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  1. #1
    klobb is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    clen/t3 and catching a cold

    Ok, so I'm roughly one week into my three week (on the conservative side, I know) cycle of clen /t3 at 80/75 per day, taken upon awakening. I am also in the 12:th week of test e/eq at 500/400 per week. I will take the last shot of eq this week and continue with the test for three more weeks. This has all been part of a cutting cycle.

    Now for the problem: my "friend" went and shared his cold with me. I felt the first real symptom this morning - a slightly sore throat. I also seem to remember feeling throat ticklings yesterday morning, but that's neither here nor there. Ok, so I figured since today is not a lifting day, things should work out nicely. I could even skip lifting tomorrow (if symptoms persist) and I wouldn't feel that guilty. So, I went out for 50 minutes of light cardio.

    My first hypocondriac instinct was to skip cardio as well (something I intend to do tomorrow, by the way), seeing as it's not wise to have your heart work more than necessary when you're sick. Worst case scenario, you could get a heart infection or something. This takes us to what has gotten me worried.

    I took my morning dose of clen/t3, potassium, glutamine, taurine and vitamin c. I use a heart rate monitor during cardio, and even before going out today my bpm was at, like, 120. I didn't feel particularly bad, though. I tried to keep my heart rate at 130 throughout the cardio session, and believe me when I say that I didn't need to keep any kind of brisk pace at all. Had no adverse reactions during the session, except a bit of a dizziyng attack toward the end of it. Now, I was a tad curious, so I kept the heart rate monitor going after cardio up until this very moment, about one and a half hours later. The trouble is that it doesn't seem interested in falling significantly below 120. Any kind of activity - typing this for example - keeps the rate between 130-135.

    Sure, I can kind of feel the palpitations, but I don't really feel crappy or anything. Throat is a bit raspy, but definitely not sore. I expect that to change during the next 24 hours, though. My largest concers are that:

    1.) The clen will keep the heart rate going at an unhealthy level while at the same time its stimulatory effects won't let me feel crappy until things start getting very serious.

    2.) The t3 will, if the cold is severe enough to cause a fever, elevate my body temperature beyond what the body can handle, and I won't be able to distinguish the difference from the usual burn of the t3.

    Now, I would rather skip cardio and lifting for a few days than discontinuing the clen/t3, but maybe I have to?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated, bros.

  2. #2
    klobb is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Maybe I should add that my usual resting bpm is on the high side (80-90), so the numbers in the above post are maybe not quite as excessive as they may seem for someone who has a hard time getting his pulse up in those ranges.

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