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  1. #1
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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    On Sust&Deca, why not gaining weight?? HELP

    Ok, this was my very 1st cycle. I started at 226lbs, not sure my exact body fat% but im guessing around 14 or so?? I'm 6'3. Started week 1 with 250cc of sust and 300cc of deca . week 3 up to 350 sust 450 deca, week 4-5 500 sust 450 deca, week 6 going to be 350 sust 450 deca and week 7 250 sust and finishing out the deca at 300cc per until done.
    I'm just about to be going into week 6 on Monday. After the 1st 2 weeks I was down to 218 lbs, yesterday I was at 227 which is only 1 more lb than I started at. Although I look 100% better, I just don't see all this weight that I expected to gain. Is it possible that I've lost so much fat, that the extra weight just isn't showing on the scales?
    My diet has been very strict and my workouts are very strict. I've been getting around 3500-4000 calories or so a day and 225-250ish grams of protein. Normally 3 meals a day and 2 shakes. Eggs in the am, chicken, shake, chicken, shake, etc. Is there anything I'm missing?

  2. #2
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Fluctuating the dose isn't the ideal thing to do, infact its a bad cycle in my opinion, but putting that a side you still should be gaining weight well some kind of weight anyway,
    Either your gear is fake or your diet is not in order, looking at your diet your not eating enough to feed your gear and body anyway, i would do more research in the diet forum,

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Fluctuating the dose isn't the ideal thing to do, infact its a bad cycle in my opinion, but putting that a side you still should be gaining weight well some kind of weight anyway,
    Either your gear is fake or your diet is not in order, looking at your diet your not eating enough to feed your gear and body anyway, i would do more research in the diet forum,
    Agreed, 3 meals and 2 shakes just wont cut it in this game.

  5. #5
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, but how do you guys fit the eating into your day? Say I wake up at 9am and eat every 3 hours on the hour, That means I'd eat at 9am 12 3 6 and 9pm. If I ate closer in between meals, would that be acceptable?

  6. #6
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    thats rite so get on it diet is everything without it u should just trash the gear cause ur wasting it and ur time
    im off to the gym gl

  7. #7
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    DIet forum

  8. #8
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your diet is around maintence level for your size. You should be taking in well over 4000 cals ed.

    Have you had your gear checked?

  9. #9
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    You shouldn't wave your doses like that, it is not only unnecessary, but will cause you hormone fluctuations and greater side effects/diminshed gains. For the eating pattern, your recommendation of 5 meals a day is better than three meals a day, but 6+meals a day is best if you can schedule it, shakes are ok(sometimes you have to use em)but try to get as much nutrient as you can out of real foods. Check out the stickies in the diet forum as well as I would read "Idle thoughts by Pinnacle" in the AAS Q & A forum's stickies.

    As for gear quality, have you noticed any change in strength or libido? Weight on the scale is often not the best measure of progress if you have a fairly high BF%.

  10. #10
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, a few of my friends have used the exact same stuff as me and they blew up after about the 4th week. After my very 1st shot, I've been constantly horny, non stop. So I know even if the dose is weaker than stated, it does give me those feelings which makes me think they are good. After the 2nd week on the sust, I felt like I could have sex 10 times a day! So it has greatly effected me....

  11. #11
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rtpassionz
    Yes, a few of my friends have used the exact same stuff as me and they blew up after about the 4th week. After my very 1st shot, I've been constantly horny, non stop. So I know even if the dose is weaker than stated, it does give me those feelings which makes me think they are good. After the 2nd week on the sust, I felt like I could have sex 10 times a day! So it has greatly effected me....
    Yeah they blew up I'm sure....with water retention. You want to build real muscle underneath all that bloat with good dieting.

  12. #12
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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    That's why I'm here, trying to see what else I could possibly do to gain the weight. When I look at myself with my shirt off, I look like a total different person, so even though I haven't gained all the LBs Im still very happy with what its done. I've only got 3 more weeks on this and I want to get every drop out of it, so any additional info would be awesome. Thanks 4all your help!

  13. #13
    rtpassionz is offline Junior Member
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    One more thing, this may sound like a stupid question, but does smoking have any effect on anything related to gains/lifting??

  14. #14
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    You should hit the search engine for that rtp, I know I have seen several threads dictating then negatives of smoking when cycling, I just can't say where or when as I quit smoking years ago I did not read them thoroughly.

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