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  1. #1
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    check my next cycle

    week 1-5 60 mg D-bol per day
    week 1-16 super test @ 1000 mg per week
    week 1-14 Deca 300 @600 mg per week
    week 1-14 EQ @ 600 mg per week
    week 12-16 D-bol @ 60 mg per day

    nolva every day
    L-dex every day
    clom 300 mg 200 mg 100 mg 3 weeks after last shot of test
    Last edited by JRH; 07-22-2006 at 12:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    why use nolva ed? I would just stick with ldex

  3. #3
    tobetutz's Avatar
    tobetutz is offline Associate Member
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    week 1-14 EQ @ 60 mg per week
    week 12-16 D-bol @ 600 mg per day


    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    sorry i changed it

  5. #5
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    Why would you do eq and deca in the same cycle? Just stick to one. Also, if you do go with eq you need to at least run it 400mgs/week for 15 weeks to see results. Frontloading with d-bol for the first 5 weeks is fine, but why would you want to run it again for the last 4 weeks? In my opinion, that's a waste. 60mgs of d-bol per day is a lot. I'd say stick to 40mgs. Also, you wanna run the l-dex at .25mgs ed during the cycle, not PCT.

  6. #6
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    6' 3" 215lbs and old

  7. #7
    tobetutz's Avatar
    tobetutz is offline Associate Member
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    Running the d-bol twice is something that I would not do. How are you going to do your PCT? at what doseages and for how long are you going to run all of your substances? Also how old is old?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRH
    6' 3" 215lbs and old

    Why do you want to run that many compounds with those doses being your weight for your height? Doesn't make sence.

  9. #9
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    I have sean great gains on deca and eq w/ test

  10. #10
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    Just do Test&Deca .
    You should gain plenty of size. Remember to take something to combat bloat.

  11. #11
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    i have done test and deca not enough size i do cardio with a sauna suit every day so i loose all the water all my gains are true gains i think when this cycle is done i will have put on about 10 to 15 lbs of pure muscle

  12. #12
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    Why would you do eq and deca in the same cycle? Just stick to one. Also, if you do go with eq you need to at least run it 400mgs/week for 15 weeks to see results. Frontloading with d-bol for the first 5 weeks is fine, but why would you want to run it again for the last 4 weeks? In my opinion, that's a waste. 60mgs of d-bol per day is a lot. I'd say stick to 40mgs. Also, you wanna run the l-dex at .25mgs ed during the cycle, not PCT.
    Wow Im sorry pdog but your post is VERY flawed.. 1st) Many people have great success with running EQ and DECA at the same time... 2nd) many people have ran EQ for 10-12 weeks with great results.. (it may be more optimal to run EQ for 15 weeks but to say " to see results you muct run EQ at least 15 weeks is wrong") 3rd)I see nothing wrong with runnning dbol at that dosage at the beg and the end.. whats wrong with that? 4) adex can be a good addition to pct not only during the cycle..
    where did you get all this info? Not trying to be a dick, but this adivce should notbe given out..

  13. #13
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    that is what i m talking about

  14. #14
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    JRH I like your cycle.. it should yield great results..

  15. #15
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    thank you I always plan 1 cycle ahead after this bulk what do you think would be a great cutter cycle for next summer and i can get any compound

  16. #16
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    anything with: var, eq, winny, tren , masteron , test, halo..etc

  17. #17
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    cool nice pic i love it

  18. #18
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    all this test and that pic is not good

  19. #19
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    haha.. yea i know

  20. #20
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Drop the 2nd run on Dbol and run a DHT(Such as winstrol )derived AAS in it's place, this will help you continue to gain despite the rising levles of SHBG you be having at this point. I also don't like repetitious use of an AAS or cycle, not unlike workout styles I think the body responds to changing stimulus the best. Other than that the layout looks good, not sure if you need that much gear, but that's your deal~

  21. #21
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    change D-bol to winny?

  22. #22
    shortie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRH
    change D-bol to winny?
    Not necessarily, winstrol is a good example, but any DHT derived AAS will do for lowering SHBG.

  23. #23
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    ok at whaat mg

  24. #24
    shortie's Avatar
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    Depends on the AAS, if you use proviron 50-100mgs/ day, winny will lower SHBG at very low doses, but to get gains from the winny as well as the side benefit of SHBG reduction run it 50 mg ed, masteron run about 400mg/wk will do an excellent job-really up to you.

  25. #25
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Wow Im sorry pdog but your post is VERY flawed.. 1st) Many people have great success with running EQ and DECA at the same time... 2nd) many people have ran EQ for 10-12 weeks with great results.. (it may be more optimal to run EQ for 15 weeks but to say " to see results you muct run EQ at least 15 weeks is wrong") 3rd)I see nothing wrong with runnning dbol at that dosage at the beg and the end.. whats wrong with that? 4) adex can be a good addition to pct not only during the cycle..
    where did you get all this info? Not trying to be a dick, but this adivce should notbe given out..
    ahemem parrotism..i had a feeling youd comment on this post...that 15 weeks 400mg a week is straight up parrot ldex is GREAT for pct..and as for changing the dbol to winny..that would be a good idea but you could also use proviron right through pct instead of ldex nolva/proviron combo is great to combat bloat and estrogen sides

  26. #26
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    Depends on the AAS, if you use proviron 50-100mgs/ day, winny will lower SHBG at very low doses, but to get gains from the winny as well as the side benefit of SHBG reduction run it 50 mg ed, masteron run about 400mg/wk will do an excellent job-really up to you.
    beat me to the proviron comment

  27. #27
    JRH is offline Junior Member
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    ok should i run Masteron at 400 mg per week from 12-16 or what should i chang eq and test to 16 weeks

  28. #28
    shortie's Avatar
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    You could run it right up to PCT weeks 12-18, same can be said of Proviron . Win would be best run only 5 weeks IMO so 14-18. As for choice of drug it's really up to you and what can you get-but any one of those three would be a better addition than dbol run a second time.

