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Thread: Masteron

  1. #1
    goosed's Avatar
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    im pretty set on running this for my next cycle does anyone have anything good or bad to say about it? im wanting to lean out and after reading on master it sounds like it might be right up my alley!

    if you have ran it did you also run an anti-estrogen?

  2. #2
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    From what i have read on this site.. U need a low bf to see the results 8-9%. I think stayinstacked said he only uses it for pre-comp for that reason.

  3. #3
    Rocky IV's Avatar
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    you dont have to run an anti estrogen at all masteron actually decreases estrogen in the body itself so it can be used as an anti estrogen when aromatizable steriods are stacked..just do a search doesnt seem like you even read anything about it with a question like that

  4. #4
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    def using it pre comp for the next show

  5. #5
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    yea make sure ur in the single digits in BF... the stuff is the bomb though

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Masteron is a excellent compound if its stacked together with the right compounds, i also would say a large amount is needed to see quality results but if the BF is low enough the results are excellent and the condition/quality will be hard to beat, when i run masteron i dont need a anti-e,

    The masteron i am using at the moment a ugl in Holland and have to say its one of the best masterons ive used, top quality/conditon.

  7. #7
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Masteron is a excellent compound if its stacked together with the right compounds, i also would say a large amount is needed to see quality results but if the BF is low enough the results are excellent and the condition/quality will be hard to beat, when i run masteron i dont need a anti-e,

    The masteron i am using at the moment a ugl in Holland and have to say its one of the best masterons ive used, top quality/conditon.

    is it from **** nevermind..
    Last edited by Bear-StrengthWithin; 08-16-2006 at 05:25 AM.

  8. #8
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear-StrengthWithin

  9. #9
    JAYROD's Avatar
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    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i liked the results the one time a ran it but i didn't care for losing a ton of hair off my head and i'll never touch it again.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear-StrengthWithin
    is it from Golden gear?
    You cant mention ugl's in the open forum, pls delete it asap, you can pm me about it if you like,

  11. #11
    sofus99's Avatar
    sofus99 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm so tired of hearing the same old BS about single digit body fat to use masteron . I am currently cutting with masteron and with test-p and having great results, and I am certainly not in the single digit range.

    I'm hard as rock, and getting some great definition in spite of my bodyfat being around 14 or so.

    DHT compounds are great, especially for cutting. And whether it is masteron, primo, winstrol or whatever, I have always have great results with them.

    Does masteron make you less strong because you are fat? Certainly not, and I certainly feel like I burn more fat when using DHT based stuff compared to test based or 19-nor. And I like the zero bloat factor as well, who needs balloon heads if they are already a bit choppy?

    Is the anti estrogen effect worse because you are fat? No!

    What about the positive effect on the SHBG, freeing up more test in your body, that isn't affected by your bodyfat either.

    Masteron is now my favorite DHT compound, and it works great, even though I am not very lean. So I say, go ahead and use it, and don't worry about the single digit bodyfat hype unless you are into competing, masteron is great, even if you're as fat as me

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    I'm so tired of hearing the same old BS about single digit body fat to use masteron . I am currently cutting with masteron and with test-p and having great results, and I am certainly not in the single digit range.

    I'm hard as rock, and getting some great definition in spite of my bodyfat being around 14 or so.

    DHT compounds are great, especially for cutting. And whether it is masteron, primo, winstrol or whatever, I have always have great results with them.

    Does masteron make you less strong because you are fat? Certainly not, and I certainly feel like I burn more fat when using DHT based stuff compared to test based or 19-nor. And I like the zero bloat factor as well, who needs balloon heads if they are already a bit choppy?

    Is the anti estrogen effect worse because you are fat? No!

    What about the positive effect on the SHBG, freeing up more test in your body, that isn't affected by your bodyfat either.

