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Thread: Dbol cycle

  1. #1
    Donarudo is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Dbol cycle

    Just got my hands on some Danabol 10mg and I've been trying to determine a cycle that's best for me. Did some research on daily dosage and what I should take during PCT. I plan on getting Nolvadex and Clomid but I'm not sure how much I should take of each and when should I take it (during or after cycle, etc). I don't trust myself enough to make my own cycle so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    r u doing d-bol on its own?do you have previous cycle exp and what r your stats?

  3. #3
    McQueen's Avatar
    McQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Wait wait!!!!! let me just get my flame suit on......

    Right im ready away guys

  4. #4
    Donarudo is offline New Member
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    Yeah I was planning on doing so... wanted to combine it with Deca but I don't like needles :-D but if that would be better I'll do that instead. Height: 6'1-ish" Weight: 155 not sure what bf% is but we both can probably guess it's excessively low...

  5. #5
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    depends on how long youve been training.

    i know its tempting to jump on but i would wait and get your diet and routine down.

    also dont run deca with dbol no good at all you would need test with that

    if yopu have made your mind up you can run it at 20-40mg per day but i wouldnt personally.get some test e and do it for 10-12 weeks

  6. #6
    Donarudo is offline New Member
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    This is my first cycle. Been lifting for almost a year now and I eat right although I don't think I consume enough calories to gain much weight I can bench 185 1 rep and I feel like I get stronger as I go but the weight issue really bothers me. You of all ppl should know what you're talking about so what would suggest before actually going on ahead with this... sry to seem like a pain but have no where else to go for help.

  7. #7
    hippie1171's Avatar
    hippie1171 is offline Junior Member
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    do the research like you said and form a cycle for us to critique. help us to help you. since this is your first cycle i wouldnt suggest the dbol yet (1st cycle, no experience, its a strong compound, water retention, tendons v. muscle growth, etc), keep it for later. i would just run test. but if you must, you can run the dbol for the first 4-6 weeks, preferably 4 if its your 1st and add some test on there for 10-12 weeks, plus proper PCT and dieting. without those last your, your cycle=NOTHING

  8. #8
    McQueen's Avatar
    McQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Alot of peeps on here will strongly advise against a Dianabol only cycle as nearly all of your gains will be water,which you will lose when you finnish.
    I have also read alot of threads one here that state that with a good clean diet and PCT you could keep some of your gains.As Helium says you could do with running some Test with that and just use the D-bol to "kickstart" the cycle but if your not fond of Needles then thats not an option.

    I have read a statement on here sayin "too pussy for needles then to pussy for juice"

    I would use the search function and do alittle research and make your own mind up on what you want to do.

  9. #9
    Donarudo is offline New Member
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    Well im sorta broke now since I already spent my dough on the Danabol and the shipping cost was !!!! so if it's not THAT BIG of a deal to kickstart the cycle with it I will establish a cycle I think may be suitable and post back. Thanks for all the criticism and advice.

    EDIT:What exactly do you mean by running some test...?

  10. #10
    McQueen's Avatar
    McQueen is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donarudo
    Well im sorta broke now since I already spent my dough on the Danabol and the shipping cost was !!!! so if it's not THAT BIG of a deal to kickstart the cycle with it I will establish a cycle I think may be suitable and post back. Thanks for all the criticism and advice.

    EDIT:What exactly do you mean by running some test...?

    Check this out

  11. #11
    rake922's Avatar
    rake922 is offline Banned
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    With these stats, you aren't ready for juice...


    If you take just dianabol , you won't keep the gains anyways.

  12. #12
    Donarudo is offline New Member
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    Yeah failed to mention my age to everyone else trying to help me. Oh well... You guys out of all ppl know what you're talking about... hopefully. I guess I'll just pass on this whole thing even tho I may consider it again down the road. I've been doing a WHOLE lot of research on this and I don't know what exactly it takes to be "ready". Thanks for all the help anyways.

  13. #13
    hippie1171's Avatar
    hippie1171 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donarudo
    Well im sorta broke now since I already spent my dough on the Danabol and the shipping cost was !!!! so if it's not THAT BIG of a deal to kickstart the cycle with it I will establish a cycle I think may be suitable and post back. Thanks for all the criticism and advice.

    EDIT:What exactly do you mean by running some test...?
    I don't think you are understanding what we are saying. The dbol -only cycle is horrible ESP. for a first timer. You're going to get all this water-weight really fast (IF you even diet right), then lose it all a few weeks after you stop. Run some test aka testosterone as your base(Do RESEARCH!) with it if you're set on running the dbol. You don't want to stick something in you, or in your case orally (you're going to have to get over the needle-phobia if you are even considering AAS), w/o being 100% prepared for your cycle with all your compounds, PCT, diet plan, and research done. Spend alot of time reading some threads on dbol-only cycles and you will see most people don't advise them. Also, spend alot of time reading up on dbol/test threads. I'm currently on week 3 of a Sust250 (4ester test)/Dbol(kickstart) cycle with proper PCT. Research, get a cycle and diet planned, get your compounds and PCT esp., then hit us back up.


  14. #14
    gymrat12345's Avatar
    gymrat12345 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    With these stats, you aren't ready for juice...


    If you take just dianabol, you won't keep the gains anyways.
    agreed! my god 6'2" and only 155lbs?!?!? did anyone else besides us catch this! train naturally and post some threads in the diet forum. you deft. do not know how to eat for size! sell the dbol and buy some FOOD!

  15. #15
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymrat12345
    agreed! my god 6'2" and only 155lbs?!?!? did anyone else besides us catch this! train naturally and post some threads in the diet forum. you deft. do not know how to eat for size! sell the dbol and buy some FOOD!
    Couldn't agree more. so many people are completely oblivious to how much your diet has to do with muscle growth. i had no idea at all my self when i 1st started training and couldn't understand why i couldn't put weight on. then when i sorted my diet out i just started getting bigger naturally and over a year gained about 10 pounds. i know thats not huge gains compared to a short AAS cycle but going from gaining nothing to gaining 10 pounds just by adjusting my diet was a huge achievement for me. i would always say to research diet 1st. get that in check and the gains will come. then when you have naturally met a point where you can't grow anymore reach for the test. JMO

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    no steroids for u!

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