I have built a good body naturally for 2 years. I am trying a cycle of PH, 19-nor/4-ad now. For my first AS cycle I want to run:
Week 1-8 200mg Test En
Week 2-6 50mg Fina ED
Post cycle clomid therapy, running vitex throughout because it may help prevent gyno, just to be safe. Is the test dosage too low? I am 21 5'8" 180 13%BF. I want to gain some quality mass, and cut up. I have seen cycle results with people running fina only and putting on some good mass, strength, and also dropping BF, which is what I am looking to accomplish. I want to run the test as an extra boost, and to avoid fina dick. I have a good diet, and I train hard. Is this a good first cycle? I have read that test is not good for a first cycle, same with fina due to the ED injections. Any feedback would be appreciated.