Alright, here are my cycle stats I have 3 cycles inder my belt: 1. d-bol, test enan 2. Test enan, Tren and d-bol 3. (current cycle) Test enan 750 mg, EQ 600mg/wk, I am 5'6 197 about 13% body fat. After the last cycle, I developed a little gyno, which subsided after pct. I am going to run arimidex this cycle because I tend to bloat and want to keep that to a minimum. My ? is this. I understand that with the bloat comes strength gains. If I use too much a-dex will I not get the stregth gains? I guess what I am looking for is the right amount of a-dex, to allow the stregth gains and to allow the small amount of estrogen that helps with anabolism, while still keeping the bloat down. I have never had gyno while on cycle, so I am not so concerned as much with gyno as I am with bloat. Do I have to run the a-dex everyday? If I do I assume I should run .25mg/day. Can I increase to say .50 or 1mg if neccesary. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks