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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    getting ready for cycle

    Stats: weight 170
    height 5"11
    prone to gyno
    never used juice before
    19 yrs old

    I orderd deca and was planning on using 250 mg a week (glute injections)
    im debating on using test-p because i hread it raises bp and causes all kinds of other stuff, i guess im supposed to use test so i dont get deca dick, that side dosnt really bother me as long as its not permanent. and when i get the deca do i inject just once a week? and how long do you guys recomend i stay on it and when i get off should i use PCT. If so, how long after stopping the injections should i start pct, does the PCT have any side effects by the way

    Thnx alot

    im learnin

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    youre so far away from even thinking about doing a cycle. you better research alot because i saw in a different thread that you didnt even know what aspirate means. research, find out whats best for you and what exactly to take with a cycle on top of that youre only 19, wait a few years

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    19 is WAY too young to be using AAS. your body is producing more than enough naturally to risk screwing up your HPTA for life. Also your growth plates are not fused at 19 so you will be screwing with that too.

    If you can't gain naturally with proper diet and training, yoiu won't be able to do it with AAS

    Please consider waiting and learning a bit more before you start!!!

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Listen, everyone has to start from somewhere. however bro you need to do some research. start out with 250mg test E for 10 weeks. if you feel you need not to listen then you dont need to be doing this.

  6. #6
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    19 is WAY too young to be using AAS. your body is producing more than enough naturally to risk screwing up your HPTA for life. Also your growth plates are not fused at 19 so you will be screwing with that too.

    If you can't gain naturally with proper diet and training, yoiu won't be able to do it with AAS

    Please consider waiting and learning a bit more before you start!!!
    We all agree that 19 too young, however. what you think is irrelevant. dude i sgoping to do what he wants. therefore you might was well tell him the right way instead of no way then let him make that choice. i disagree on the growth plate. JMO.

  7. #7
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    well the growth plates statement is true that you can damage that when using young, it just depends on when your body stops growing...some is at 18 and others between 18-21

  8. #8
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    Im cool on waiting, i wanna take deca now!!!!! is 250mg good for 1 injection for 8 weeks

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Im cool on waiting, i wanna take deca now!!!!! is 250mg good for 1 injection for 8 weeks
    Do you realize that deca is very supressive to your HPTA??
    Do you understand the importance of this??
    Do you like getting hard ons?

  10. #10
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    He will do it regardless. He said he doesn't care about the side effects. I made the same mistake as you will most likely regret it. Two injections per week. I'd use test if I were you @ a very low dose if you insist on juicing.

  11. #11
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Im cool on waiting, i wanna take deca now!!!!! is 250mg good for 1 injection for 8 weeks
    Why are you soo dead set on taking deca ?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    dont even bother with it anymore. if hes not gonna listen then its his body that will be messed up.

  13. #13
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    I wanna take deca because its safe,it dosnt increase BP and dosnt mess up the liver. ive been engaged for 4 years and beilive me ive had my fair share of sex and i can easilygo without it ill just j/o . this side effect isnt permanent is it? and another reason i dont wanna take test is because all the dangerous side effects and improne to gyno. then im gonna have to buy even more stuff toprevent gyno id rather just go around the test, unless its safe and cant hurt me? if i douse test towhat kind dou think i should get andwhen shouldi start PCT and what shouldiuse for it??

  14. #14
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Dude, not being able to get your sh!t hard is just one side effect of being shutdown. Do you have any idea how bad you will be DEPRESSED! Being depressed sucks! No one on here has got to you obviously. Check your PM's man.

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    I wanna take deca because its safe,it dosnt increase BP and dosnt mess up the liver. ive been engaged for 4 years and beilive me ive had my fair share of sex and i can easilygo without it ill just j/o . this side effect isnt permanent is it? and another reason i dont wanna take test is because all the dangerous side effects and improne to gyno. then im gonna have to buy even more stuff toprevent gyno id rather just go around the test, unless its safe and cant hurt me? if i douse test towhat kind dou think i should get andwhen shouldi start PCT and what shouldiuse for it??

    There is no gaurentee that the side effects are NOT permanant. You are messing with your bodies natural hormones system. If you screw that up ( and like I said Deca is VERY Supressive) you may screw it up for LIFE, which could be about 4 times the life you had so far!!!! Deca dick is only one side effect and just the most visible. You may want to ask your girlfriend if SHE is willing to live without sex (FROM YOU ANYWAY) just so you can have a few pounds of muscle that you won't even keep if you dont' know about proper PCT.

