ( 5000i.u. ) every 6 weeks. I would use the clen. at the end end of the cycle, because it plays a good role in the respe. in the body, which will help you keep your gains. after 10 weeks of clen. your ready to start your next cycle. I have used clen in diffrent ways, and have found this way works best. F.Y.I, Anavar is very simular to Equipoise, in the future, since Anavar is so dang expensive use Equipoise, its cheaper I think the results are a little better. Anavar is not liver toxic at all even at dosages up to 80mg/d....Peace Man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    What weeks should I start hcg and clen? Some people tell me I'm waisting my money getting hcg and that I should just use clomid, but I'd rather be safe then sorry. What do you think? EQ ( boldenone undecylenate) is a nandrolone drug which is similar to deca but I have not heard its similar to anavar before.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If I do this correctly do you think I will be able to put on 12-15lbs of muscle kept or is that just wishful thinking? Thanks guys!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro there is no need to taper the deca. Also anavar is very good, I have run it at the end of my cycle to help solidify gains, I have also run it during my cycle, either way is good, it is probably the safest steriod and I feel a very good one. You will easily be able to keep 15 pounds should be more. The hcg is not essential but you can use it.


  6. #6
    The original jason Guest
    okk bro no need to taper the deca yes run anavar all cycle if u have the ip stuff run 60mg ed or something I have heard alot of good stuff about it to, also I would run hcg all cycle starting week 3 500iu's ed untill the last shot then stop dont use it post cycle it will only delay recovery also if u really dont want to do it every day i would do it weeks 6&7 500iu's ed I do it all cycle cos it keeps my nads healthy and big i dont like small ones. Also Run the clen about 10 days after your last shot 50/100/50 is best i think. Hope that helps


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks guys. I hear so many different suggestions and theories on when to use hcg that I begin to wonder which one is best. I really don't want to have to shoot every day. Also, would I get any different results doing winnie tabs at 50mg/day for 1st 4 weeks and then going to anavar tabs for final 6 weeks or doesn't it really matter. Thanks for all the help guys!

    wk 1-10 300mg/wk of deca
    wk 1-10 500mg/wk of sustanon
    *wk 1-10 80mg/day of anavar

    wk 10 start nolv/proviron
    wk 10 (mon.) 3000iu of hcg
    wk 10 (thur.) 3000iu of hcg
    wk 11 (mon.) 3000iu of hcg
    wk 11 (wed.) 100mg of clomid
    wk 11 (wed.) start clen
    wk 12 50mg of clomid

    how does that look?
    Last edited by goldsbull; 08-24-2001 at 04:01 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thanks guys. can you vets just verify my changes and let me know if they are correct. i try to be very thorough and make sure i do every thing right. i want to make the very most out of every cycle or i look at it as a waste. thanks for all the help. would adding winstrol in for a few weeks change anything at all?

  9. #9
    The original jason Guest
    did u read my info about hcg?? i dont think so i just checked again

    how about this
    weeks 8&9 hcg 500iu's ed
    week 11 clomid 50mg ed
    week 12 clomid 100mg ed
    week 13 clomid 50mg ed

    apart from that looks good


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    People now tell me that I shouldn't even use hcg and that its a waist. They say to wait 3 weeks after the last shot and start clomid for 2-3 weeks as well as using clen. People post that if you use hcg that it should be done in the middle of cycle if at all. If I wait for 3 weeks after shot that means I'm not taking anything for 3 weeks. Should I use anavar or winstrol tabs during this time?

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