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Thread: Just visited and thank the mods for such a great board

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver

    Just visited and thank the mods for such a great board

    This board is a blessing compared to I know many of you visit there often and that may be your home sight but this board is much more informative and the members here actually have a sense of community. We at help out each other and have a guinuine care and concern for our fellow Body Builders. Thank you Mods and all supporting members, We all deserve a thumbs up

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Way too much flaming on other boards. With that and smart ass replies too questions it made me grateful of my home board. They dont encourage increasing knowledge over there, they simply either invite you or dismiss you. One guy over there posted his pic and was very small and half of the replies consisted of something along the lines of. 1. dude you need to get off this board and start eating and working out and come back in 2 years. or 2. man what have you been taking i sure would like to get on some of that, that cycle must have costed you thousands. Anyhow,if i ever get the urge to flame someone or if im feeling insecure and want to make myself feel better ill visit to let loose. peace out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I have been visiting many other boards in the last 4 months and I always seem to come back here. The mods on this one are doing a great job.

  4. #4 is worth visiting for one reason...BIG CAT...his answers and profiles are no BS...he answers questions informatively and expertly. He is the reason I go there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    st82hellnbak I believe the reason u get the answers u do at is ur age. The MOD's over there are very knowledgeable Big Cat, SHOT, Big Vince, JonnyO...etc! And they all believe u shouldnt touch gear till ur over 21. Which i too think is great advice! Sorry u feel the way u do but one day u may say those guys were right and give the same advice to some one else?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    str8tohellnbak: I see what you are saying, but try to be courteous to all other boards. We all may think that our board is the best...and I'm sure everyone over there thinks there's is the best. Every board has it's upsides and downsides. I don't want to start a board war over who's board got the bigger guys and better cycles. Remember this: We're all in on this together. It'd be a lot easier if there was just one big board, so there would be no "that board sucks, this one blows". But there would not be a big enough server to accomodate all the people.

    Oh and one last thing. . .I think this board kicks some mass too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    OG : I was simply observing I did not ask any questions nor did I post a picture. The opinions I expressed were not fact nor fiction just a few observation that I noticed while on my short trip there. I am also a believer that one should wait until physically and mentally ready to begin utilizing anabolic and/or androgenic steroids and that is why I am sure to point it out when I do give information to any newbies. Also, I did observe that a few people stepped in with they're own derogetory comments that were still unrestricted but did take up for the well being of the novice being flamed. That gave some relief to the poor kid and made him feel like he had people "on his side" but this wouldnt' have to happen if the negative and non-constructive critisism was not made. I know of BigCat and read several of his posts and yes he seems to have vast knowledge on any subject that is brought up. Come to think of it the only person who attemted to put a stop to the flaming was BigCat and he did so quickly and effectively. I have much respect for him and the other mods at but the flaming and ignorent posting deterred me from registerring. Thanks though OG
    Last edited by str82hellnback; 06-28-2002 at 02:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Personally I think this board and a few others are head and shoulders above or any other. The mods there are WAY to high and mighty, and bigcat is VERY close minded to others opinions when they go against his own thoughts, and speaks down to anyone who goes against his way of thinking. All in all a pretty poor board where the blind lead the blind and ignorant and no one is really there for the purpose that the board was intended.

    I dont want to start anything of a back and forth with people who like, power to ya, its just not for me and I would not recomend anyone go there that is really serious about the sport...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Sorry st82hellnbak I wasnt able to get to u sooner. Yes i do agree that there are idiots on all forums who would rather flame someone then give good advice. And im sure there are really good MODS on here as well as Thats why i keep coming back here...

  11. #11
    I personally think this is a better board but Big Cat is an unparalleled Mod as far as helping people out and he has toned down lately and stuck to doing just that. He shares unselfishly. He is opiniated but he backs it up and backs down when necessary. He questions dogma and that is good for all of us. There are too many experts repeating myths and fables...he at least tries to be scientific.
    Last edited by Prot; 06-29-2002 at 12:46 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    thank you guys. All views and opinions are respected over here!

  13. #13
    G-S Guest
    Uh, shouldnt you have an "r" before the 8 in your name?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    Gettin should have a "g" on the end of it. Gettin + g = Getting

    and for my name; it should be spelled without the 8 and spelled like this, "straight to hell and back", if you want to get technical with it.

    thanks anyway G Stupid.
    Last edited by str82hellnback; 06-29-2002 at 08:27 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by BIG_GUNS_21
    The mods there are WAY to high and mighty, and bigcat is VERY close minded to others opinions when they go against his own thoughts, and speaks down to anyone who goes against his way of thinking. All in all a pretty poor board where the blind lead the blind and ignorant and no one is really there for the purpose that the board was intended.
    I went over there when someone stole BigKevs pic and read a few threads and say some advice I disagreed with. I got into a huge blowout with BigCat about not taking clomid after a deca/winnie cycle. IMO, he is a douche bag.