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Dont take any kind of AAS what so ever you to young, there is far to many young BB's considering this lately please listen and take the advice, you have everything what is needed naturally to make good solid gains,

  17. #17
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    I wanna take deca because its safe,it dosnt increase BP and dosnt mess up the liver. ive been engaged for 4 years and beilive me ive had my fair share of sex and i can easilygo without it ill just j/o . this side effect isnt permanent is it? and another reason i dont wanna take test is because all the dangerous side effects and improne to gyno. then im gonna have to buy even more stuff toprevent gyno id rather just go around the test, unless its safe and cant hurt me? if i douse test towhat kind dou think i should get andwhen shouldi start PCT and what shouldiuse for it??
    Dude you really need to be quiet and listen to what you are being told. You are talking crap as well. You say you want to take deca because its safe, yet you know by now that deca dick is a possiblity, and your comment about jacking off is plain stupid, your dick doesnt get hard at all dude when you have this problem !!! Aslo have you heard of Progesterone Gyno ? Go look that one up and tell me Deca is safe. You wont listen so enjoy the cycle but dont come back hear crying half way through it when you start having problems !!!! Go have a read of this, this is what may happen to you
    Last edited by Kale; 08-08-2006 at 06:04 AM.

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    First thing but Deca can cause gyno it can also raise your bp. From what i have seen in friends who thought a deca only cycle was a good idea. Deca is harder to recover from then test. Also you rather gain 5 pounds of muscle than be able to get an erection for months?

    Even if you are going to do this cycle either way your 250mg for 8 weeks sucks.

  19. #19
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    Man if not deca what do u recomend i take, i wanna take somethin

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Man if not deca what do u recomend i take, i wanna take somethin

    WHY do you feel the need to "take something" IF you would take in the correct amount of quality foods, adn train correctly, you couuld gain many pounds of quality muscle that you can easily keep adn use as yo base when it is time to use AAS, which is NOT now, so why risk screwing yourself up

    The only concern WE have here for your health. We don't get anything for stopping anyone from using AAS, so you should trust what we say here really is for the best and you will thank us for it later!!!

  21. #21
    budlight1 is offline New Member
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    your 19 and have been engaged for 4 years?... this seems like a troll to me

  22. #22
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    a troll? , bro ill show you the ring and her on webcam on yahoo PM me and ill give u my SN.

  23. #23
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    i wanna take something because i know theres no way i can get as big as trhe the pros and some of the guys on here if i dont use em, its the only way

  24. #24
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    i wanna take something because i know theres no way i can get as big as trhe the pros and some of the guys on here if i dont use em, its the only way

    You are sadly mistaken!!! The "Pros" took many years of proper diet and training to get where they are. There are NO shortcuts and that is what you are trying to do here.

    You have to eat correctly to grow. I gaurentee you are not eating properly and if not, NO AAS is going to make up for that or your training!!

    To be a "PRO" you have to act like one, and you are certainly not doing that right now..

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do!!

  25. #25
    davidboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Man if not deca what do u recomend i take, i wanna take somethin
    bro you still young, i have been working out since i was 18 and iam 27 now and i just doing my first test only cycle, don't think steroids will make you super after cycle, its all your diet and hard training, you have enough test level to grow naturally, your test level will stay constant until maybe you hit 26 then think about steroids then on, do more research and listen to advices

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    i wanna take something because i know theres no way i can get as big as trhe the pros and some of the guys on here if i dont use em, its the only way

    So who gives a damn how big you get?

    What about having a personality. A real life besides lifting all the time. ( damn lifting)
    Lots of guys on here can't wipe there own ass. You want to be like that? If your for the all show / lifting heavy weights slowly go for it. Some can't handle all the work. And quite honest, if you can't get at a respectable size natural, you are NEVER going to get huge even on steroids .

    But I have a hunch you just want to half ass lift and diet and expect to get huge to impress some friends who have made fun of you and to go to clubs...

  27. #27
    davedizzle's Avatar
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    Man this is a god damn joke.
    Very sad to read.

  28. #28
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    I am starting to get the feeling this guys is just jerking us around for a bit of fun. I am out of this thread.

  29. #29
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    I am starting to get the feeling this guys is just jerking us around for a bit of fun. I am out of this thread.

