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Thread: gyno question

  1. #1
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    gyno question

    I am 256.6 juck checked my weight at the gym and no i am not packing a six pack or anything like that but my arms chest back and legs are solid (not cut) and i was wondering i have gyno or is it just fat from having a higher higher all around BF%.. i have never done any gear but this stuff called M1T (got it at GNC) my nips never hurt (well not since i was 14) and i used this stuff called 6OXO and a anti E my nuts did not get little or anything from using that stuff.
    Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    When did you get the M1T...was this before the prohormone ban? could be delayed gyno depending on when you took it and if the stuff is Methyl 1-Test or that new crap they got. Do they hurt or itch? if not could just be fat which can be taken away with cardio and diet.

  3. #3
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    what actually makes u think its gyno??

  4. #4
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks
    When did you get the M1T...was this before the prohormone ban? could be delayed gyno depending on when you took it and if the stuff is Methyl 1-Test or that new crap they got. Do they hurt or itch? if not could just be fat which can be taken away with cardio and diet.
    no bro they don't hurt or itch and i took this stuff prob about 2 years ago

  5. #5
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    what actually makes u think its gyno??
    because people are talking about it and i was just thinking is it fat or breast tissue

  6. #6
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Sounds like fat to me. When did you notice this again? I doubt its gyno. and its not breat tissue, cus i think that would be gyno which i dont think thats your prob. A lot of people get fatty nips which isnt gyno. Try to up the cardio and really work the decline bench. focus on the lower pectoral region while repping the decline IMO.

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