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Thread: aas an my heart!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    aas an my heart!!

    First I would like to say whats up to eveyone an this is my first post. Anyway i am 21 years old i have been training for around 6 years or so my stats 5.8 180 10 percent bodyfat i am now ready for aas 100 percent I know my age is a little young still but i have been waiting for 3 years so now is the time ha. I just wanted to know what the best aas would be for me i am looking to add 15 pounds but I dont want to look like a marshmellow an i would like to have minor sides with that said the real prob is I had a open heart operation when i was 2 i was cleared an 100 percent ok like anyone else after an I have had nothing wrong so would a test e at 450 a week be cool with the heart or what do you think!!!! thanks an sorry for the length

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Its going to be a brave man that answers this question dude

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Its going to be a brave man that answers this question dude
    my sentiments exactly..that would scare me..perhaps try to find a doctor (preferably a cardiologist) that would be willing to answer these questions and make recommendations

  4. #4
    wait a few more years, even without having had heart surgery you're too young. don't take this the wrong way but you've been training for 6 years and you're still 180lbs.. bro, both your diet and training are off. even a modest natural gain of say 5lbs a year would be 30lbs of lean meat. you should look huge at 5'8 and 10%

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    What was the purpose of the surgery?
    And what do you mean by 100% cleared?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ghostdog128
    wait a few more years, even without having had heart surgery you're too young. don't take this the wrong way but you've been training for 6 years and you're still 180lbs.. bro, both your diet and training are off. even a modest natural gain of say 5lbs a year would be 30lbs of lean meat. you should look huge at 5'8 and 10%
    i kinda disagree. lots of people make it seem so easy to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in a year, every year. im not saying hes ready, but i dont think one can determine that he is definitely not just by looking at his stats. sorry i dunno about the heart thing tho, im no doctor.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    when I said 100% i was trying to say my heart is in noway or shap defferent then yours saying your heart is ok!!!HAHA but yea this is the only thing holding me back its a big set back though

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by keith hackney
    i kinda disagree. lots of people make it seem so easy to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in a year, every year. im not saying hes ready, but i dont think one can determine that he is definitely not just by looking at his stats. sorry i dunno about the heart thing tho, im no doctor.

    you're right.. and i can see your point.. but i also think that he's young enough with enough natural t floating around that if he got his diet and training spot on he could make some good gains. I'm 5'9 and i hit 250 before i started the sauce.. granted i was 20% BF but i built some good muscle once i got my training on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    an also yea I should be alot bigger given the time i have put in but i have been surfing an doing a huge amount of cardio which was done to stay in good shape for surfing for around the same time i have been training for but i am putting training 1st now

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    what was the surgery for? at two yrs old? a ventricular septal defect?

    heart defects like this, when fixed surgically, usually are completely healed and wont cause problems that's a good thing

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    yea that is what it was an im not being a smart ass thats y they said i am no defferent then anyone else thanks alot for the help this is a great site

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think 21 is reasonable for someone with a formidable lifting history, whose been patiently waiting the last few years to begin. It's actually commendable.

    If your heart and other major organs are fine (and I'd suggest a check-up and blood work prior to commencing) the standard novice cycle is 12wks of Test E at 500mgs a week. This is often recommended for the following basic reasons: it allows you to see how your body reacts to Test (the base in all aas cocktails); it minimizes confounding variables by using only one compound so you can effectively gauge side effects both now and for posterity (preferable adding only one per cycle); it's enough to make significant gains that would be considered respectable by anyone; and it slowly acclimates one to injections as it only requires bi-weekly shots of 250mgs every 3.5 days.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    thanks alot man!!! someones feeling me haha

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