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Thread: Clen or ECA?

  1. #1
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
    Big Broker 1 is offline Associate Member
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    Clen or ECA?

    so i was thinking on doing one of the two..i have done a few cycles and would love to do anothr one but i think i am going to wait till am at about 10% bf before i do another one. i have lost 15 pounds in the last four weeks of dieting and am not using anything right now but wanted to know what you bros thought would be a better choice. Also because my dealer cant get the clen but my doctor is going to get them for me because i have been having some Asthma lately and i know am going to pay a pretty penny for it at the pharmacy so is it worth it...i was planing on taking it as follows...

    1- 20mcg
    2- 40mcg
    3- 60mcg
    4- 80mcg
    5- 100mcg
    6- 120 mcg
    7-56 140mcg

    15-21 100mg Benadryl
    35-42 100mg Benadryl

    1-56 5g Taurine

    What you guys think? i am as of today 21yrs,200lbs,16%bf 5'8'' four weeks ago i was 220 i am following a diet made for me by a local bodybuilder

  2. #2
    rugbySwoll's Avatar
    rugbySwoll is offline Associate Member
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    if u are gonna run it as stated above, id def throw some potassium in there(200-400 mgs ed)....also, u say you've lost 15 pounds in the last 4 weeks....I doubt you'd even need any clen at the rate you were going....

  3. #3
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
    Big Broker 1 is offline Associate Member
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    i feel like what i lost was alot of water, all i want is 2lbs a week and i think the clen is going to push me through it with out putting to much lean muscle at risk.. i feel like i am slowing down now in the rate of weight loss

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    clen worked great for me...just make sure your diet is in check cause it eats calories

  5. #5
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Lots of guys use clen , I prefer the ECA stack, it's not as powerful but has far more tolerable side effects for me. Your ramping up program looks good if you use clen, just don't get stuck on a plan, if you start getting horrible sides back down the dose or maintain it until they subside.

  6. #6
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    yea thats what am going to do...if i get bad sides am going to reduce it. Any more advice is welcome, i just feel the clen is going to help out lots...

  7. #7
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    clen is relatively cheap, you dont need to go through your doc to get it,you get it here through lion nutrition, click on one of the stickies above

  8. #8
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
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    to tell you the truth its not that i dont trust lion i just like to do things the correct way and my health and body are two things i've learned to not put on the line for anything so i rather pay a bit more and get it in the pharmacy and i know what am getting 100%...Again i hear nothing but great things about lion and no disrespect but this is just the way i am...

  9. #9
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Broker 1
    to tell you the truth its not that i dont trust lion i just like to do things the correct way and my health and body are two things i've learned to not put on the line for anything so i rather pay a bit more and get it in the pharmacy and i know what am getting 100%...Again i hear nothing but great things about lion and no disrespect but this is just the way i am...
    i'd just have to ask you what makes you think getting it from a pharmacy would be any better? first of all, i thought clen was no longer prescribed in the US because of FDA regulations? secondly, research labs online have a reputation to uphold, so they certainly do carry some good-quality products (at least most of the more reputable ones do).

    large pharmaceutical companies, such as the ones which would make it for the pharmacies, don't care about their reputation, just their sales. oftentimes, pharmaceutical companies have far lower quality standards than our online research labs. they take advantage of walking along the boundaries of the minimum they need to do to keep above FDA standards so they can increase their profit margin.

    anyway, i've heard of far more stories of large industries selling harmful medications than any research lab. this may be simply because they sell in larger quantities, but fact of the matter is you seem to be under the misconception that the larger industries are better and i just needed to correct that misinterpretation.

  10. #10
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Big Broker - 1 wanted to know what you bros thought would be a better choice.
    Like Shortie alluded to, they're fairly interchangeable, with Clen being slightly stronger. So let your tolerance of sides, access, and cost determine your selection.

    Big Broker - my doctor is going to get them for me because i have been having some Asthma lately and i know am going to pay a pretty penny for it at the pharmacy so is it worth it
    Like Doc Sust said, Clen is not very expensive even if you don't trust Lion you can shop other forum stores. Since it's being prescribed and thus very likely (unless you don't have any) covered by medical insurance, take the script, go to the pharmacy, and see what your copay is. I'd rather find out than simply speculate.

    Lastly, if you do elect Clen, that's too much Taurine. First, wait to see if cramping occurs, it doesn't happen to everyone nor does every brand cause it, but if so, start with 500mgs ed. This usually suffices, though occasionally that pesky lockjaw or the very painful between the scrotum and rectum cramp requires a gram to a gram and half. I've never needed more that 1500mgs, but some people do. My point is start low and access need then increase incrementally until YOUR proper dose is reached.


  11. #11
    Big Broker 1's Avatar
    Big Broker 1 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for all the help bro's, am not saying lions clen is bad or anything just that i've never purchased things of this sort online and i am a bit worried of these type of transactions

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