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  1. #1
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    clen/t-3 not working?

    Hi guys,
    i recently started a 6 week clen /t-3 cycle to cut some fat i gained.
    i'm following one week on, one off protocol for clen.
    clen is taken at 120mcg and t-3 is taken at 120 mcg a day all at once (first thing in the morning).
    the thing is that i saw some fat reduction, but i don't have any sides such as cramps or sweet, just the shakes, but not too bad at all.
    Today i uped the clen dose to 180mcg just to see what happens, but no sides at all, just the shakes which got a litle worse.
    Is it normal to have almost no sides of it?
    I am also using test prop at 100mg eod and deca at 400 mg/week.
    Stats are 1.75, 81kg, 20 yo

  2. #2
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    You do know you should cycle Clen 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off right? Your probaly too immune to it (shut receptors down), and if you are, your gonna gain your fat right back

  3. #3
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    you can run clen 2wk on/off or 6wks total with benedryl every 3rd wk. Try both ways to see what works the best for you. I personally wouldnt go over 100mcg of t3 since it tends to become very catabolic after that. You should lose some good weight with a good diet/routine and 180mcg clen + 100mcg t3.
    I mean Iv already lost 5lbs and im only up to 75mcg t3 and 150mcg clen.

  4. #4
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    what exactly does benadryl do for you anyways

  5. #5
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    i've read about cycling clen and there are many diff views on how to use it...i wanted to go 2 on 2 off but i was reading a thread where people who used it several times, said that 1 on 1 off works better for the receptors.
    Anyway the point here is not the best way to cycle clen.
    i know my gear is 100% legit, can u tell me what the heck is going on?
    Oh Svt, this is the first time i use clen bro, my receptors are "fresh".
    Is it possible to be immune to clen even when u have never used it before?
    thnx for the replys you guys

  6. #6
    leanmach1ne is offline New Member
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    SVT - Benadryl is an anti-histamine. Benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors (i.e. Upgrades them) by inhibiting phospholipase A2, which is the enzyme that breaks down methylated phospholipids, and this action in turn keeps the phospholipid membrane stable, and thus keeps the receptors functioning properly. This will allow you to use clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-adrenoreceptors (not just Beta-2’s but all of them), using an anti-histamine will have a direct effect on reducing beta-receptor stimulation, and thus upregulating your beta-receptors. Nytol can also be used for similar effects. I have used the Nytol 'One-A-Night' which has 50mg of the active ingredient 'Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride'. You should begin to take this after 18 days of clen (as this is when Clen starts to lose its anti-catabolic effect) and continue to take for 7-10 days. After cessation of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride you should be fine for another 18 days without having to use it again. 50-100mg per night (just before you go to bed as they make you drowsy).

    From personal experience I think you may not be taking enough Clen. I used to do my fair share of drugs that have an affect on the adrenal gland (i'm sure you can guess what these are) when I was younger and have built up a kind of tolerance to stimulants. I am currently on 200mcg ed clen and 150mcg t3 with amazing results! LBM has remained constant for the last 3 weeks!

    If you have benadryl/ketotifen/nytol at hand you could add an ECA stack if you felt you still weren't getting results although I wouldn't advise it.

    What is your diet like? To get best results from Clen/T3 you should be aiming for 40/20/40 (protein/carbs/fats). Also consider doing at least 45 mins of moderate intensity cardio first thing in the morning before food.

    Hope some of this helps

    p.s. I'm doing a six week cycle straight through
    Last edited by leanmach1ne; 07-24-2006 at 12:45 PM.

  7. #7
    leanmach1ne is offline New Member
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    Some other supplements you could take are potassium and taurine. Your levels of both of these will go down while on Clen /T3. You should supplement with these if you are experiencing muscle cramps or headaches.

  8. #8
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    actually t3 is suppose to upgrade the receptors that clen degrades. But anyways I only get the shakes when Im on clen.

  9. #9
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by leanmach1ne
    SVT - Benadryl is an anti-histamine. Benadryl slows desensitization of Beta receptors (i.e. Upgrades them) by inhibiting phospholipase A2, which is the enzyme that breaks down methylated phospholipids, and this action in turn keeps the phospholipid membrane stable, and thus keeps the receptors functioning properly. This will allow you to use clen for much longer and it'll still have the same effects. Also, since Benadryl is an anti-histamine, and histamines have a direct effect on beta-adrenoreceptors (not just Beta-2’s but all of them), using an anti-histamine will have a direct effect on reducing beta-receptor stimulation, and thus upregulating your beta-receptors. Nytol can also be used for similar effects. I have used the Nytol 'One-A-Night' which has 50mg of the active ingredient 'Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride'. You should begin to take this after 18 days of clen (as this is when Clen starts to lose its anti-catabolic effect) and continue to take for 7-10 days. After cessation of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride you should be fine for another 18 days without having to use it again. 50-100mg per night (just before you go to bed as they make you drowsy).

    From personal experience I think you may not be taking enough Clen. I used to do my fair share of drugs that have an affect on the adrenal gland (i'm sure you can guess what these are) when I was younger and have built up a kind of tolerance to stimulants. I am currently on 200mcg ed clen and 150mcg t3 with amazing results! LBM has remained constant for the last 3 weeks!

    If you have benadryl/ketotifen/nytol at hand you could add an ECA stack if you felt you still weren't getting results although I wouldn't advise it.

    What is your diet like? To get best results from Clen/T3 you should be aiming for 40/20/40 (protein/carbs/fats). Also consider doing at least 45 mins of moderate intensity cardio first thing in the morning before food.

    Hope some of this helps

    p.s. I'm doing a six week cycle straight through

    you wouldn't have happened to copy that from would you? if not, congrats because its word for word.

  10. #10
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    I get the point, i'm just too tolerant to the drug.
    Anyway i will just up my doses regarding clen , but i don't wanna up the t-3 cause of it's catabolic properties.
    If i get any benadryl i will add it to cycle.
    Thanx for all the help u guys, hope things turn out well

  11. #11
    leanmach1ne is offline New Member
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    Yes I did. Its the most informative post I could find about it.

    Also the main reason people take T3 while taking Clen is that clen lowers your natural T3 levels (either that or it slows down conversion of T4 to T3)

  12. #12
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    as for my diet lean machine it looks like this
    meal 1
    2 egg whites and 70g oats with 1 scoop low carb whey with a tbsp of honey

    meal 2
    200g lean protein with 200g boiled patato and a small salad and i tbsp of olive oil

    meal 3
    200g lean protein with veggies and a tbsp of flax or olive oil

    meal 4 PWO
    1 scoop of 1,5g carb protein along with 10g of glutamine and 10g of dextrose

    meal 5 PPWO
    200g of chicken breast

    meal 6
    1 scoop of 1,5 carb whey protein along with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (and 5g of glutamine on weight lifting days)

    I'm also taking lipo-6 and letrozole
    Last edited by mamias20918756; 07-25-2006 at 05:45 AM.

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