    Masteron is now my favorite DHT compound, and it works great, even though I am not very lean. So I say, go ahead and use it, and don't worry about the single digit bodyfat hype unless you are into competing, masteron is great, even if you're as fat as me
    Its not BS my friend, if you have a low BF when you use masteron the visual results are dramatic, if the bf is high the visual effects of the drug are very hard to see, so i would recommend anyone who is using it to have a low bf as possible because many who have a high one dont seem to the like drug because they dont see it working,

    I agree you dont have to be in single digit % bf to use it but it does help with the motivation and visual results, because why take something if you cant see it working, and if you do have a high bf, you shouldn't be using AAS go on a diet first,

  13. #13
    sofus99's Avatar
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    Perhaps, but just because the effects are "dramatic" if you have low bodyfat, that doesn't mean that because you only get "great" or "excellent" effects and not "dramatic" ones, the compound is not worth using.

    That is like saying that upgrading your engine in your car will not improve the performance just because it isn't a Ferrari racecar.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    Perhaps, but just because the effects are "dramatic" if you have low bodyfat, that doesn't mean that because you only get "great" or "excellent" effects and not "dramatic" ones, the compound is not worth using.

    That is like saying that upgrading your engine in your car will not improve the performance just because it isn't a Ferrari racecar.
    You dont seen to grasp it there is no perhaps about it, ive seen it to many times over the years, if the bf is low the visual effects of the drug are dramatic, if the bf is high its harder to see results,am not saying it hasnt done anything but would you use something what you cant really see results because the bf is to high? answer NO,

    alot of people who have used it with high bf normally dont think its done much because they dont see visual effects, SO i would say use it when the bf is low because the results are visual better and you see more for the money,

    Oh well if your happy with results that all that matters, but do try it with a low bf, you will be more happier!!!!

  15. #15
    sofus99's Avatar
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    I grasp it quite nicely thank you.

    But just because people don't get the "dramatic" ripped/stone-hard look results with primo or winstrol either, that doesn't mean they are useless compounds.

    As I mentioned earlier, there are other benefits than the ones you get when your bodyfat is extremely low, and those alone make it a very good part of a stack.

    I agree partly with what you say. Yes, I have seen some very nice effect from masteron use with low bodyfat, probably more so than with other DHT based ones.

    But the general opinion seems to be that you can't use it if you don't have it low enough bodyfat. I, and many I know, get equal or even better results when using masteron compared to for instance winstrol, as long as they don't expect the stage look part of it to show when their bodyfat isn't low enough.

  16. #16
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    Honestly i think a good stack would be 500 test e and 600 masteron . as long as your body fat is low to begin with and you eat lean, you should see so nice good results!

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    I grasp it quite nicely thank you.

    But just because people don't get the "dramatic" ripped/stone-hard look results with primo or winstrol either, that doesn't mean they are useless compounds.

    As I mentioned earlier, there are other benefits than the ones you get when your bodyfat is extremely low, and those alone make it a very good part of a stack.

    I agree partly with what you say. Yes, I have seen some very nice effect from masteron use with low bodyfat, probably more so than with other DHT based ones.

    But the general opinion seems to be that you can't use it if you don't have it low enough bodyfat. I, and many I know, get equal or even better results when using masteron compared to for instance winstrol, as long as they don't expect the stage look part of it to show when their bodyfat isn't low enough.
    never memntion it was useless compound, never said dont use it if the bf is high,

    Back to your original post, the reason why so many people state use it with low bf is because you get better visual effects and seems to work better, so many people cant be wrong can they?

    also no one mentioned the word CANT use it, of course you can use it,

    lets say if it works for you as good when you have low bf , well done carry on what works for you,

    good luck

  18. #18
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    i am on test E 350mg per week & masteron 350mg per week.I was 14% b/f before start of cycle & now at 10% after week 6.I am on a cut diet with lots cardio & its working much better than the previous cut I ran without masteron. & I agree with both of your points of view. It will work if b/f is higher,no doubt. the visual results will be more dramatic if b/f is lower..I think that is common sense really.

