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  1. #1
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    Exclamation injection dilemma

    Im on week 6 of my Tren /Prop/Winny cycle, I just started to incorporate Winny into the cycle this week.

    I am now injecting

    Tren 70mg ED
    Prop 90mg ED
    Winny 50mg ED
    B-Complex 1.5cc ED

    The problem is i have to split my AAS injections into two. I mix in the Tren and Prop in one, and the Winny and B-complex into another.
    I cant fit Tren/Prop/Winny into the same injection because i also NEED to cut the oil based AAS with Grapeseed oil which takes up the rest of the syringe otherwise i get immoblizing pain, which usually puts that muscel out of the gym for 3-4days.

    The guidelines are 6 sites for ED injections,
    Im injecting Quads, Gluts, for oil based some pain when cutting with oil. I have split ONE injection between both delts but its hit/miss with the immoblizing pain.

    Water based (Winny/B-complex) I inject in delts/Biceps, no problems.

    How should I do this rotation?? Oil based injections are 3cc, water based ones are 2.5cc and YES i need all the grapeseed oil i can get the pain of a Tren/Prop injection not cut with a 1:1 ratio of grapeseed oil puts me out of the gym which is counter productive.

    also i have already checked **************.com and studied the spots many times

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    I looked at this last night and was tryin to think of how you could run it.

    You could:
    a= drink the winny (I wouldn't)
    b- use more sites , tris, lats, pecs

    I have done pec injects with no problems, never tried lats though but heard many are doing them

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    im really considering drinking the winny, Im going to start looking into that.. does anyone know Is it less potent when you drink/inject?

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    im really considering drinking the winny, Im going to start looking into that.. does anyone know Is it less potent when you drink/inject?
    YES it is less potent when it is taken orally. not sure of the exact percent, think it is like 18%, but you can do a search there are a million threads about drinking winny.....lolol
    If you drink it just adjust the dose for what you will lose in potency

  5. #5
    macktownmac's Avatar
    macktownmac is offline Associate Member
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    I did some quick research, it seems like you loose 17% potency when you drink winstrol , that means 50mg injected is the same as about 58.5 taken orally.

    To be safe im going to try and take 2x 30mg am/pm, 60mg ED total.
    I will also pickup milk thistle to project my liver, hopefuly i can find it at a local health food store.

    any thoughts?

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by macktownmac
    I did some quick research, it seems like you loose 17% potency when you drink winstrol , that means 50mg injected is the same as about 58.5 taken orally.

    To be safe im going to try and take 2x 30mg am/pm, 60mg ED total.
    I will also pickup milk thistle to project my liver, hopefuly i can find it at a local health food store.

    any thoughts?

    Milk thistle shoudl be easy to find locally, or click on liver and I believe the sponsor carries something for liver support.
    twice a day is good!!

    Good luck with everything

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