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  1. #1
    mattydubb103 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Question igf-1 and dianabol for my first cycle.

    whats up guys, i just joined AR yesterday, and need a little advice from someone who knows a bit about d-bol and igf-1. i'm 25 years old, 230 lbs, 6'5" and never really seriously worked out before... HOWEVER i do run five miles every other day.. and i am planning on hitting the gym hard as hell as soon as i start my cycle. anyway here goes, i recently bought two vials of igf-1 and 100 d-bol 10's (yellow snake and arrow pentagons). what is the best way to approach this, and am i making a big mistake using this as my first cycle? i'm trying to avoid serious damages to my body, and i would love for someone to give me a breakdown of how much and how often i should be taking these. i realize that i should have educated myself somewhat more than i have, but to contradict myself, i have spent endless nights reading every possible website, forum, and other type of literature that i could possibly get my hands on, and i think that the above mentioned combination will have the most effective results for me.. i want advice on mg's of dbol and mcl's of igf to use.. i'll reply back to any questions you might have for me, and will greatly appreciate any feedback given whether negative or positive.. thank you - matty

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    well WELCOME TO AR first of all.

    can't help you with the igf, but the dbol isnt' the best choice for a first cycle. mostly water weight that you will lose as soon as your done.

    You need much more research before starting. Like PCT (post cycle therapy )

    what are your specific goals for doing this?
    What is your bodyfat%

    Not really good to start a cycle of AAS without having a good base and training to start off with so NOT hitting the gym until you start is a bad idea IMHO

  3. #3
    mattydubb103 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006
    thanks for the reply my body fat is 17 % . and obviously my specific goal here is to convert as much of my weight as possible into lean muscle, i've been religously running for six months now, and although i feel great, and look healthy, i can not under any circumstance lose my god damn gut as well as fat on other parts of my body... i'm really in no rush to start the gear, simply because (as you can tell) i really haven't much knowledge of how to use it properly. that is the reason that i joined this board. simply to reverse my ignorance, and go into this the right way... how long would you suggest i work out for before starting the gear? and i'm aware that the dianabol will cause unwanted water weight.. (this is where i will get flamed) i was under the impression from alot of the research that i did that usingf the igf-1 properly along with the dianabol will help me maintain more of my gain after my cycle.. is this wrong?

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude...bad first cycle to be honest..a hundred dbols is nothing and would be a good jumpstart for a first cycle or inexperienced dbol user

    if you have never seriously worked out anabolics will do nothing for you...youll regret it i can promise you that..the next few years of your training (if you continue) will be when you figure out what works best for your muscles to grow in terms of food,training,sleep patterns, etc etc...if you arent sure of all these while on anabolics then you arent making the most of what it could possibly be..not to mention you know nothing about cycling anabolics or the anabolics hard for a few years then consider a cycle....for now just sit back and keep reading the new posts and run searches over time you will become more knowledgeable and be able to design an efficient cycle and proper pct
    you wont regret it

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