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  1. #1
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    How long have you guys ran Letrozole for treating your gyno?

    I have been treating my gyno with Letrozole for 2 weeks now using 2.5mg everyday. I still have a small lump the size of a nickel behind my right nip and I notice a smaller lump on my left. Not really sensitive as it used to be but the lumps haven't gone away yet.

    So just wondering for all you guys that have dealt with this how bad was your gyno and how long did you have to run your Letro for to get rid of your gyno? And did you completely get rid of it?

  2. #2
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    i did for 2 day...4 days it went away,extra 4 to be safe

    mine wasnt as sever as a say a raisin

  3. #3
    Tattoo70's Avatar
    Tattoo70 is offline Associate Member
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    Your girlfriend knows
    [QUOTE=doublefister] I still have a small lump the size of a nickel behind my right nip
    The size of a nickel? Dude........

  4. #4
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    ya thats kinda read C binos GYNO thread...then maybe personal message em

  5. #5
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Yea I followed Bino's protocol. I feels more like a gland than anything and its really hard to tell if its ever been there but Im sure it hasn't because my left nip would have the same gland the same size.

    Its already affecting my libido too so was curious if I should add some Dostinex to the mix since I was lactating when I first started.

  6. #6
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    hmm I feel that u taking already a very high dose! u should extent your protocol for more than 3 weeks but at doses less than 1,75 every 3rd day

  7. #7
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    yes, 2.5 is verrry high...but then again..u have a veeerrry big lump...i was only doing .5 and i LOST MY LIBIDO...i couldnt get it up for the life of your gonna witness a horrible low sex drive for shur....i would just go for cialis when u finished with the letro for sex drive anyway

    hmm...1.75 evry 3rd...just go for .75 ED...try messaging C_Bino...he will help for the "gland" r u shur its not BF??

    try....pointer finger n thumb on both sides of areola, gently push down as far n squeeze.. 1 lump?? or many??

  8. #8
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Yea I have already lost my sex drive and it sucks but I will deal with that later. I feel one lump right behind my right nipple and my left nipple its smaller.

    How can I find out for sure about my gyno? What kind of doctor do I go see and what do they do? An ultrasound or something? My doctor knows about it but he doesn't think its anything major but I told him there are lumps. I am gonna see him again in about a week or two so he will probably check it out.

  9. #9
    Bulkcut is offline Associate Member
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    I went to the military doctor and played dumb So they did an ultrasound
    and results state:
    Ultrasound of both breasts demonstrate bilateral gynecomastia . on the right it measures approximately 3.1cm in diameter x 1.1 cm in thickness, on the lest measuring 3.4 cm in diameter x 1.0cm in thickness.
    Doc says take NSAIDS (moltrin,etc) for pain and it should resolve on its own.
    I know thats not going to happen. So i am going to play dumb until after i come back from Afganistan and then tell them they need to cut this shit because i did Super Drol and the supplement was leagal at the time.

  10. #10
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkcut
    I went to the military doctor and played dumb So they did an ultrasound
    and results state:
    Ultrasound of both breasts demonstrate bilateral gynecomastia . on the right it measures approximately 3.1cm in diameter x 1.1 cm in thickness, on the lest measuring 3.4 cm in diameter x 1.0cm in thickness.
    Doc says take NSAIDS (moltrin,etc) for pain and it should resolve on its own.
    I know thats not going to happen. So i am going to play dumb until after i come back from Afganistan and then tell them they need to cut this shit because i did Super Drol and the supplement was leagal at the time.

    Yea I think I am gonna go see the doctor this week and see what they say. Im guessing that they will have to do an ultrasound to see how big the gyno is.

  11. #11
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    keep this updated pleas

  12. #12
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Well going into my 3rd week of Letrozole running at 2.5mg everyday. It definitely has been affecting me pschologically. As for the side effects? Libido is 90% gone, immune system is weak, and starting to notice my joints bothering me.

    Is it worth it? Well I guess I will see when I am finally off the Letrozole. I will give it a total of at least 8 weeks and then decide if there is a difference at all.

    I have about 2 weeks left on my test cyp injections for my TRT. After that I feel I will notice the big difference if the Letro is working or not. Only thing Im disappointed in is that I had to drop my HGH.

  13. #13
    flabbywussy's Avatar
    flabbywussy is offline Senior Member
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    letro took around 6 to 8 weeks b4 my lumps diminished. yes i said lumps(both) run the letro til the lumps go away totally then taper off slowly so no rebound.

    who cares about sex drive it comes back.

  14. #14
    Hitman's Avatar
    Hitman is offline Senior Member
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    I ran all sorts of test in a mild mannered sort of way not to worried about the ramifacations but after the last test cyp only cycle I got the old itchy feeling and ran letro for 5 weeks , now the lumps subsided and the itchyness went away after 2 weeks but I can feel slight lump under the left nip that Im sure will never go away. That was almost 12 months ago now.So just be smart about it all mate. Good luck bud.

  15. #15
    QbanRascal's Avatar
    QbanRascal is offline New Member
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    ive taken it for 2 months at 2.5 ed.i really didnt notice anything until a month into it.make sure you tamper down and take nolva after it.

  16. #16
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Hey thanks a lot guys. I post on so many boards and there's not a lot of people with similar experiences so it gets kinda depressing to not know what the hell is gonna happen.

    Only going into my 3rd week so its good to know that most of you guys have done it 8 weeks straight which is how long I was planning on running it. Sides sucks though. Now the tendonitis in my elbow is getting worse and the rest of my joints, my immune system is weakening, and still the sex drive is how I was before I started my TRT (But Cialis can fix that problem ).

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