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Thread: Help, can't walk.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Unhappy Help, can't walk.

    Hi before I give you my problem I will give a brief history. I have done half a cycle of propinate last year without problem. Injection has been in the glute. Recently I've started another cycle and decided to try my quads. This is my 5th injection and I administered half in my right and half in my left quad. Although I followed the procedure propperly no problem transpired only a little blood from the initial puncture wound...until the next day.

    It has been 2 days since my last injection of propinate and my quads are very sore and a little swollen. I am limping as I walk also had to pass going to the gym. My roomate is doing the same propinate and has been administering the injection in the glute with no complications.

    Can anyone offer me some advice? I just took two Ibproffen and am laying down because it hurts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some get awful prop pain.. My buddy has had to call in sick to work from it... Hope fully the ibprofine will help.. You might want to get some sterile cottonseed oil and cut the prop with it .. I use prop all the time and it kills me unless I cut it with cottonseed oil and then it is painless..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'd say stretch it out really good and massage it. If you stay sedentary it's only going to get worse IMO. When I used to have that problem I would go run around or jump up and down. Now, I try to rotate my injection site in such a way that I stab myself in the muscle I am going to work for the day. I'll jab quads or glutes on leg days and delts or tris on chest/tri days. Occasionaly I will also do bis on back/bis days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Oh forgot to ask.. Is the injection site hot and do you have a fever?? These are signs of a infection...

  5. #5
    also bro u need to find more injections sites u cant just stick to quads ull biuld up scar tissue and why did u split up ur does into 2 injections? how much are u taking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I don't have a fever just a little tired and the injection sites are not hot either. This is the second quad injection, I am wondering if I dug the needle too deep?

    cottonseed oil? How do I administer this ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by llrockyll
    also bro u need to find more injections sites u cant just stick to quads ull biuld up scar tissue and why did u split up ur does into 2 injections? how much are u taking?
    I just took one injection just divided it for both areas. I guess it was pretty stupid, but my roomate claimed putting half in each leg would reduce the pain... last time I'm taking his advice

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    it happens sometimes bro, man up. you'll be fine in a few days.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    it happens sometimes bro, man up. you'll be fine in a few days.
    Straight up. Although Im a newbie trying to see if this is normal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kjop
    I don't have a fever just a little tired and the injection sites are not hot either. This is the second quad injection, I am wondering if I dug the needle too deep?

    cottonseed oil? How do I administer this ?
    You will have to have sterile cottonseed oil.. I use like a half of ml of cottonseed oil to 1 ml of prop... Draw the prop first than draw the cottonseed oil.. Switch tips form drawing tip to injecting tip and your good to go..It really takes all the pain away for me.. If I dont cut it with the cottonseed oil I end up in the same boat your in now.. Some use a 50/50 ratio of cottonseed oil to prop( 1ml prop and 1ml cottonseed oil) but I only need a half of ml of it to take the pain out....

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