  30. #30
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Could someone please show me some evidence that using AAS at his age will permanently damage his HPTA? Thanks.

    Oh and could i also see something to support the claim that a 19 year old has natural free testosterone levels to rival that of 250-500mg testosterone injected weekly?

    Thanks again.

  31. #31
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Could someone please show me some evidence that using AAS at his age will permanently damage his HPTA? Thanks.

    Oh and could i also see something to support the claim that a 19 year old has natural free testosterone levels to rival that of 250-500mg testosterone injected weekly?

    Thanks again.

  32. #32
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Could someone please show me some evidence that using AAS at his age will permanently damage his HPTA? Thanks.

    Oh and could i also see something to support the claim that a 19 year old has natural free testosterone levels to rival that of 250-500mg testosterone injected weekly?

    Thanks again.

    If you do a search on AR, you will find many articles that state such......

    So are you saying there is NO chance that at his age he will be doing any damage to his HPTA?? i would also like to see your supporting evidence to show that at his age there are NO risks!! I for one do not recall stating that he would permanantley damage, only that he COULD do damage

    But I would gladly read your evidencem I am sure deca is not supressive either right??

  33. #33
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    You should not do aas.....

    #1 You are to young....

    #2 Being a hypochondriac and using aas dont go well together.....

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006

    You should not do aas.....

    #1 You are to young....

    #2 Being a hypochondriac and using aas dont go well together.....
    AMEN to that brother!

  35. #35
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    If you do a search on AR, you will find many articles that state such......
    Seeing that BB has WRITTEN a number of articles i don't honestly think a rebuttal should include the words 'do a search'...

    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    So are you saying there is NO chance that at his age he will be doing any damage to his HPTA?? i would also like to see your supporting evidence to show that at his age there are NO risks!! I for one do not recall stating that he would permanantley damage, only that he COULD do damage
    Actually it is more likely to permanently suppress the HPTA the older that one cycles.

    Simply put.. the older a candidate is.. the more likely it is that he WON'T recover post-cycle.

    This is not to 'ok' a younger person's cycle.. but rather to say that one is at risk regardless of one's age.. yet, a younger adult cycler (adult being the operative phrase) is more likely to recover post-cycle than an older individual.

    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    But I would gladly read your evidencem I am sure deca is not supressive either right??
    Where did anyone say deca isn't suppressive?

    *scrolls up.. still doesn't see that statement*


  36. #36
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Gee Nark, there are 8 or 9 people in this thread basically saying the same thing and have read this kids other posts which show he is NO way ready for AAS, BUT yet you Target only MY posts about him not using, WHY IS THAT NARK????? I am sure i am just mis reading you as always right?

    Even the well respected Marcus stated basically the same as I in that he should NOT be using AAS
    Guess he is a parrot too right NARK????

  37. #37
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Previous responses aside.. this is how I personally would go about answering this question.

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Stats: weight 170
    height 5"11
    prone to gyno
    never used juice before
    19 yrs old
    Honestly your stats are inconclusive.

    I'd like to see: how you long you were training... bodyfat percentage (current).. LBM prior to weight-training (estimated).. LBM added (taking into note prior LBM.. and current)... knowledge of diet.. and long term bodybuilding goals... and perceived time-line set in which to acheive said goals

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    I orderd deca and was planning on using 250 mg a week (glute injections)
    Bad move imo.

    Cycling isn't as simple as buying gear and then asking for the best way to use it.

    Personally i believe one should assess oneself prior to choosing one's compounds.

    Honestly... as someone prone to gyno (i.e. having a high test and estrogen level.. the latter due to high natural aromatase aromatase activity), i wouldn't use deca .

    Personally i wouldn't go with deca only (potential libido issues aside)... but i have reasons why.

    What are yours?

    Deca isn't as 'safe' as you would suggest. Each compound available comes with risks.. Conversely there are anxiallary compounds which can reduce the risks associated with most compounds.

    I'll respond as follows:

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    im debating on using test-p because i hread it raises bp and causes all kinds of other stuff
    BP issues on test are directly related to it's rate of aromatization.

    Estrogen namely increases sodium and water retention.. which inturn increase BP

    Reduce aromatization.. and you reduce BP.

    That's why most cycles include an A-I (aromatase inhibitor)

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    i guess im supposed to use test so i dont get deca dick
    That is indeed the proposed application of testosterone .. yes.

