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Thread: Arimidex and gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!

    Arimidex and gains

    Alright, here are my cycle stats I have 3 cycles inder my belt: 1. d-bol, test enan 2. Test enan, Tren and d-bol 3. (current cycle) Test enan 750 mg, EQ 600mg/wk, I am 5'6 197 about 13% body fat. After the last cycle, I developed a little gyno, which subsided after pct. I am going to run arimidex this cycle because I tend to bloat and want to keep that to a minimum. My ? is this. I understand that with the bloat comes strength gains. If I use too much a-dex will I not get the stregth gains? I guess what I am looking for is the right amount of a-dex, to allow the stregth gains and to allow the small amount of estrogen that helps with anabolism, while still keeping the bloat down. I have never had gyno while on cycle, so I am not so concerned as much with gyno as I am with bloat. Do I have to run the a-dex everyday? If I do I assume I should run .25mg/day. Can I increase to say .50 or 1mg if neccesary. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    It all depends on how much estrogen you have. I was on 1 mg daily for
    6 months. Now, .5mg. some people need very little if none. The only
    sure way is a blood test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    .25-.5 mg ed should be fine for dealing with the bloat issue, as for inhibiting gains IMO .02% loss in strength or size potentially gained is well worth not having man titties, or a bloated gut.
    Last edited by shortie; 08-12-2006 at 10:27 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Thanks guys!

  5. #5
    I am researching the amount of any given ai/serm potentially needed fro different bodyfat percentages. I am still unsure but typically, people use .5mg adex ed. I however do not know if this is actuallly enough considering that diferent people have different amounts of bodyfat and estrogen in their systems so one dose isnt the answer for everybody in my opinion.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    I guess as with any drug, I am going to try the lowest dose possible to achieve my results. I believe I will start with .25mg/day and if I still bloat then bump to .50mg/day, then to .75mg/day and up untill bloat is under control. Thanks for your info guys. Guns

  7. #7
    I've thought about the same thing. I would want some estrogen to be present so I could have better strength gains throughout which would most likely lead to better gains in LBM as well. As long as it doesn't get out of hand and no gyno occurs, I dont see it as a problem, as long as it doesn't occur in excess. I've thought about 10mg nolva ed and .25mg ldex ed and I can't really decide which would be best. Bloat would probably be more evident with nolva and I'd hope 10mg would be enough to block the estrogen from the receptors. Let us know how it goes..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In The Pink!!!!!
    Thanks for the replies and I will. I am kinda of amazed. I started a Test enan 750mg/wk --16 weeks and EQ 600mg/wk---14 weeks on 10 August. That means I am only one shot in and I am already noticing some fluid retention in my hands. I have been running .25 arimidex/day since first shot. I can't remember ever starting to hold water this quick. I guess it could be my protein increase. I have been getting close to 300grams of protein a day which is very good for me! I have an idea that I am going to have to up the adex to .50mg/day real soon. I hate the bloat!! The other interesting little experiment is I have done several cycles prior to this one with some of the same compounds at higher doses. I decided to scale my doses down to see if I can achieve the same gains of a lower dose even though my body has been exposed to higher doses. I just got to looking at the some of the doses I started running and thought to my self, a. that I increased the doses because it seemed that is what people do when they have ran a compound b. I was worried that I would be waisting my money by not increasing the doses. Then I thought, I give my self 6-8 months recovery time for the receptors to get back to homestasis. Why should I have to increase the dose? After thinknig about it a little longer, I think that I should be able to produce an environment in my body conducive to providing the gains that I experinced with lower doses. We'll see!

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