As 'anabolic' as methandrostenolone is it does not build 'real muscle' in the usual time frame used by bodybuilders. It promotes anabolism via GH and thus IGF production and fills the muscles with a glycogen and nitrogen rich substance. IMVHO the traditional 4-6 week 25-50mg/d d-bol run is not enough to produce anything worth while. Maybe 100mg ED for 10-15 weeks.
Lets look at boldenone, now boldenone promotes nitrogen retention and causes a slow build-up of muscle over a long period of time, the longer you're on the better the gains get right? D-bol is methyl-boldenone and although the properties of the hormone changes when methylated, it still retains the basic properties of the parent hormone.
Which in this case seems to the slow buildup of protein, (actual muscle) in muscle tissue. This is the reasoning behind why i think (personally) d-bol is not a good drug for long term muscle gains when used in such i short period of time.
Such as in the case of the Dianavar, Primobol or what ever it's called.