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  1. #1
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    need some advice

    I have read pretty much all the posts on M1T's and am still not sure on a few things, I dont take any other steroids and never have, i have read all the PCT stuff but there is still one think i'm not sure on, when is a good time to start taking M1t's again/ cause i usually only take them for like a week or two do Nolvadex for two weeks inbetween and then do them again. I only plan on doing this like 3 or 4 times any advice? also when is a good time to start taking trib and other stuff to get my libido back? if it helps i only take on pill a day and play pro sports so just wondering

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    it would help to know a little more of your stats. answer the questons below on my signature and we can help you better.

  3. #3
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    age 22 6'5'' 265 pounds 10% hardcore training power lifting, done 2 two week cycles of M1T's and all i want to do is really maintain my streangth through out the season and even add a little boost, I also plan on doing a cycle of anavar in about two weeks, folowed by 8 weeks of clomid for PCT. My PCT knowlege is limited

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    OK, well let me start off with sounds like you definetly need some more knowledge with this stuff. I do not like M1T personally, but you can do a search on here and there are many threads on it.

    Any reason why you want to do an anavar only cycle? and for how long you running that? you do know that anavar IS a steroid right??

    There is a PCT forum here that is great to guide you with PCT
    and like I said, many threads on M1t or others here can help with that.

  5. #5
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    ok I will def read more, Do you think it would be better for me to just do some d-bol instead of the M1t? and how would i cycle the d-bol can i do it like for two weeks and then stop for two weeks and then start again? as for the anavar i just heard it was really clean and was good for getting stronger and faster, cause I am currently in season right now and just need a boost, I am already very strong naturally (465 pound bench and 600 pound squat) and juts want to keep it and add an extra boost, and yes i do know its a steroid

  6. #6
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    the reason i ask about the two weeks on two weeks off is cause i stoped taking it two weeks ago and now i feel kind of weaker and want to know if its ok to start again, i have been taking 20 mg of novadex and trib since i stopped though

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angermanagment
    ok I will def read more, Do you think it would be better for me to just do some d-bol instead of the M1t? and how would i cycle the d-bol can i do it like for two weeks and then stop for two weeks and then start again? as for the anavar i just heard it was really clean and was good for getting stronger and faster, cause I am currently in season right now and just need a boost, I am already very strong naturally (465 pound bench and 600 pound squat) and juts want to keep it and add an extra boost, and yes i do know its a steroid

    WOW, i would NOT do dbol by itslef. There is an excellant drug profile forum here also that you should read every word.
    Dbol will give you strength, but alot of the gains are water weight that you will lose after . Two weeks on and off is not good in my opinion and it is harsh on the liver.

    here is the profile link: Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)

    anavar would be a better choice for oral, but injectable is BEST of all if you are going to do it, might as well do it right!!

  8. #8
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    awsome man thanks, i will probably end up doing the tabs cause thats all i could get but this is the first time i have ever posted on a form and your help was great thanks, as far as my liver is i do take milk thistle and liv 5.2 the whole time

  9. #9
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angermanagment
    the reason i ask about the two weeks on two weeks off is cause i stoped taking it two weeks ago and now i feel kind of weaker and want to know if its ok to start again, i have been taking 20 mg of novadex and trib since i stopped though

    Like I said, I never used M1T, so I won't comment on that , and it is a slow Saturday night on the board, so it may take a day or two for other replies.
    the only way to know for sure if your blood levels are back to normal is to get a blood test done.

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angermanagment
    awsome man thanks, i will probably end up doing the tabs cause thats all i could get but this is the first time i have ever posted on a form and your help was great thanks, as far as my liver is i do take milk thistle and liv 5.2 the whole time

    No Sweet, like i said it is a slow saturday here. but stick around and you will learn TONS.
    Read some of the "stickies" (threads permantly at the top) of this forum and the educational sub-forum and you will be amazed on what you will learn

    there is a thread on beginner cycles as well


  11. #11
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    one more question though, is it worse for my hormone levels to the cycles like the two weeks on two weeks off deal? cause i was taking nova in between

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angermanagment
    one more question though, is it worse for my hormone levels to the cycles like the two weeks on two weeks off deal? cause i was taking nova in between
    I have not brushed up on M1T so I can't say. normally you want to keep you blood levels as stable as possible and not have them go up and down a lot which will cause more side effects. but again I have no experience with M1T nor have I really read up on it too much. Sorry , do a search you will find lots of threads about it

  13. #13
    angermanagment is offline New Member
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    ok cool thanks

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