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Thread: Lots of free D-bol

  1. #1

    Lots of free D-bol

    Never done a cycle before but I'd like to think that i've done a good amount of research. I just recently acquired a lot of 5mg little pink d bols (apparantly the good ones) and I was wondering if i could do a cycle of the stuff since it's just layin around. Now I know every cycle is ideally test-based but would it really hurt to take it by itself. Maybe u guys could enlighten me from experience. It might be a horrible idea and if it is i'm sure u guys could tell me why ( bloat, headaches, water retention, no kept gains, shut down, etc. I'm still on the shelf with trying injectibles so please don't advise me to wait untill i'm ready to do a test cycle and then incorporate it. I have been workin out about 4 years and am 25 yrs old. Wouldn't mind puttin a little size on. Thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    arrgg...holding back.... flame hand....

    Seriously bro. IMHO, you would not keep much of the gains from a dbol only cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    So many threads about this topic. Do a search your questions will be answered.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Distribute all the free dbol evenly throughout the members here (50k+) and look into an injectable testosterone cycle. Testosterone enanthate @ 500mg/every week for 10 weeks follow by a proper pct. You can send the dbols in an envelope

    No seriously dbol is a good jumpstart for a test cycle. Don't use em alone. They only suppress your testosterone so that's really not the biggest worry. The biggest worry is not maintaining a lot of your gains and losing out on what you have which could be better used incorporated into an injectable cycle.

    Good luck
    PM me if you have any questions or run a search on "beginner cycle" or something of the likes.

  5. #5
    Thanx guys, I can't catch a break. Sheesh.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I cooked up a theroy on d-bol only cycles during a debate on another board. I believe if the drug is used correctly it may work.

    Here is a quote from the thread.

    As 'anabolic' as methandrostenolone is it does not build 'real muscle' in the usual time frame used by bodybuilders. It promotes anabolism via GH and thus IGF production and fills the muscles with a glycogen and nitrogen rich substance. IMVHO the traditional 4-6 week 25-50mg/d d-bol run is not enough to produce anything worth while. Maybe 100mg ED for 10-15 weeks.

    Lets look at boldenone, now boldenone promotes nitrogen retention and causes a slow build-up of muscle over a long period of time, the longer you're on the better the gains get right? D-bol is methyl-boldenone and although the properties of the hormone changes when methylated, it still retains the basic properties of the parent hormone.

    Which in this case seems to the slow buildup of protein, (actual muscle) in muscle tissue. This is the reasoning behind why i think (personally) d-bol is not a good drug for long term muscle gains when used in such i short period of time.

    Such as in the case of the Dianavar, Primobol or what ever it's called.
    Later on in the thread i recanted my original claim of 100mg ED (over estimation) and lowered it to 30-50mg.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    ya know.... the 1st cycle should be the test one..

    i believe though since you are so young, you will do what you want anyway.. i mean what do you care what a bunch of guys who "claim" to know what they are doing says not to do a dbol cycle..

    you'll do it anyway... just keep a good log, take measurments before and at the end of a 4 week cycle.. 50mg day.. and then take pics, then take pics 4 weeks after the cycle ends and measuments..

    that will be your log... at that point you will become ar's authority on dbol only cycles..
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    I cooked up a theroy on d-bol only cycles during a debate on another board. I believe if the drug is used correctly it may work.

    Here is a quote from the thread.

    Later on in the thread i recanted my original claim of 100mg ED (over estimation) and lowered it to 30-50mg.

    Yes but what would you look like after pct?

  9. #9
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    I cooked up a theroy on d-bol only cycles during a debate on another board. I believe if the drug is used correctly it may work.

    Here is a quote from the thread.

    Later on in the thread i recanted my original claim of 100mg ED (over estimation) and lowered it to 30-50mg.
    bro, look dbol is one of the oldest AS around, why cause it is tried and true. YES YOUR GAINS WOULD BE BETTER IF IT WERE INCOPORATED WITH A TEST BASED CYCLE, but you can run it by itself just fine. It is very anabolic and will yield some decent gains as long as your training, diet and rest are in line. True, a lot will be water weight, but you can limit this with other meds. Mick highly recommends, especially for a first timer a dbol only cycle - so try it bro. Some say pyramid up and pyramid, I ran my first straight from the get and pyramid down.

    ran it like this...

    wk 1-6 50mg/day
    wk 7 40mg/day
    wk 8 pyramid down from the 8/day 6/day 4/day
    then pct

    i know there are those who will argue this, and i'm not gonna debate it - it was recommended to me by someone whom i trust, it worked and I would easily recommend it as a first to you as well.

  10. #10
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    Bye bye liver!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!
    even though it is oral, it is not as harsh on the liver as you are trying to make it to be. if he drinks plenty of water and takes milk thistle he will be fine.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Oh my GOD! 8 weeks on an oral! BB your crazy man your crazy. : /

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Oh my GOD! 8 weeks on an oral! BB your crazy man your crazy. : /
    Life on the edge bitches

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!
    There are 3 parrot haters in this thread and I am one of them. Why bye bye liver? Please elaborate on this.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    even though it is oral, it is not as harsh on the liver as you are trying to make it to be. if he drinks plenty of water and takes milk thistle he will be fine.
    The amount of milk thistle your body digest is minimal.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Did I not have a valid question?

