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  1. #1
    Tbol is offline Associate Member
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    Test E at 375 Ml

    I have been taking tren 75 ml ed for 5 1/2 weeks and test e for
    375 ml

    I know 500 ml is what I am suppose to take but i got shorted and that is what I started with and what I will have to finish with.

    If you were in my shoes would you go for 8 weeks with test e or 10 weeks
    is it worth the extra time at that dose?

    I have to do 8 weeks to be able to do my pct but I could go 10
    I am already 6'2 255 and I am not cut but I have lossed a lot of fat and I have veins popping out that were never there before.

  2. #2
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    How many cycles have you done?

  3. #3
    Tbol is offline Associate Member
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    Dallas Texas
    this is my 2nd I did one at 29 and I did my 2nd at age 39 pushing 40 soon

    Oh and this is my 2nd cycle ever

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes you can run it for 10 weeks. I would suggest it actually. Is that your only question?

    And you mean mg no mL. If you were injecting 375mL of ANYTHING per week you would be f*cked.

  5. #5
    Tbol is offline Associate Member
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    Dallas Texas
    well It is it is test 2 ml equals 500
    and i have 1.5 instead of two
    so my math is not right but you get the idea

    I may need to get with you bino (pm) with a pct question

  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Ya no worries just PM me anytime.

    And I meant that you were mistaking mL for mg thats all. Nothing about the dosing, just the fact that you were typing 375mL, and you should have been saying 375mg.

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