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Thread: Severe Soreness From Enthate

  1. #1

    Severe Soreness From Enthate

    I have done my second injection of 250mg/ml Test Enthate and I am really sore. I did 1.5 cc's. There is no infection, can anyone suggest anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    where did you inject it? what size needle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    so you're doing 750mg/wk? what are your stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DDDD
    I have done my second injection of 250mg/ml Test Enthate and I am really sore. I did 1.5 cc's. There is no infection, can anyone suggest anything?
    So you're doing 750mg/wk or just one shot a week? What brand? Is this your first cycle? What brand are you using? How confident are you with your source? Where did u inject? You can try heating it up first. Most of the time Test E is painless...but all people react differently. Sometimes it takes a couple shots and you'll be fine with no pain. Did you experience this with your first shot also?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    On top
    Since this is your first post, I'll assume it's your first run of AAS. I'm on my fourth week of running test E, first cycle. The soreness has finally stopped after injections (knock on wood). I guess it takes a few weeks fot the body to get used to it?? But it will go away eventially.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    The TestE I inject is painless.

    So I'm thinking this is one of two things:

    1. The brand you are using

    2. You are jabbing yourself a bit too hard, and or a little too tense while sticking yourself and creating a bit of bruising.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    5"8", 206lb@14%,Bp 415raw
    FYI, I've done test e for 2 weeks (500mg wk, 1x wk). First time in right quad w/ 1.5x23, The next day & for a week I was limping, very sore, couldn't even squat down. Then the second week, I did the left quad with 1"x25 (had to fully stick 2x). Also, used same vial as first wk. The second one (left quad) was a breeze, a little sore (remember had to do it 2x), but NOTHING like the right side. I think it was the extra .5" or that I moved it too much. So I don't think its the actual compound itself. Note: this is a first cycle in about 18 yrs, so it is virgin muscle!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    its probably more less just that you arent used to taking the shots. I found that when I was on my previous cycles, after I did a shot Id be sore, I used Test E and Test C. I don't think it was the gear in my case, just being a pin cushion... you will eventually get used to stickin the pin in.

    buck up princess. lol, it only gets better

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    psss. over here! ;)
    Everyone reponds to chemicals differently. I for one can not move the next day after an injection of test enanthate but prop is painless to me. Try running warm water over the syringe after you draw it from the vial the next time before you shoot and see if it still is as painful after the shot.

  10. #10
    I'm using 1.5" 22 needles. My first time using anything. First week I did 1 cc (250mg), second week 1.5 cc (375mg). My next injection is Monday. I'm only running Test E. The soreness is much better today, I think my body is adapting. This is my first cycle, anything else I should be taking? I weigh about 260 lbs right now, will this help with body fat?

  11. #11
    Bro, at 260, you need diet and exercise NOT AS. And you don't even know about virgin muscle syndrome, so you can't know much. I think you should put the needle down, because you don't know how to do a cycle yet. and you are not ready for a cycle if you did know. Not a flame, I am trying to help.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    Yeah Bro unless you're 260 and completely ripped I'd put the needle down and start reconsidering your decision to use AAS. You're going to end up being close to 300 lbs by the time it's all over.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Time and acclimation!
    Gimmicks won't work, additions will increase volume which is the virgin muscle's primary problem. They'll subside eventually.

    Just take your knocks and consider it a 'Right of Passage'.


  14. #14
    Thanks guys, I can take all the advice, I'm about 15% body fat and been training for 5 years. I'm at a plateau, when is it time for the needle?
    Last edited by DDDD; 08-11-2006 at 07:52 PM.

  15. #15
    I have had very sever pain from my test ent + very bad fevers 2. I am taking 4cc 1000mg test E per week. The pain is so so bad at times it’s crazy...I have the same problem with test prop. I have been on and off for 5 years and it seems everything hurts. The only time I remember there being no pain is when I started mixing my gear with Synthol. I’m thinking about doing that again...

  16. #16
    at 15% body fat he only has around 20 ( 8% ) pounds to loose to get 2 7% bodyfat...He is probably just tall and that is why he is tall are u bro

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    My test e made my legs sore for days after my shots, im on week 5 now, pain has decreased a lot, also i microwave some water and hold the syringe in the water for a min or so...pain is a lot less extreme. also ive read that the pain can be caused by a high amount of alcohol in your test e, which is a good thing, less chance for infection...but usually more painful. just do what i do and tell people u were squatting a ton and thats why your limping or cant bend down very well. remember pain is weakness leaving the body.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    on my second week i was so sore from an ethanate injectino i could barely walk try a smalled pin i shoot 1inch 25 guage in quads love it

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    on my last test e cycle i did a pec injection that hurt like hell....but other than no pain at all unless your just nervous and your shaking while injecting or moving the pin around too much...good luck bro happy gains

  20. #20
    I just started a Test E and Deca cycle and gave myself my 2nd week injections this morning. As recommended, I switched from right glute to left. I had almost no soreness in the right glute, but my left one is sore as a mother now. No redness or heat, just like a highly strained ass-muscle. I am guessing it is probably my inexperience, combined with using my left hand to inject in a new area that caused tense muscles and as a result; soreness. I don't know, I kinda like it.

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