  18. #18

  19. #19
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!
    I ran dbol alone at a good dose for my first cycle for 10 weeks and had bloodwork done and I was perfectly ok.

  20. #20
    Dbol is the most effect when taken the first 4 weeks and than it wont yield the same results as u started with.....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine

    dbol dick??? not sure i've heard that one before.. deca dick yes..

    anyway.. between me and Nark we know everything.

    go ahead, ask me a question.. if i don't know the answer.. ask Nark
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  22. #22
    Join Date
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Don't d-bol alone, are going to see the same recomendation here,"first cycle go with test only"...check the cycles section,ther's a ton of good info...!

    good luck...

    LPR ...dermatology.

  23. #23
    sure use it,, get some test E or cyp to go with it, you can do a low/mod dose of test which wont cost you much and do 30-70 mg of dbol depending on ur weight and experience..

  24. #24
    Did you keep those gains after that 10 weeker Mrmeathead? And how many lbs did you gain if you dont mind me asking? thanks bro.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    LOL!!! Does anyone even remember what the topic of this thread is?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRRoboto
    LOL!!! Does anyone even remember what the topic of this thread is?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRRoboto
    LOL!!! Does anyone even remember what the topic of this thread is?

    Why did you bump it?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!

    BAH! I just finished doing 12 weeks straight of orals and my liver values came back ok.
    My first cycle a long long time ago was dbol only and I did the pyramid method too. I would tell you to run it about 6 weeks at 40 mg/day and then start your pyramid down like it was explained earlier. I ran mine at only 30mg/day and made great gains since it was my first run of AAS. Back then we didnt do any PCT either, and I still kept at least half of my gains. I believe the trick is to slowly ween yourself off of the dbol at the end of the cycle.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    ya know.... the 1st cycle should be the test one..

    i believe though since you are so young, you will do what you want anyway.. i mean what do you care what a bunch of guys who "claim" to know what they are doing says not to do a dbol cycle..

    you'll do it anyway... just keep a good log, take measurments before and at the end of a 4 week cycle.. 50mg day.. and then take pics, then take pics 4 weeks after the cycle ends and measuments..

    that will be your log... at that point you will become ar's authority on dbol only cycles..
    sounds like a great idea if i must say. he can be our own lab rat

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    BAH! I just finished doing 12 weeks straight of orals and my liver values came back ok.
    My first cycle a long long time ago was dbol only and I did the pyramid method too. I would tell you to run it about 6 weeks at 40 mg/day and then start your pyramid down like it was explained earlier. I ran mine at only 30mg/day and made great gains since it was my first run of AAS. Back then we didnt do any PCT either, and I still kept at least half of my gains. I believe the trick is to slowly ween yourself off of the dbol at the end of the cycle.

    Theres one like you in every crowd

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=roidattack]arrgg...holding back.... flame hand....

    my feelings exactly!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Theres one like you in every crowd
    One like me huh, whats that supposed to mean?

  33. #33
    that was up on here not 2 days ago
    i liked the article.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    usa/east coast
    save it until you get the rest of your gear you need for a good cycle.the kept gains will be minimal.especially at low doses aint much gonna happen. 30-50mg aday is good,decca keeps the pain down a bit test helps you grow

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    My friend did a dbol only cycle, he was extreme novice lol. His trainer gave him 300 of the naposim 5mg. He told me he took anywere from 1 to 5 a day

    (i think he took like 20 or 25mg mon-fri and 5 or 10mg weekend, days off training)

    so 5mg or 25mg/day he did this for like 2 months with a liver fix and gained like 17kg which is like 34pounds. I could tell half of it was water after his cycle months later he only lost like 30% of his gains but he was eating like crazy and getting personal trainings done whilst on cycle.

    the only side was his liver was sore even though he was takeing a liver fix he did dbol too long.

  36. #36
    Everyone has a different experience with the stuff. My D-bol-only cycle produced results that were adequate for my goals and frankly, Test-E didn't do a whole lot more for me.

    But then again, I'm not trying to be or resemble a professional bodybuilder. I would say that for average gains in size/strength, D-bol/Test-E cycles are just fine. If you want to keep gains and get huge, go for Deca, Anadrol and some Winny. Just don't whine about itchy nipples and a tumor-covered liver. Or...just don't whine on HERE!

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Bye bye liver!

    orals are not that toxic bro. i ran heavy orals for 11 weeks and im still alive

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    keep a log i want to watch the progress.

  39. #39
    If you just want to look good for a couple months d-bol is fine alone.(and unless you have hypititus a few weeks of orals won't hurt you) I know many a beach bodybuilder over the years that have done d-bol only cycles for the summer to look bigger, but I have yet to see one of them keep a pound of muscle after discontinuation.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie
    If you just want to look good for a couple months d-bol is fine alone.(and unless you have hypititus a few weeks of orals won't hurt you) I know many a beach bodybuilder over the years that have done d-bol only cycles for the summer to look bigger, but I have yet to see one of them keep a pound of muscle after discontinuation.

    my boy got swole as hell off dbol and he didn't even do pct... no anti es either and he had no problems with gyno at all. kinda defies logic huh?

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