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  1. #1
    HaXor is offline New Member
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    Exclamation What is the best oral stack?!

    Hey, I am about 135lbs. I have been working out 2 years now, on and off. All I can seem to accomplish is tone muscles. I am tone, yet I look skinny. I want to get big. I dont look big, but I am strong as hell. Im terrified of needles, so I have been trying oral steroids . I have been through about 2 cycles of D-bol, which I think were fake/delluted or something. 3 pound gain!? I have the best hook-up in the world now with discounts since I am on good terms. I can get anything now. So knowing that, my question is. What is the best cycle/stack for oral steroids only. I was thinking of taking 300 d-bol " 5 a day " for 6 weeks, along with a 3 week cycle of anadrol . Any suggestions? Any stacks someone else would recommend? Please help, running out of time.

  2. #2
    tele20's Avatar
    tele20 is offline Junior Member
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    Do some research before you hurt yourself man.

  3. #3
    filledout's Avatar
    filledout is offline Junior Member
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    oral only cycles are not good for u waste of ur $ i think since u only weigh 135 do some research on ur diet and u could gain 2-3 pounds a month alone in a years time thats 24-36 pounds then after u got that under control research aas and see what fits u but oral only cycles fit no one they are not good for u u will keep almost no gains

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    if you dont have a paid big enough to put a tiny piece of metal in your skin then you dont belong anywhere near steroids these are serious things you are talkign about and it sounds like you are not ready to get serious. at 135 i think the problem is your lack of FOOD. eat more and then when you are not scared of a thin piece of metal you might be ready to play with what the big boys play with

  5. #5
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by filledout
    oral only cycles are not good for u waste of ur $ .....but oral only cycles fit no one they are not good for u u will keep almost no gains

    I dont agree with this at all. It is simply and not true.

    Anyway, please read the diet forum very carefully. Then I would est. some diet and training goals that will help your gain weight natty.

    After your are spot on then come back and we would all be able to help you find what you need to aquire your aas goals.

    Good luck, and work hard.

  6. #6
    SwiftMove83 is offline Associate Member
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    3 months ago I weighed 130lbs..Ive been in the same boat..for the past few years i have been lifting and a few months ago after i got back from a trip i kicked it into gear...started eating 4 meals a day, and along with whey protein throughout the day and creatine 30 min before my workouts, I have been steadily gaining minimum 5lbs a month. During my workouts, I do 3-4 sets and try and fail each time between 8-12 reps. I actually weighed myself this morning and I was 150lbs. that was suppose to be my goal in another 2 months. So maybe this will give ya a little boost of confidence. change up your plans a little and try and build up a good foundation before you try any steroids .

  7. #7
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaXor
    Hey, I am about 135lbs. I have been working out 2 years now, on and off. All I can seem to accomplish is tone muscles. I am tone, yet I look skinny. I want to get big. I dont look big, but I am strong as hell. Im terrified of needles, so I have been trying oral steroids . I have been through about 2 cycles of D-bol, which I think were fake/delluted or something. 3 pound gain!? I have the best hook-up in the world now with discounts since I am on good terms. I can get anything now. So knowing that, my question is. What is the best cycle/stack for oral steroids only. I was thinking of taking 300 d-bol " 5 a day " for 6 weeks, along with a 3 week cycle of anadrol. Any suggestions? Any stacks someone else would recommend? Please help, running out of time.
    you got tone!?!?!? NICE!!

    dude 2 cycles and you weight 135? jesus christ kid
    i started at about 13--135 and im past 190 now man dont cycle oh god please dont use steroids
    just re read your post and think of what you are typing
    drol and dbol cycles? awful combo
    how about steak and brown rice?
    i say you just eat like a madman and youll gain weight
    then when you hit 200 pounds and you arent so scared of needles then try some steroids
    you should be more scared of getting boobies and ridiculous bloat than of needles
    come on kid lets think with your head here

  8. #8
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    how old are you..?

  9. #9
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaXor
    Hey, I am about 135lbs. I have been working out 2 years now, on and off. All I can seem to accomplish is tone muscles. I am tone, yet I look skinny. I want to get big. I dont look big, but I am strong as hell. Im terrified of needles, so I have been trying oral steroids . I have been through about 2 cycles of D-bol, which I think were fake/delluted or something. 3 pound gain!? I have the best hook-up in the world now with discounts since I am on good terms. I can get anything now. So knowing that, my question is. What is the best cycle/stack for oral steroids only. I was thinking of taking 300 d-bol " 5 a day " for 6 weeks, along with a 3 week cycle of anadrol. Any suggestions? Any stacks someone else would recommend? Please help, running out of time.

    dont get me wrong, i love dbol , but i would never run it by itself. imo a good oral only stack would be tbol/winstrol

    btw, im not a very big fan of anadrol . ive never used it myself, but ive heard its absolutely terrible for you, plus you dont keep sh_t from it.

  10. #10
    k@m NYC's Avatar
    k@m NYC is offline Associate Member
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    Anavar only will do your body good too.

  11. #11
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    Test only cycle. Quite being a pussy and poke yourself. Also, if you're 135 old are you? If you're under 21, don't use AAS...I'm personally waiting till 23-24.

  12. #12
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUnit33
    Test only cycle. Quite being a pussy and poke yourself. Also, if you're 135 old are you? If you're under 21, don't use AAS...I'm personally waiting till 23-24.
    there ya go..
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