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Thread: HALO or WINNY ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The dirty Jersey

    HALO or WINNY ???

    im hitting up a cycle in a couple weeks, im 20 and this would be my third cycle im 190 but wanna get bigger and a bit cut up i already did prop and tren before so im gonna stick wit that bc its da bomb
    wk 1-8 prop 500mgs
    wk1-6 tren a 300mgs
    wk4-8 igf
    i also got my pct and novla set up right

    but i wanna take an oral i got winny and halo which one would you take??

  2. #2
    halo all the wayyy why would an athlete/bodybuiler or anyone for that matter want dry joints not worth the risk IMO

  3. #3
    and halo is way better for strength that winny. never used winny but thats what i read. SO CALL ME A PARROT GUYS no just sharing my opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by masterjuice
    im hitting up a cycle in a couple weeks, im 20 and this would be my third cycle im 190 but wanna get bigger and a bit cut up i already did prop and tren before so im gonna stick wit that bc its da bomb
    wk 1-8 prop 500mgs
    wk1-6 tren a 300mgs
    wk4-8 igf
    i also got my pct and novla set up right

    but i wanna take an oral i got winny and halo which one would you take??
    How tall are you for only being 190lb and coming on a third cycle? As for the oral, I'd go winny 100mg ed for wks 5-9. I'd also save the IGF for PCT.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The dirty Jersey
    i dunno bc i would like the strengh factor in halo but will it get me as much lean mass as winny? and why would igf be better in pct?
    im like 5'11
    Last edited by masterjuice; 07-28-2006 at 09:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by masterjuice
    i dunno bc i would like the strengh factor in halo but will it get me as much lean mass as winny? and why would igf be better in pct?
    i think so you are hungry and help you to keep gains

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by masterjuice
    i dunno bc i would like the strengh factor in halo but will it get me as much lean mass as winny? and why would igf be better in pct?
    You aren't serious, are you?

    The consensus on halo is strength gains more than anything. But I find winny at dosages 100mg+ are effective for LBM gains along with some strength commonly associated with dht derivitives.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    youre only 20 and you want to run a cycle allready?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I assume your dosages are by the wek ??? prop is ok but tren should be bumped up to 450mg and run it 8 weeks as well !! halo and winny are 2 completely different aas !!! Read the profiles on each !! Halo would be my choice !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    bump !!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx
    I assume your dosages are by the wek ??? prop is ok but tren should be bumped up to 450mg and run it 8 weeks as well !! halo and winny are 2 completely different aas !!! Read the profiles on each !! Halo would be my choice !!!
    dont listen to this guy

    im sure if you are cutting it early you know why to cut it early and this guy really doesnt know

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Phx, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by diezell
    youre only 20 and you want to run a cycle allready?

    oh well..they gon do it anyway!

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