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  1. #1
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    alright give me your opinions

    Yo! Just thinkin about some things... I've decided im not gonna run long esters anymore... gonna stick just with lean bulking cycles, and stick with these compounds: Prop, Tren , Winny, Halo, Var, Npp, Masteron , and drol. (any others u can think of? besides maybe Bold Cyp, and primo?) Also sticking with arimidex , proviron , nolvadex , hcg .. no more clomid crap. igf-1 LR3.. could also throw in GH if i wanted...

    My challenge to you, is i want ideas on the baddest ass cycle you can make with any variety of these.. i'm preppin for my 4th cycle... im 213lbs 6-8% bf and wanna get to 230.... Make it as big or as small as you want it... im just lookin for some opinions and options..

    Rep em boys!


  2. #2
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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  3. #3
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Ok here we go... seeing as we are looking for lean mass and i don't know what your previous cycle/Training experience is i'm just gonna name what i'd throw in and let you choose the dosages and cycle length. Ok i would use primo as 1st choice but if cost is an issues then substitute it with masteron . with this i'd use prop, var and t-bol (which it looks like you forgot about :-) ) i'm still on my masteron/var/t-bol cycle and with excellent results and if i didn't bloat crazy on prop i'd have that in there too. so far, best cycle I've been on. rock hard gains, look a lot leaner and much more vascular. muscles are a lot fuller. loving it. Good luck. King

  4. #4
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    Yo! Just thinkin about some things... I've decided im not gonna run long esters anymore... gonna stick just with lean bulking cycles, and stick with these compounds: Prop, Tren , Winny, Halo, Var, Npp, Masteron , and drol. (any others u can think of? besides maybe Bold Cyp, and primo?) Also sticking with arimidex , proviron , nolvadex , hcg .. no more clomid crap. igf-1 LR3.. could also throw in GH if i wanted...

    My challenge to you, is i want ideas on the baddest ass cycle you can make with any variety of these.. i'm preppin for my 4th cycle... im 213lbs 6-8% bf and wanna get to 230.... Make it as big or as small as you want it... im just lookin for some opinions and options..

    Rep em boys!

    you want the baddest ass cycle go ask Tai :-) if you want a reasonable dosed cycle with calculated risk this is what i would run (you are not a fan of short cycles, afaik so this is a longer one):

    Weeks 1-8: Test Prop 600mg/week
    Weeks 1-6: Tren Acetate 500mg/week
    Weeks 3-8: Winny 100mg/ED
    Weeks 1-end of PCT: ari 0.25mg/ED
    Weeks 1-6: T-bol 50mg/ED (optional and not advised due to extended 17aa use)

    Then PCT...

    This is a rather simple cycle. But as it is only your 4th cycle i think it would be really easy to pack on 15lbs quality mass on your frame assuming diet and training are in check.

  5. #5
    godkilla's Avatar
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    prop, tren and winny. run some letro and hcg along with and your good to go. you could also run this pct;

    pretty vague cycle, but i am sure you get the idea.

  6. #6
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    1 - 8 Prop @ 800 week
    1 - 8 Tren A @ 500 week
    1 - 4 var @ 100 mg ED
    2 - 8 Winny @ 200 mg ED IM
    4 - 8 Halo @ 20 mg ED
    2 - 8 Letro .25 ~ 0.5 ED

    8 - 15 PCT

    Good luck and please invite me to your funeral.

  7. #7
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbieG
    1 - 8 Prop @ 800 week
    1 - 8 Tren A @ 500 week
    1 - 4 var @ 100 mg ED
    2 - 8 Winny @ 200 mg ED IM
    4 - 8 Halo @ 20 mg ED
    2 - 8 Letro .25 ~ 0.5 ED

    8 - 15 PCT

    Good luck and please invite me to your funeral.

    yeeaaaa! thats what i was lookin for.

    lions letro SUCKS! sorry but it does. i'll stick with arimidex 1mg eod

  8. #8
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    I'm also gonna really consider doing that robbie... good work

  9. #9
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    what u think about this:
    1 - 8 Prop @ 1000 week
    1 - 8 Tren A @ 500 week
    1 - 4 var @ 100 mg ED
    2 - 8 Winny @ 200 mg ED IM
    4 - 8 Halo @ 20 mg ED
    2 - 8 Arimidex 1mg EOD
    1 - 8 Proviron 50mg ED
    1 - 8 IGF 1 40mcg ED
    1 - 8 GH 2 iu's ED

  10. #10
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    You want a BAD cycle????LOL..I wont post it on the open forum bro!!!!!!!!!!!11

  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
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    wk 1-12 Test Prop 75-100mg/ED
    wk 1-8 Tren A 50mg/ED (adjust thje dose accordingly comparing gains/sides)
    wk 6-12 Tbol 50mg/ED (adjust thje dose accordingly comparing gains/sides)
    wk 1-PCT HCG 250-500ius/E4D
    wk 1-PCT Aromasin 20mg/ED
    wk 1-12 Letro 0.5mg/ED (Due to a 19-Nor being used)
    wk 1-PCT Ends Vit-B6 100mg/ED

    Bloodwork done week 7. This wil determine whether the cycle continues or not.


    wk 1-3 HCG 500ius/ED (Weekdays)
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 1-6 Proviron 50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Aromasin 20mg/ED

    *Swap Tbol for Winstrol 75mg/ED if you dont have it*

  12. #12
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    You want a BAD cycle????LOL..I wont post it on the open forum bro!!!!!!!!!!!11

    yeaaa i do... PM it to me pleeease!

