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Thread: Proviron?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    What would you guys recommend?

    I've read about using Proviron on and off cycle.

    In the steroid profiles it says it compliments the other steroids while on cycle, but i've read in the forum that it should only be used during PCT.
    I use .25mgs of femara ed during cycle so should I use the proviron too?

    thanks for any info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    it can be used during the cycle and pct

  3. #3
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    As lift said, you can run it for PCT and on cycle, some run it while off cycle as it is only moderately suppressive, but I choose to be not at all suppressed myself and do not run it off cycle or into PCT. As for running it with letro there are no drug interactions to be aware of, but I would ask what doses of gear you are running and whether or not you are gyno prone, you may be wasting gear and money.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2004
    I am gyno prone. I usually do nolva at 10-20mg ed during cycle and liquidex at .25mg ed. but this time i'm going to do letro cause I read its not a good idea to run nolva with some of the stuff I take. I've done juice right at 4 yrs now.
    right now i'm 5 10, weigh 220 at around 8%bf right now
    cycle's I have ran are usually like this
    test at 1000 to 1500mgs weekly
    deca at 600mgs weekly
    d-bol 50 to 80mgs ed
    usually after 6 weeks of d-bol, I will start running tren ent at 750mls a week

    do you guys think the letro would be enough?

    thanks for any info, I really appreicate the advice I get on here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    hey bro have a read of this thread by swifto it has alot of information about provron being run through pct...

    i used it at 100mg ED through pct and droped it to 50mg for the last week and it worked great

  6. #6
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    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by Buildingmuscle
    I am gyno prone. I usually do nolva at 10-20mg ed during cycle and liquidex at .25mg ed. but this time i'm going to do letro cause I read its not a good idea to run nolva with some of the stuff I take. I've done juice right at 4 yrs now.
    right now i'm 5 10, weigh 220 at around 8%bf right now
    cycle's I have ran are usually like this
    test at 1000 to 1500mgs weekly
    deca at 600mgs weekly
    d-bol 50 to 80mgs ed
    usually after 6 weeks of d-bol, I will start running tren ent at 750mls a week

    do you guys think the letro would be enough?

    thanks for any info, I really appreicate the advice I get on here

    With those doses/compounds I would stick with the letro at .25-.5mg ed, this will hlep with any prolactin related sides as well as estrogen, Ldex could be used here as well without some of the more negative sides of letro.I know it's blood serum levels are decreased by the use of nolva, just don't run the nolva and stick with the ldex if you want. The proviron can be added if you choose to, but do so because you want the proviron, not for it's weak(weak in comparison to Letro/Ldex)AI benefits.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I think the benefits of this drug are superior in pct rather than within a cycle just my personal choice

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