    Still a test-derivative.. or a replacement dosage of test can prevent libido issues.

    Furthermore.. the dht-derivative Proviron can prevent libido issues by itself

    The addition of this compound to a deca-only cycle can reduce the potential for libido issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    that side dosnt really bother me as long as its not permanent. and when i get the deca do i inject just once a week?
    If you're asking this question.. you honestly need to do some more reading.

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    and how long do you guys recomend i stay on it and when i get off should i use PCT.
    Ditto for these questions.

    Honestly, you should read everything you get your hands on about the compound in questions prior to injecting it.

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    If so, how long after stopping the injections should i start pct, does the PCT have any side effects by the way
    Ditto for these questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    Thnx alot

    im learnin
    As we all are.

    Stick around..

    Hit up the profile forums.. and the educational forums etc.

    Post threads with your questions.. someone is sure to answer

    If all else fails.. hit me with a PM

    You won't go wrong


  38. #38
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Gee Nark, there are 8 or 9 people in this thread basically saying the same thing and have read this kids other posts which show he is NO way ready for AAS, BUT yet you Target only MY posts about him not using, WHY IS THAT NARK????? I am sure i am just mis reading you as always right?
    No flame intended by this but: I think you should get over yourself

    scroll up.. you will clearly see that i quoted BajanBastard's response.. Which was a clearly worded request for someone (anyone) to provide a study which shows:
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    some evidence that using AAS at his age will permanently damage his HPTA
    *checks to see if someone=SMAN*


    Because the majority says the world is flat.. does it make it so?

    getting ready for cycle
    getting ready for cycle
    getting ready for cycle
    getting ready for cycle

    Obviously everyone can't agree on what the 'right' answer is.. simply because there IS NO 'right answer'.

    In the end.. a choice will be made based on the evidence provided.

    If i were the uninformed noob, i'd appreciate if a variety of info was provided for me to peruse before i made my decision.

    A variety.. backed with legit reasons.. rather than a bunch of message board scare-tactic-propaganda.


  39. #39
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    I agree about the younger you are the easier to recover HPTA etc.

    But bottom line , this kid isn't ready to cycle.

    Continue. * grabs protein shake and popcorn *

  40. #40
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    Previous responses aside.. this is how I personally would go about answering this question.

    Honestly your stats are inconclusive.

    I'd like to see: how you long you were training... bodyfat percentage (current).. LBM prior to weight-training (estimated).. LBM added (taking into note prior LBM.. and current)... knowledge of diet.. and long term bodybuilding goals... and perceived time-line set in which to acheive said goals

    Bad move imo.

    Cycling isn't as simple as buying gear and then asking for the best way to use it.

    Personally i believe one should assess oneself prior to choosing one's compounds.

    Honestly... as someone prone to gyno (i.e. having a high test and estrogen level.. the latter due to high natural aromatase aromatase activity), i wouldn't use deca .

    Personally i wouldn't go with deca only (potential libido issues aside)... but i have reasons why.

    What are yours?

    Deca isn't as 'safe' as you would suggest. Each compound available comes with risks.. Conversely there are anxiallary compounds which can reduce the risks associated with most compounds.

    I'll respond as follows:

    BP issues on test are directly related to it's rate of aromatization.

    Estrogen namely increases sodium and water retention.. which inturn increase BP

    Reduce aromatization.. and you reduce BP.

    That's why most cycles include an A-I (aromatase inhibitor)

    That is indeed the proposed application of testosterone .. yes.

    Still a test-derivative.. or a replacement dosage of test can prevent libido issues.

    Furthermore.. the dht-derivative Proviron can prevent libido issues by itself

    The addition of this compound to a deca-only cycle can reduce the potential for libido issues.

    If you're asking this question.. you honestly need to do some more reading.

    Ditto for these questions.

    Honestly, you should read everything you get your hands on about the compound in questions prior to injecting it.

    Ditto for these questions.

    As we all are.

    Stick around..

    Hit up the profile forums.. and the educational forums etc.

    Post threads with your questions.. someone is sure to answer

    If all else fails.. hit me with a PM

    You won't go wrong

    ^^Very well put Nark.. I feel that at 19 you're diet and training regimen aren't good enough to be put to the AAS test.. Plus 5'11" 170lbs isn't too large, I'd probably gain some more natty before crossing over.

    In the end, it's your body.

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