Ok we seem to get a lot of questions on the board about bloating, some from newbies some from experienced users. Just thought i'd note some basic info on it to hopefully answer some questions. Right well to start we need to look at the causes of bloating.The main cause is estrogen. The build up of excess estrogen in the body causes the build up of certain electrolites, namely sodium. When your body has a higher than normal level of sodium it attempts to dilute it by holding onto water in the subcutanious fat on our bodies. This is usually visible in the face (especially the cheeks and under the eyes) and the chest but does also include other areas. So with this in mind our approach to reducing this bloating should revolve around reducing the estrogen in our bodies. This can be done by using non-aromatizing steroids , lower doses of the ones that do aromatize or the use of AI's or SERMS. some steroids themselves also have anti estrogen properties and can help in the same way. Masteron is an excellent example of this. A lot of people ask questions like "will i bloat with test if i use an AI?" No one can answer this for you as everyones body reacts very differently. Especially when talking about side effects. Some people don't bloat with deca ,test or A-drol. others will bloat with winny or prop (i'm living proof) so the only way to find out is to try it yourself. You can always start with a low dose and work up if you find the sides tollerable. Another question that gets asked is "how long will it be before i get rid of the extra water weight" This obviously depends highly on what ester is being used and therefore how long before the steroid is out of your system. I have noted that on each cycle i have done it tends to take approximately 10-14 days after you would expect there to be no active steroid in your system. i.e. if your on prop you can expect to loose water weight approx 2 weeks after your last shot but with something like sust or deca it could be 3 or 4 weeks before its out of your system which would mean around 6 weeks after your last shot before the water had come off. Anyway i just thought i'd post this to answer some questions. It's only basic stuff but may help some. King