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  1. #1
    pcruiser73 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006

    Which AI to use?

    First off here are my stats. I am 37 years old, I have been bodybuilding for 18 years. I competed when I was 27 as a light heavy weight. I have done numerous cycles with just about everything. I stopped using gear after my last competition 10 years ago. I had about a 5 year layoff till about a year ago. I just finished a 14 week cycle of Deca @ 400mg/week( no I did not get decadick) with a Nolvadex and Clen PCT. I kept 100% so far and it has been 9 weeks since my PCT was complete. I am 5'11'' and 205 lbs at about 10%bf.

    My question is which AI to use for a 14 week Test E and Deca cycle @ 500 and 400mg repectively per week. I am not concern about Gyno as I had the "lumps" removed when I was 22 and was never bothered with it again. I mostly want to avoid the bloat that comes with Test. In the past I have used nolva but now there seems to be better stuff around. I have some Letro already but some on the board here seem to think it might be too strong just for water bloat. Would a low dose of Letro still be OK, or should I just buck up and get some L-Dex.

    Thanks for your replies


  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    This is a tough question to answer Paul b/c there are ranges of potency when it comes to AI's. Letro is the more common AI to use but then you run the risk of libido issues. You could always run a low dose and adjust from there to suit goals.

    Dont take the nolva with Deca as Nolva can increase progesterone receptors and thats the last thing you want with Deca in the mix. I know you said you're not afraid of gyno but I personally know a few people that had multiple surgeries. Once you have the lumps removed it doesnt mean jack when it comes to return rate. Still have to take every step wisely.

  3. #3
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    I've tried both letro and l-dex and I personally like l-dex better. It's personal preferance though.

  4. #4
    pcruiser73 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    Ok I think I will try the Letro that I already have. What would be a good dose to start out with?


  5. #5
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    .25 mg if Im not mistaken

  6. #6
    pcruiser73 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    Yup .25mg ed, just found C Binos Gyno reversal thread. Should have looked in the ARR forum first before I posted that question

  7. #7
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcruiser73
    First off here are my stats. I am 37 years old, I have been bodybuilding for 18 years. I competed when I was 27 as a light heavy weight. I have done numerous cycles with just about everything. I stopped using gear after my last competition 10 years ago. I had about a 5 year layoff till about a year ago. I just finished a 14 week cycle of Deca @ 400mg/week( no I did not get decadick) with a Nolvadex and Clen PCT. I kept 100% so far and it has been 9 weeks since my PCT was complete. I am 5'11'' and 205 lbs at about 10%bf.

    My question is which AI to use for a 14 week Test E and Deca cycle @ 500 and 400mg repectively per week. I am not concern about Gyno as I had the "lumps" removed when I was 22 and was never bothered with it again. I mostly want to avoid the bloat that comes with Test. In the past I have used nolva but now there seems to be better stuff around. I have some Letro already but some on the board here seem to think it might be too strong just for water bloat. Would a low dose of Letro still be OK, or should I just buck up and get some L-Dex.

    Thanks for your replies

    I would definately get a blood test after 30 days. The Deca will reduce the
    test levels. You might not need as much I-Dex as you think. You just don't
    know until you have blood work done.

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