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Thread: Roids and infertility

  1. #1

    Roids and infertility

    Do roids cause this? I mean, I wanna have kids in the future and wouldnt wanna mess that up cuz of roids.

    I know the media hypes up roids alot alot, with deaths and all that crazy stuff, but whats the real scoop on roids and infertility?

    Will roids screw me over for having kids?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I am 23 years old and I take roids since I was 18, last month I tried to get my girlfriend pregnant, we did 4 attempts and she couldnt get pregnant.
    That was really bad....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You do realize that it can be hard as hell to get a woman pregnant when someone is actually "trying" but is easy to when you are just messing around with promiscuous sex....its kinda wierd but its the truth. Keep trying my man

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ACAZORES
    I am 23 years old and I take roids since I was 18, last month I tried to get my girlfriend pregnant, we did 4 attempts and she couldnt get pregnant.
    That was really bad....

    Its not easy to get someone pregnant in the first place, you think its cuz of roids?

    Has the doc said yr infertile?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    i heard you become around 98% infertile while on - but will return to normal after discontinuation

    although i dont know how accurate that figure is cos i actually managed to accidentally get my girl preggers while on cycle

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    i heard you become around 98% infertile while on - but will return to normal after discontinuation

    although i dont know how accurate that figure is cos i actually managed to accidentally get my girl preggers while on cycle

    lol, lucky 2%?

    I wonder how true this statement is also...hhhhmmmm

  7. #7
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    Did she end up having the kid Mr. Accident?

  8. #8
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    Like i said, its when you dont wanna get someone pregnant that it actually happens...

  9. #9
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    Maybe your KY jelly is spermacidally lubricated? LOL JK

  10. #10
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    Did she end up having the kid Mr. Accident?

    no she only told me about it AFTER she had an abortion

    i dont know if it was true anyway to be honest - she was a liar in general and could easily have done it to get attention or scam money out of me for the abortion

  11. #11
    Well with AAS use you wont be infertile you whole life. Fertility usually returns some time after cycle termination. While you are ON cycle (especially test) chances are high you are infertile for that time period. There was a german study undertaken: testosterone as a contraceptive.. rather interesting read..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    no she only told me about it AFTER she had an abortion

    i dont know if it was true anyway to be honest - she was a liar in general and could easily have done it to get attention or scam money out of me for the abortion
    I hope you dropped that chick...Damn schemer if you ask me....

  13. #13
    Testosterone users should go off it at least 3 months before trying to conceive, says Robert Brannigan, MD, a urologist at Northwestern University's
    some info

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by PlasticFuture112
    I hope you dropped that chick...Damn schemer if you ask me....

    i did better than that
    i bludgened her to death with a blunt object

    actually no i didnt - but yes i did drop her

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    fertility should recover to normal.. after some time...

  16. #16
    So its safe to say that roids dont really screw up yr having a baby your whole life I suppose

  17. #17
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    Ya pretty much, but i would still get a test to check fertility periodically if you are worried about it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Listen guys straight the hell up i'm going to tell you!!!...My wife became pregnnt in the middle of a super monster cycle I was on and my son is 9 now and in the best of health thank god.My point?..its an individual thing cause i wouldve bet my left ball that there was no way in hell i was me on that.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Listen guys straight the hell up i'm going to tell you!!!...My wife became pregnnt in the middle of a super monster cycle I was on and my son is 9 now and in the best of health thank god.My point?..its an individual thing cause i wouldve bet my left ball that there was no way in hell i was me on that.
    Maybe you should have bet your right nut that the kid isnt yours? The only way you can tell is if your son has already stopped growing and is now a lean 150lb. with 90% BF. Other than that, you are S.O.L Lol all in good fun....

  20. #20
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    90%? i meant 9% but i was just too damn exicted to write something soo clever....GOSH!!

  21. #21
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    Aug 2005
    My wife and I have a 3 year old right now. About a year and a half ago we started trying for # 2. We tried for a good year before her OB GYN sent us to a specialist. She ran 5 cycles of Clomid.(this is to help her ovulate since she had very irregular cycles.) Finally the specialst decided to test me. Well let's just say it wasn't good. A "normal" male is supposed to produce 20 million sperm. I had 980,000. I was off for a year before we started trying, proper PCT and everything. Although it's possible I had a low sperm count to begin with. Her regular OBGYN should have tested me right off the bat, but he figured if we got pregnant the first time with no problem he didn't think I was the problem. Well to make a long story short...After Fertility drugs for her and 10,000IU of HCG for me, she is now 8 weeks pregnant with twins. So I guess it doesn't screw you up for life, just makes it a little more difficult. So I now have the green light for my next cycle since we are now done with kids.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what about for someone who runs test for 3 yrs on hrt . im sure youd be screwed for a long time

  23. #23
    whats hrt?

    Yeah, they have so much medicines out there to help sperm count....

    But that brings up another issue I heard about roids and having kids...

    that my kid will be retarded or some kind of defect.

    I read that 1 post about having the healthy 9 year old..was that just a shot of luck or what?

    Do roids affect the way kids come out?

    Thanks again for all the inputs/comments...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    My son is 3 years old. He is completely happy, healthy, and extremely smart. I've been on and off cycles for the past 8 years.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I got a girl prego twice while on. This question was asked on outlaw a month ago. There was at least 4 guys who have healthy kids who were conceived while on

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