  19. #19
    rodge's Avatar
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    masteron is def one of my favourites. currently running 200mg ed along with 250mg test-e for 3 weeks to close off my cycle straight into my vacation


  20. #20
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy


    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    I grasp it quite nicely thank you.

    But just because people don't get the "dramatic" ripped/stone-hard look results with primo or winstrol either, that doesn't mean they are useless compounds.

    As I mentioned earlier, there are other benefits than the ones you get when your bodyfat is extremely low, and those alone make it a very good part of a stack.

    I agree partly with what you say. Yes, I have seen some very nice effect from masteron use with low bodyfat, probably more so than with other DHT based ones.

    But the general opinion seems to be that you can't use it if you don't have it low enough bodyfat. I, and many I know, get equal or even better results when using masteron compared to for instance winstrol, as long as they don't expect the stage look part of it to show when their bodyfat isn't low enough.
    No one ever said you CANT use masteron at a high BF..what was said was you wont see dramatic results.You stated in that you were doing quite well But had a high bf or not such a low BF..share with us what is happening that you feel quite well about.Also you said you were hard but your BF wasnt that low...Then you're not looking too hard probably feel hard to your own touch...but you probably dont have that hard appearance not with a BF that is not low.I think the bottom line is there are compounds for each and every siuation ....Bulking ,cutting its how you're going to use them....If a person with 19%BF uses opinion he was pissing in the wind...see what I"m saying.

  21. #21
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    I'm so tired of hearing the same old BS about single digit body fat to use masteron . I am currently cutting with masteron and with test-p and having great results, and I am certainly not in the single digit range.

    I'm hard as rock, and getting some great definition in spite of my bodyfat being around 14 or so.

    DHT compounds are great, especially for cutting. And whether it is masteron, primo, winstrol or whatever, I have always have great results with them.

    Does masteron make you less strong because you are fat? Certainly not, and I certainly feel like I burn more fat when using DHT based stuff compared to test based or 19-nor. And I like the zero bloat factor as well, who needs balloon heads if they are already a bit choppy?

    Is the anti estrogen effect worse because you are fat? No!

    What about the positive effect on the SHBG, freeing up more test in your body, that isn't affected by your bodyfat either.

    Masteron is now my favorite DHT compound, and it works great, even though I am not very lean. So I say, go ahead and use it, and don't worry about the single digit bodyfat hype unless you are into competing, masteron is great, even if you're as fat as me
    Co-signed. I'm on it right now and the shit rocks. (When combined with 200mg tren ED )

  22. #22
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    masteron is def one of my favourites. currently running 200mg ed along with 250mg test-e for 3 weeks to close off my cycle straight into my vacation

    damn rodge!! 200mg ED?? that sounds super high--by the looks of your avvy you are on the top of your game..I am on 50mg ED prop version.

  23. #23
    rodge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    damn rodge!! 200mg ED?? that sounds super high--by the looks of your avvy you are on the top of your game..I am on 50mg ED prop version.
    yes, but only for a short period of time. switched to masteron the last 3 weeks of cycle. first 6 weeks were anavar @ 120mg ed and test-e 250mg ew.

    i really like aas like var/mast and primo but you need to dose them properly (not for beginners )


  24. #24
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    LOL...^^^^trust me thats not alot....I wont discuss doses on the open forum.

  25. #25
    twiney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    yes, but only for a short period of time. switched to masteron the last 3 weeks of cycle. first 6 weeks were anavar @ 120mg ed and test-e 250mg ew.

    i really like aas like var/mast and primo but you need to dose them properly (not for beginners )


    I agree,one of the best cutting cycles I did was Var at the start,with test prop and primo,and finish with mast.It was great

  26. #26
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    very similar to my most recent cycle rodge. var for 4 weeks. then switched to masteron ..stayed on test whole time..then winny at end. good work rodge.

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