Need some help from the veterans. I'm about to start my first cycle. I'm 6-2 225 with 10%bf, 26, and have been lifting hard for 6 years. My cycle goes like this. 500mg/wk of sustanon 250, 300mg/wk of deca ( ttokyo), and 40mg/day of anavar for 10 weeks with deca tapering after 10 weeks. Start hcg at week 11, followed by clomid with nolv/proviron being used during this time as a anti-estrigen. I will follow clomid with clen at week 14 in a pyramid fashion. My question is should I run anavar through the entire cycle or just through the first or last 6 weeks and why. When should I start the hcg and clen or are my weeks ok? Any additional input would be greatly helpful. I'm looking to get to 240lbs+ after all my muscle is kept. Eating/sleeping/training are perfectly in line. Thanks guys.