  16. #16

    Name calling?

    Originally posted by arthurb999

    I went over there when someone stole BigKevs pic and read a few threads and say some advice I disagreed with. I got into a huge blowout with BigCat about not taking clomid after a deca/winnie cycle. IMO, he is a douche bag.
    Yes Big Cat is argumentative but he does not lower himself to name calling with those he disagrees with. It is uncomfortable to have our opinions questioned but it helps us to examine what we really know and what is opinion. He is particularly opininated on clomid vs nolvadex. He favors nolvadex post cycle and his profiles give his reasons.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think what he was trying to tell you is that your name, spelled the way it is would be said "state to hell and back" which doesnt make a lot of sence. With the "r" in there it would sound right...

    Originally posted by st82hellnbak
    Gettin should have a "g" on the end of it. Gettin + g = Getting

    and for my name; it should be spelled without the 8 and spelled like this, "straight to hell and back", if you want to get technical with it.

    thanks anyway G Stupid.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Name calling?

    Originally posted by Prot

    ... but he does not lower himself to name calling with those he disagrees with.
    Bullshit! He was talking so much shit to me during our "disagreement" that I left that board.
    Last edited by arthurb999; 07-01-2002 at 07:44 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Arthur... you did seem to fire up a little. There are more confident controlled ways to make your piont. And I think bringing AR into was not good for the board. But hey that is up to the Mods! And I am not flaming you!

    I love AR and once even started a thread about it.

    Like PaPaPaPump said... all boards have there +'s and -'s.

    I think AR is postive... and that is why I reside here. But I like the open source discussion on other boards. I also sometimes think we can be a little to nice here on AR IMO. eg -->

    I see a lot of pics of people on AR.... when I think COME ON... we are ment to be bodybuilding..! And I feel cautious to say some real advice as it might be taken as a flame(and run risk getting booted). When IMO it is plain to see that they suck. These people should chill read read read... do there time grow... then post there pic when they have a good foundation. People may come on here from other boards look at some of the AR members pics(not all... much respect to BK.. Mike_XXL... Berry and others that I have not mentioned) and think.... what a bunch of pussys.

    I cant remeber the board(I have been trying to relocate it).. but Dennis James.... yes Dennis James joined it, it was confirmed. And he was not happy with the other boards he saw. If I recall correctly one of then was AR. Did that turn me off coming here? No I liked AR and still do.. So it is all in the eye of the beholder.

    I get frustrated with all boards.. when most people just want to know about GEAR GEAR GEAR and MORE GEAR... when they could be a 17yo,... weiner that people are telling to take 500mg test/week etc etc. All in all it makes me sad. I have found that myself and other members that I am in contact with are withdrawing some what from posting, as we feel like broken records.

    So I guess it all comes down to.... You settle where you like it most.

    Peace + happy lifing!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Like PPP said lets keep the board flaming to a minimum. I used to go to all the time when AR went down. It was like a second home for a short while. Yes, there are a lot of immature a-hole there but there are some really good bros there too.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I have to agree with BIG_GUNS_21 and arthurb999, about bigcat. I had some words with him, myself. Thier are some good Bro's there and they like it there, so I'm happy for them. I'm happy here, so it all works out.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by OGPackin
    st82hellnbak I believe the reason u get the answers u do at is ur age. The MOD's over there are very knowledgeable Big Cat, SHOT, Big Vince, JonnyO...etc! And they all believe u shouldnt touch gear till ur over 21. flame bro and no disrespect intended, but I think once you've been around a bit longer you will see that our mods have as much to offer in the way of advice and experience as any board out there!!! Mike, CYC, Kiser_soce, Original Jason are guys with years of practical experience and an incredible amount of knowledge!! Ask SHOT...he and Kiser are bros. Then we have our forum moderators and you would be hard pressed to be logged on without at least one mod around. Bullshit and flaming is not tolerated and banning's take place regularly when the rules are pissed on. There are just no jerk offs here...we don't allow it. As far as the 21yr olds juicing, stick around, you will see that ANYBODY under the age of 21 is told they are too young. If/when they ARE given advice it is with a recommendation NOT to do it, but they are told the proper administration so they will AT LEAST be safe. Bro, I'm not even trying to put down Shot is a great guy from what I know, BC seems to have a temper and IMO that's not the best thing for a mod (on the other hand, I don't know him and will say nothing negative about him). But I do know this, has ALOT of punks with bigmouths and no brains (as do many other boards). We may have some here at AR as well, but if so they are respectful punks who don't pipe in with flames because they know their asses will be banned.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Pete235 after being on both forums for a bit now. I have to agree i find myself on urs more often now. I have made a few bros on here and everyone is very cool and understanding. Not sure i can say the same about anymore.

    I told st82hellnbak that not as a flame. And im not taking urs as a flame eiher. I respect u and the other MODs greatly for helping and giving advice to people like me wanting to get all the info possible to make the right decissions on taking AS!!

    Thxs bro!!


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