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Thread: tight quads

  1. #1
    jjhcore is offline New Member
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    Jun 2006

    tight quads

    this is my frist cycle 13th day woke up this morn quads were very sore and tight like i work the hell out of them they are were i inject so is it that thats were you start to grow frist new to this

  2. #2
    rake922's Avatar
    rake922 is offline Banned
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    Feb 2006
    You chose your quads instead of your ass?

    What are you injecting anyways?

  3. #3
    jjhcore is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    tight quads

    test cyp dbol tren e i do not like needles so quads were easier to see what i was doing

  4. #4
    Tattoo70's Avatar
    Tattoo70 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2003
    Your girlfriend knows
    Are you rotating your injection sites? If you continuously inject in the same spot you are gonna build up scar tissue in that spot. Not good. Though I don't think that would be the case in 13 days but could be a big reason for the soreness if so.....ALWAYS rotate...Left quad,right quad...left glute,right glute...left delt,right delt then it should be ok to repeat.

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