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Thread: Conversion Kit an Oil Qustion.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Las Vegas, NV

    Conversion Kit an Oil Qustion.

    I am having extreme pain with my Propionate. I am doing 1 and 1/5 cc at 100mg/cc, so 150 mg per shot. we do this 3 times a week...but man My shoulders are hurting so bad I cant hardly hold a bottle of water in my hand. So after reading other posts I have decided my gear needs to be cleaned, and I need to add cottonseed oil. So I am ordering a conversion Kit and some filters. I have a couple of much can I pass through one filter before I need a new one. Also, is the oil in the conversion kit from arr sterile? If do I do it? Thanks so much guys...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    1.2cc (1 and 1/5 cc) of 100mg/ml prop will yield 120mg in each shot

    and you should be shooting that prop ED (or at least EOD)

    your gear needs to be cleaned? where did you get it? i dont think this is the problem

    the oil in the kit is not sterile, but your final product will be when filtering w a .45 whatman, and then a .22 whatman

    how much one can pass through a filter will vary greatly..i filter my gear when warm, and can usually easily get 100ml through it no problem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Las Vegas, NV
    Yeah...we are doing EOD right now. 100mg qv prop. I have read before that it is not uncommon to have to filter it. Thank your for the info. Just trying to kick this damn pain ya know? What is the process to use the filter? I have never had to do this. You sound like you know your shit...thanks again. The oil really does help right?

    I didnt mean to say 1 and 1/5 I meant 1 and 1/2

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    yeah, i would filter that QV shit

    you can filter plain old oil, and then put it into a sterile vial, and then draw up some of that into your syringe to help cut the prop

    go here for explanation/pics on the filter, especiall the last post on this thread

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Las Vegas, NV
    Those threads are perfect. Once again you guys came through. Thanks for the advice. I ordered my kit before I did this when I ordered it, I ordered 5 whatmans filters .2 but I wrote them an e-mail asnd asked to change 2 of them to .45.

    Thanks again guys...maybe now the pain will go away!

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