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Thread: Dbol Bridge

  1. #1
    manc's Avatar
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    Dbol Bridge

    in the steroid profiles on Dbol it says it can be used as a bridge without stopping your test levels returning.has anyone tried this ? is this wise?
    thanks for any input guys

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude this is called cruising not bridging and it means you never come off steroids and you never allow your natural Test prodcution to restart. Big mistake IMO !!!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude this is called cruising not bridging and it means you never come off steroids and you never allow your natural Test prodcution to restart. Big mistake IMO !!!!
    thats what i always thought. have you read it though,he does say 10mg dbol a day while on pct will keep gains

  4. #4
    helium3's Avatar
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    the longer you are clean the chances are youll make better gains the next cycle,if not youll have to bump up the dose big time to make significant gains,go recover then come back for more.

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    thats what i always thought. have you read it though,he does say 10mg dbol a day while on pct will keep gains
    Man I dont need to read it through, I have researched this for years. Of course you will keep your gains because your test levels will always be high. If you do a good PCT and keep your calories and protein up and back off your workouts to 75& of what you are doing now you will keep most if not all of your gains.

    PCT is vital for your health. How old are you by the way.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Man I dont need to read it through, I have researched this for years. Of course you will keep your gains because your test levels will always be high. If you do a good PCT and keep your calories and protein up and back off your workouts to 75& of what you are doing now you will keep most if not all of your gains.

    PCT is vital for your health. How old are you by the way.
    nearly 39. im clean at the mo,i just came across it,its very misleading then as alot of newbs will take it as gospel as it is in steroid profiles.
    In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of AAS, in this case dbol ), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wonŽt lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an AAS will help you maintain them. Typically, youŽd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG . This would give you full androgen replacement from the Dbol and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    in the steroid profiles on Dbol it says it can be used as a bridge without stopping your test levels returning.has anyone tried this ? is this wise?
    thanks for any input guys
    Definitely not. You are heading into HRT territory here and that is not good. Time off is the key to maintainng your natty production and long term health.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Definitely not. You are heading into HRT territory here and that is not good. Time off is the key to maintainng your natty production and long term health.
    yes your right. i just wondered why it says you can in steroid profiles

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    yes your right. i just wondered why it says you can in steroid profiles
    I suppose you could if you wanted to, its really down to the individul. It wouldnt me my choice tough. Give it a try mate, see how it works for you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    I suppose you could if you wanted to, its really down to the individul. It wouldnt me my choice tough. Give it a try mate, see how it works for you.
    i may do. was hoping some one had tried it already

  11. #11
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    Im sure a few have, just wait for a few replies and see what they thought of it.

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    nearly 39. im clean at the mo,i just came across it,its very misleading then as alot of newbs will take it as gospel as it is in steroid profiles.
    In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of AAS, in this case dbol ), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wonŽt lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an AAS will help you maintain them. Typically, youŽd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG. This would give you full androgen replacement from the Dbol and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT.
    OK so this is the key here and yes plenty of people have and do do this. the argument is, how do you know your natural test production has restarted properly and the answer is you cant know even with blood tests because test levels will be in range but is it the dbol thats doing that or is it you natural system.

    The choice is yours, I know which one I would make.

  13. #13
    manc's Avatar
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    appreciated kale an Xlarge. i see the point but when you read at first it sounds great.a lot of new guys will beleive it cos they found it here.
    thanks again.

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    appreciated kale an Xlarge. i see the point but when you read at first it sounds great.a lot of new guys will beleive it cos they found it here.
    thanks again.
    Man believe me there are a lot of things that you will see around here that are not necessarily the best thing to do. The smart dudes, like you, will question everything and then weigh up the options they are then given for them selves and make an informed decision

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