my stats : 205 pounds,13% bf,this will my cycle number 5...
here is what will my next cycle look like:
week 1-4:trenb 80 mg ed
week 4-8:trenb 160 mg ed
week 1-12: prop 1000-1200 mg/week
week 1-8:eq 600 mg / week
week 8-16:eq 800 mg / week
week 8-12:winny 50 mg ed
week 12-16:winny 100 mg ed
week 1-4:GH 4 iu ed (5 days on/2 days off)
week 4-16:GH 6 iu ed (5 days on/2 days off)+ insulin
will take HCG in the middle of my cycle,arimidex ed, clomid 3 weeks after my last test shot
will maybe add trenb 80 mg ed in week 12-16... ??
what do you think about it bros ?? what gains should I obtain of a such cycle?![]()