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Thread: What to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    South Florida

    Question What to do?

    What's up people, i just finish my deca only cycle, dont flame for this, i know this is not a good idea for most of you but for me it was great. Now i'm waiting to start my pct and i have learn here that i must keep my cal high during pct. Ok my question is: Can i do a diet after my pct and keep my gains and loss bf % ?. ( now i have 12% bf )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    YES you can.
    How were the results of your Deca only cycle?
    Did you have any deca dick.
    That is the main reason for not suggesting to do a deca only without test because deca is very supressinve of yoru natural test

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Follow the 120-150 Rule, meaning eat every 120-150 minutes (2-2.5 hrs) Don't let yourself go very long without a meal (always include protein in that meal whether it be from food or a is always better though)
    Keep protein intake high (very high),I include Creatine, 5-10g per day and
    Glutamine 10-20g per day.Take ZMA on a nightly basis. This difference is prob minor but isn't a bad idea as I find I get a better night sleep on it, and insufficient zinc in one's diet can cause low testosterone levels,these are a few things that must be done after a cycle,don`t forget to lift very heavy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Damn nice back ya got there goose4 !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I am on my eighth week of a deca only cycle myself (300mgs weekly). I've gained about 25lbs with bodyfat lvls staying the same at about 12-14% and no deca dick. I too am curious about trying to lower bodyfat and maintain as much muscle as possible during PCT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    head to the diet forum

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    South Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    YES you can.
    How were the results of your Deca only cycle?
    Did you have any deca dick.
    That is the main reason for not suggesting to do a deca only without test because deca is very supressinve of yoru natural test
    i never got deca dick, but i was concern about it, thanks God it didn't happen (all the way around), i've gain 15 lb and lost bf, nice shape and solid muscle look, mild acne on my back and a lot of strength . I did 300 mg a week for ten weeks no more than that.
    Last edited by Sexpert; 08-04-2006 at 02:41 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sexpert
    What's up people, i just finish my deca only cycle, dont flame for this, i know this is not a good idea for most of you but for me it was great. Now i'm waiting to start my pct and i have learn here that i must keep my cal high during pct. Ok my question is: Can i do a diet after my pct and keep my gains and loss bf % ?. ( now i have 12% bf )
    Good advice from both guys.
    But from your statements, I think there may be faulty thinking here.

    Contrary to popular belief dieting (to reduce bf) and high calorie consumption, are not polar opposites. They can both be employed simultaneously. Take a good look at Goose's advice on how to eat and what to eat, and consider that if your intake comes from clean calories, bf will drop while muscle is maintained (and possibly improved upon if training stimulus/training is sufficient).

    So don't think of dieting from a female perspective in which a calorie deficit is the only way, because from a bb'er viewpoint the premium is placed on what's eaten, when it's eaten, and how effective workouts (anabolic & aerobic) are.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    South Florida
    thank you guys...what would i be without you?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Sexpert
    thank you guys...what would i be without you?

    A guy that like hard sex?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Follow the 120-150 Rule, meaning eat every 120-150 minutes (2-2.5 hrs) Don't let yourself go very long without a meal (always include protein in that meal whether it be from food or a is always better though)
    Keep protein intake high (very high),I include Creatine, 5-10g per day and
    Glutamine 10-20g per day.Take ZMA on a nightly basis. This difference is prob minor but isn't a bad idea as I find I get a better night sleep on it, and insufficient zinc in one's diet can cause low testosterone levels,these are a few things that must be done after a cycle,don`t forget to lift very heavy.
    Hey goose4 about creatine, i'm taking creatine as well, should i stop it and start over again after my pct or is ok to continue?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Take the creatine untill you finished your PCT,you can continue with it,however,I like to give my body a break to dry out as much as I can,only for a short time,as I use creatine often.Some people are very Sensitive to bloat with creatine,Evaluate your body.. Every time you perform any type of intense exercise (e.g. weight training) your body uses creatine to provide your body with energy. Unfortunately, creatine stores only last for a maximum of around 10 seconds. That's why you can't train "all-out" for very long, as your creatine stores become depleted.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    South Florida
    got it......

  14. #14
    In order to keep your gains after cycle whilst losing BF you must eat extremely clean. No cheating. In addition the traing must not take a back seat in any way. Its easy to train on cycle, its when your off and the aches and pains come out and you start to see the fullness go slightly, this is what seperates BB's from excellent BB's, those who continue to move foward cycle after cycle. Its not always easy but it is always worth it.

  15. #15
    .Sorry double post.

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