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  1. #1
    stitch1967's Avatar
    stitch1967 is offline Member
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    Need some advice on Nolva and Adex

    Here's the cycle..

    Wks 1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
    Wks 1-4 Test P 50mg/ED or 100mg/EOD
    Wks 8-14 Var 50mg/ED
    Wks 1-14 Adex .5 mg/ED

    Can I just run the Adex thru PCT with Clomid
    Wk 15-17 Clomid(per norm), Adex .5 mg/ED

    Or add it with Nolva
    Wk 15-17 Clomid(per norm),Adex .5 mg,Nolva 20mg / ED

    Or replace with Nolva
    Wk 15-17 Clomid(per norm), Nolva 20mg ED

  2. #2
    stitch1967's Avatar
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  3. #3
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    The middle one looks a lot like Pheedno's PCT, here it is have a look and I hope it will answer your questions Pheedno's PCT

    As for my opinion, of the above options run the three compounds together(I never run clomid at all but that was not a listed choice), run the clomid low dose and high dose on the nolva and taper the nolva down, .5mg adex should be sufficient IMO, I know lots of guys say not to run nolva/ldex because of lowered blood serums, but if it only takes a couple mls a week of ldex to do its job then a slight loss in efficacy can be tolerated.

  4. #4
    stitch1967's Avatar
    stitch1967 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    The middle one looks a lot like Pheedno's PCT, here it is have a look and I hope it will answer your questions Pheedno's PCT
    U r correct that's where I got the info..other threads point towards dropping the adex and adding nolva...while others say forget the nolva and just stay on the adex

    I was looking to find a consensus and/or get "updated" opinions, as you know recomendations change from time to time based on new studies or more experience with certain compounds in the community.....

    one of the reasons I asked as well is that the Var at the end of my cycle will have my lipid levels would seem that Nolva has rep for helping while AI's like adex would further hurt them....I would really appreciate views on this subject...

  5. #5
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Var is not that detrimental to lipid levels, esp when compared to other orals such as winny. As to Ldex effecting lipid profiles, I know that for years that has been stated but can think of at least two studies that show long term use of Anastrozole with no negative impact on lipid profiles. I have frequently used Ldex past PCT at a very low dose to help boost test levels, and have a very healthy blood lipid profile as per my last blood test.

    As to how to run PCT, well there is an endless supply of theories out there isn't there.

  6. #6
    stitch1967's Avatar
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    yeah there is thanx alot for your input, esp on the ldex and lipids

    I would say my experience with Var (lipid levels were impacted but not detrimentally) and adex (lipids actually improved slightly) has been pretty close to yours except that I've my experience is limited to one cycle (Var) and one brief addition to PCT (adex).

  7. #7
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Have you checked out Anthony Robert's PCT? I was a huge fan of Pheedno's protocol(with the exception of low dosing the clomid and taperning down on the nolva)until my last cycle. I took on Hooker's PCT and can say honestly it is the fastest recovery I have ever had period! And my T levels are actually higher now than they were, all of this at 32 yrs old.

  8. #8
    stitch1967's Avatar
    stitch1967 is offline Member
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    i will def check it out..I'm 39 and will be 40 before this cycle is PCT test levels are a priority! lol

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