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  1. #1
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Natural Test Recovery

    Im 22 years old and im about to run my 3rd cycle

    Weeks 1-14 750mg of test ent.
    Weeks 1-10 600mg of deca (for me bum knee)- 3 torn ligaments repaired

    Proper Pct of coarse with clomid and nolva throughout

    My question is at 22 will i be able to regain my natural test and be able to have kids. Ive read cycles with 750+ is not a guarentee that you wont shut off for good? Is this true or just horror stories for people to avoid taking it. I went to a sperm bank and my count is above average so things have recovered since my last two cycles. Its been a year and that is the only thing holding me back. Please dont flame. thank you

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate everyone is different so no one can say for sure what will happen to you, but the odds are in your favour that you will be OK

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Stats? Previous cycle doses & length used.

    What do you expect the deca to do for your knees?

    I don't think this cycle will keep you from having kids.

    Run the deca to week week 13.

  4. #4
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Deca helped my knee injury considerably. I ran it 8 weeks after surgery because my surgeon( long conversation) but at the end said to run that drug with whatever else because it speeds up recovery time up to 10 times faster. Although he said not to do anything obviously but in the end pointed me in the right direction and he was truely right

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    Deca helped my knee injury considerably. I ran it 8 weeks after surgery because my surgeon( long conversation) but at the end said to run that drug with whatever else because it speeds up recovery time up to 10 times faster. Although he said not to do anything obviously but in the end pointed me in the right direction and he was truely right

    Deca does not heal tendons or ligaments etc. No steroid will heal those injurys.

  6. #6
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh well he has a degree from Penn St. and a Degree from Columbia and hes a doctor at Mass General i think ill take his word for it

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    Oh well he has a degree from Penn St. and a Degree from Columbia and hes a doctor at Mass General i think ill take his word for it

    I don't have any of those fancy degrees...........darn.

    Take your deca , if the cushion from the progesterone caused water retention confuses you & your fancy smantzy docter into thinking it's "healing" it ..... go right ahead.

    But don't come back to me looking for advice once your off the deca & the lubed joint affect wears off and your back in the same boat as before.

    Why are you on this site if your docter is such an expert?
    Last edited by Hellmaskbanned; 08-11-2006 at 11:47 PM.

  8. #8
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    I asked a question about testosterone recovery and then you had to find away to put in a negative comment, and my knee is fine so im happy i ran deca then. i dont see why you would say it doesn't have any help on your ligament or tendant recovery. He on the other hand that is his main subject he is a knee surgent so i just think on that issue he has more knowledge. If you'd like to answer my test recovery question please do so that is what the thread is about anyways. And i barely use this board because people are usaully negative.

  9. #9
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    The truth hurts I know. Lies feel good I guess.

    Ok don't want to be negative and hurt your little feelings again. Even though I gave you the right advice, and in my first post said the test won't keep you from having children.

    You are crazy running test. Thats outragous, someone your age will never recover, your children are going to come out with flippers and with vaginitus that they got from there father.

  10. #10
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Lol this guys great 2:18am on a friday night.... great life pal... its too bad i had work tonight cause im out... the real truth is u sit on the comp all day and is negative... alright people good chattin on steroid .com its no wonder why this board gets weaker and weaker every time i check in... people wanna go to a more positive atmosphere... plus not know it all juice buckets lemmer guess ur that huge guy that girls think look gross?

    well hope your saturday night is better than your friday night

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ive known loads of BB's having problems with their own test production because they started to young, i am not saying you wont be able to have kids thats impossible to say but there is a good chance that when you get older it will be harder to recover and you will have problems with your own test production,

    Ive seen it to many times to just ignore it, your 22yrs old and on your 3rd cycle i would say there is a good % that you will experience some problems when you get abit older, problems what will come alot sooner than they should,

    Hope all goes well,

  12. #12
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    that is a lot of gear to start that early, but keep cycling properly and doing pct. what I would do is do pct for 4 months. and get your blood work checked before AND after 4 months. get your test levels checked. thats the only way you will know. good luck.

    take everything with a grain of salt on here. instead of posting constructive feedback, some members insist on tearing others down when they ask questions. I have noticed that on this board.

    Good luck with things.

  13. #13
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Deca does not heal tendons or ligaments etc. No steroid will heal those injurys.
    why do you say that??? the doc gave my brother some crystalin steroids for his shoulder he said ("it will make it heal faster")

  14. #14
    ProUser910 is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you guys, Very helpful information. I know kind of dumb to start young and every one has there reasons. My last cycle was 600mg of cyp and 200mg of prop so i recovered from that which i am very lucky cause my levels are above average the nurse said. So im still thinking. Does anyone have kids right now who started cycling early 20s. Id love to hear from them. thank you

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