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  1. #1
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
    Astrocreep_23 is offline Junior Member
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    1st Cycle, Green Light??

    Well after a year of reading and weighing up the pros and cons im going to have a crack at my 1st cycle. Stats: 21yro, 6'0, 210lbs, bf 14%, training between 4-6 days a week for the last 4 years and my diet is clean with around 300 - 400gm protein a day. Just wanted to know if im on the right track with my cycle, and if theres anything else i should include, remove or tweak while i still have time to get everything together, any advice anyone could give me would be great, cheers

    Test E: Weeks 1-10 (500mg/w)
    D-Bol: Weeks 1-4 (30mg/d)
    Nolva: Weeks 1-12 (20mg/d)
    L-Dex: Weeks 1-12 (.25mg/d)

    PCT - Start 2 weeks after last Test E injection

    Nolva: Weeks 1-5 (20mg/d)
    L-Dex: Weeks 1-5 (.25mg/d)
    300 mg/Day 1
    100 mg/Day 2 -21
    50 mg/Day 21 - 28

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    No need for a SERM and an AI while on cycle.. Just use L-dex or nolva !!!!

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    What Merc said !! However at 21 I think you have a lot more potential to grow without AAS at all.

  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    What Merc said !! However at 21 I think you have a lot more potential to grow without AAS at all.
    Good call Kale!! I didnt realize he was only 21 !!! My bad!!!!!

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Still to young, concentrate on your diet and get a good solid base to work from, i am sure you can gain more size naturally with your diet and get to you full natural potential, you should have enough hormones floating around to make further gains at your age.

  6. #6
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
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    I was planning on starting on my 22 birthday, as a present to myself. Im not about to rush into anything, and i realise that AAS is serious stuff, thats why ive taken the time to read as much as i can and weigh up the pros and cons, i believe im mentally and physically developed enough to starting using AAS, but if the general concensus is that im too young then i will respect your opinions and maybe put it on hold

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude have a read of this it might help you make up your mind Whats the right age to take steroids (GOOD READ)

  8. #8
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
    Astrocreep_23 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Kale

  9. #9
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
    Astrocreep_23 is offline Junior Member
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    I think ive read that post on another forum, and to be honest, its made me more confident that im making the right decision. I will still put AAS on the backburner but i do have some questions. Alot of ppl recommend a test e/d bol or test e only 1st cycle. This seems to be a highly androgenic cycle, would i be better off to add or substitute in, deca , stana or eq. instead of d-bol, something that has higher anabolic and less andro and estro properties. also, ive read that armidex/l-dex can agrovate the high blood pressure experienced in a cycle, is this a significant issue? and thirdly as far as im aware nolva, l-dex or clomid do nothing to combat elevated cortisol levels post cycle, this to me would seem important in retaining gains, or am i an idiot? I feel abit like a virgin reading the Karma Sutra here, thats why im asking for some legend to help me out

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astrocreep_23
    I think ive read that post on another forum, and to be honest, its made me more confident that im making the right decision. I will still put AAS on the backburner but i do have some questions. Alot of ppl recommend a test e/d bol or test e only 1st cycle. This seems to be a highly androgenic cycle, would i be better off to add or substitute in, deca, stana or eq. instead of d-bol, something that has higher anabolic and less andro and estro properties. also, ive read that armidex/l-dex can agrovate the high blood pressure experienced in a cycle, is this a significant issue? and thirdly as far as im aware nolva, l-dex or clomid do nothing to combat elevated cortisol levels post cycle, this to me would seem important in retaining gains, or am i an idiot? I feel abit like a virgin reading the Karma Sutra here, thats why im asking for some legend to help me out
    Glad to here you took the advice and not take any AAS, and for research purposes first cycle should be just a test only around 500mg per wk for 10-12 wks, thats it, nothing more see how you react to that, and if you do wait for a few years and build a good base to work from, test only will give you excellent gains in muscle mass and quality

  11. #11
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    "Alot of ppl recommend a test e/d bol or test e only 1st cycle. This seems to be a highly androgenic cycle, would i be better off to add or substitute in, deca , stana or eq. instead of d-bol, something that has higher anabolic and less andro and estro properties" - Test on its own would be better first cycle.

    "ive read that armidex/l-dex can agrovate the high blood pressure experienced in a cycle" - I have never heard this. I have heard and from experience found that they can help with high blood pressure as they do a much better job at controlling water bloat than nolva. I have read that they can adversely affect cholestrol levels where as nolva doesnt. Personally I would use arimidex with dbol or anadrol ect then switch to nolva after discontinuation of the compound producing the water retention.

    "clomid do nothing to combat elevated cortisol levels post cycle, this to me would seem important in retaining gains, or am i an idiot?" - Well they help to bring your test levels back which will stop you being in a catabolic state. Some ppl use igf and/or clen during pct to stay anabolic

  12. #12
    getpumped24's Avatar
    getpumped24 is offline Associate Member
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    wait until you are at least 23-24. as long as you are still putting on size natty, wait for the aas. the longer you wait the better the results from aas. cycle looks pretty good when you do decide to go with it. drop the nolva during cycle. i wouldn't take d-bol either, see how you body takes to test only.

  13. #13
    Astrocreep_23's Avatar
    Astrocreep_23 is offline Junior Member
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    cheers, thanks for the info/advice i'll take it on board and keep researching

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