  29. #29
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    You are being a dick, Lift, ever since day 1 that I joined this forum. I'm just listing my opinions. Also, I SUGGESTED that eq and deca not be run together because that would thicken the blood real good to the point that he might get high bp. Also, what's the point of running d-bol during the last 4 weeks of a cycle? To me that's just stupid and pointless. The first 4-5 weeks I understand because to frontload and the strength gains, but the last 4 weeks is a waste. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. You can state your opinions without being such an asshole. It's called RESPECTING THE OTHER MEMBERS OPINIONS ON THIS BOARD!!!

  30. #30
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    You are being a dick, Lift, ever since day 1 that I joined this forum. I'm just listing my opinions. Also, I SUGGESTED that eq and deca not be run together because that would thicken the blood real good to the point that he might get high bp. Also, what's the point of running d-bol during the last 4 weeks of a cycle? To me that's just stupid and pointless. The first 4-5 weeks I understand because to frontload and the strength gains, but the last 4 weeks is a waste. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. You can state your opinions without being such an asshole. It's called RESPECTING THE OTHER MEMBERS OPINIONS ON THIS BOARD!!!
    telling someone they have to run a 15 week cycle of eq to see results isnt an opinion..its telling them that at 12 weeks they wont get anything out of it there is a point in running dbol at the end of your cycle because when you are waiting for your androgen levels to drop (2 weeks from last test e shot) its good to have a compound that supports muscle winny would prob be the better choice or tbol or var because they promote less water retention..but if the user only had dbol..itd be more than fine no need for the middle finger..he was picking apart your post in a positive critique sort of way so you didnt give out that advice anymore because its just not true....also telling someone that they cant run ldex during pct? your advice could be taken literally and someone might lose out on a vital component of their pct

    sounds like you are being rude to him..not vice versa

    but hey what do i know

  31. #31
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    Wow Im sorry pdog but your post is VERY flawed.. 1st) Many people have great success with running EQ and DECA at the same time... 2nd) many people have ran EQ for 10-12 weeks with great results.. (it may be more optimal to run EQ for 15 weeks but to say " to see results you muct run EQ at least 15 weeks is wrong") 3rd)I see nothing wrong with runnning dbol at that dosage at the beg and the end.. whats wrong with that? 4) adex can be a good addition to pct not only during the cycle..
    where did you get all this info? Not trying to be a dick, but this adivce should notbe given out..
    agree on all points

  32. #32
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    You are being a dick, Lift, ever since day 1 that I joined this forum. I'm just listing my opinions. Also, I SUGGESTED that eq and deca not be run together because that would thicken the blood real good to the point that he might get high bp. Also, what's the point of running d-bol during the last 4 weeks of a cycle? To me that's just stupid and pointless. The first 4-5 weeks I understand because to frontload and the strength gains, but the last 4 weeks is a waste. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. You can state your opinions without being such an asshole. It's called RESPECTING THE OTHER MEMBERS OPINIONS ON THIS BOARD!!!
    bro I CLEARLY STATED that I wasnt trying to be a dick, but that you should not spread FALSE information.. stop being so sensitive.. if you cant get that you are WRONG then there are some other issues that we have to take care of.. anyway it still stands- the info you are spreading is FALSE.. I dont know how you can take this personally????

  33. #33
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    ahemem parrotism..i had a feeling youd comment on this post...that 15 weeks 400mg a week is straight up parrot ldex is GREAT for pct..and as for changing the dbol to winny..that would be a good idea but you could also use proviron right through pct instead of ldex nolva/proviron combo is great to combat bloat and estrogen sides
    yea it doesnt I agree proviron would be a good addition.

  34. #34
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    telling someone they have to run a 15 week cycle of eq to see results isnt an opinion..its telling them that at 12 weeks they wont get anything out of it there is a point in running dbol at the end of your cycle because when you are waiting for your androgen levels to drop (2 weeks from last test e shot) its good to have a compound that supports muscle winny would prob be the better choice or tbol or var because they promote less water retention..but if the user only had dbol..itd be more than fine no need for the middle finger..he was picking apart your post in a positive critique sort of way so you didnt give out that advice anymore because its just not true....also telling someone that they cant run ldex during pct? your advice could be taken literally and someone might lose out on a vital component of their pct

    sounds like you are being rude to him..not vice versa

    but hey what do i know
    EXACTLY.. thanks for the backup/calrification bro

  35. #35
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    At least anabolios is making a conscious effort to respectfully criticize what I had to say. You lift on the other hand have in the past and today criticized my opinions in a way that is borderline flaming. I don't go around and tell you that your opinions are wrong in a disrespectful way like you do. Anabolios=constructive criticism, you=criticism but being a dick about it.
    Also, my opinions are from personal experience and I have made good gains from my 5 cycles and kept most of them. While I'll admit that I don't know everything about AAS, I know enough to know what an effective cycle is what's not.

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