  13. #13
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    what u think about this:
    1 - 8 Prop @ 1000 week
    1 - 8 Tren A @ 500 week
    1 - 4 var @ 100 mg ED
    2 - 8 Winny @ 200 mg ED IM
    4 - 8 Halo @ 20 mg ED
    2 - 8 Arimidex 1mg EOD
    1 - 8 Proviron 50mg ED
    1 - 8 IGF 1 40mcg ED
    1 - 8 GH 2 iu's ED

    im kinda likin this one

  14. #14
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    For a 4th cycle id go with Prop 100mg eod 12wks, Npp (you will love it) 300mg/wk split 150mg Mon/Thur 12wks(Ive done this b4 and you don't have to take it eod), Var 60mg ed starting wk 3 to the end of the cycle. (If you want add about 25mg of win with the Var for extra hardness. After last inject of cycle wait a wk and start pct of clomid 100mg ed for 1wk and 50mg for 21 days. You can use hcg 500IU Sat/Sun thruout cycle and then after last inject of the cycle, the wk b4 pct do 1500IU split 500IU Mon/Wed/Sat along with 25mg proviron . I use aromasin 12.5mg ed thruout cycle, better on the lipids then armidex.

  15. #15
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Halo should not go over 20 mg ED, it´s not gonna give you less than a 50, you´r receptors won´t handle all of this

    So .. For something that actually might work, I wouldn´t overdo it .. keep Halo in the 20 mg's, keep the tren about a 75 ED, keep the winny at 200 for 4 week and the test not more than a 70 ED..

    I don´t think your body will use like 150 test ED,. 200 mg tren ED something like that..

  16. #16
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbieG
    Halo should not go over 20 mg ED, itīs not gonna give you less than a 50, youīr receptors wonīt handle all of this

    So .. For something that actually might work, I wouldnīt overdo it .. keep Halo in the 20 mg's, keep the tren about a 75 ED, keep the winny at 200 for 4 week and the test not more than a 70 ED..

    I donīt think your body will use like 150 test ED,. 200 mg tren ED something like that..


  17. #17
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    what u think about this:
    1 - 8 Prop @ 1000 week
    1 - 8 Tren A @ 500 week
    1 - 4 var @ 100 mg ED
    2 - 8 Winny @ 200 mg ED IM
    4 - 8 Halo @ 20 mg ED
    2 - 8 Arimidex 1mg EOD
    1 - 8 Proviron 50mg ED
    1 - 8 IGF 1 40mcg ED
    1 - 8 GH 2 iu's ED
    No need for Proviron 1-8 if you're running prop 1-8 and most of those compounds have minimal bloat.

    Save the Proviron for PCT, 50mg.

    Other than that looks dope........

    Your Homey,

  18. #18
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    Yo! Just thinkin about some things... I've decided im not gonna run long esters anymore... gonna stick just with lean bulking cycles, and stick with these compounds: Prop, Tren , Winny, Halo, Var, Npp, Masteron , and drol. (any others u can think of? besides maybe Bold Cyp, and primo?) Also sticking with arimidex , proviron , nolvadex , hcg .. no more clomid crap. igf-1 LR3.. could also throw in GH if i wanted...

    bold cyp is a long ester

    but other than that
    oo i wanna play
    1-12 prop @100mg ed
    1-10 tren @75mg ed
    1-4 halo@ 40mg ed
    5-12 var @60mg ed
    1-12 masterson @100mg ed
    1-12 proviron @50mg
    1-12 hcg 250iu e3d


    13-16 [email protected] ed
    13 nolva 40mg
    14-16 nolva 20mg

    i dont know anythign about slin or gh but you should use them too maybe ill have to do this one
    Last edited by one8nine; 08-03-2006 at 12:45 AM.

  19. #19
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    bold cyp is a long ester

    but other than that
    oo i wanna play
    1-12 prop @100mg ed
    1-10 tren @75mg ed
    1-4 halo@ 40mg ed
    5-12 var @60mg ed
    1-12 masterson @100mg ed
    1-12 proviron @50mg
    1-12 hcg 250iu e3d


    13-16 [email protected] ed
    13 nolva 40mg
    14-16 nolva 20mg

    i dont know anythign about slin or gh but you should use them too maybe ill have to do this one
    lol yea i was plannin on throwin in 4 iu's of GH a day, and 60mcg of IGF a day

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