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Thread: Im converting Fina, have a ???

  1. #1

    Im converting Fina, have a ???

    Im in the process right now and am almost finished. I have already filtered it throught the coffee filter, now Im on the next step which is this

    STEP 11

    Remove the needle tip. Place a filter and needle tip on the filled syringe, and filter the syringe contents into the sterile vial. Continue this step until all the ‘mixed solution’ is into the sterile vial.

    Is this where I use the Whatman filter, how do I use it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Yep, this is the part

    I just started my first batch of fina last night and yes, that's the point where you use the Whatman filter. I actually skipped the coffee filter step since my solution was VERY clear at that point. It worked for the most part but I'd advise using the coffee filter first because there may have been just enough crud left in the solution which stopped up the whatman. I've got about 4cc's left of tren that I've got to filter and it's fucking impossible to push it through. I'm either gonna have to wait till I get a new filter or try forcing the rest through the one I've got.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Do the filters clog up after so much or what's the deal on that? Curious to see if I have to purchase extra filters or what.

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Unless you have the specific WHATMANS .45, then you'll experience ALOT of clogging. Hell, even the whatmans clog...but if you got the cheap knockoff thin ones, your in for a hard conversion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    dont push through, wait for a new one. and the coffee filter step will give you a much clearer product in the end.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Yeah, I learned my lesson. I'm gonna still try to push through the rest of the tren for now. I've got another filter coming so I'll re-filter the whole vial when I get it, then bake it to further sterilize the product.

    G Child - I'd say get another whatman filter just in case. Also, as dj said, don't skip the coffee filter step as it'll make filtering with the whatman MUCH easier and less likely to clog. As a side note, I had a very clear product without using the coffee filter and I STILL clogged the whatman when I was filtering with it. I'm gonna do another 4g kit next week and I plan on correcting all these little mistakes I ran into.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    how much fina does one of those pellets make when u convert it into a liquid?

  8. #8
    G-S Guest
    How much does ONE pellet make? LOL

    Bro, you need atleast 100 pellets to make 20-25 ml.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002


    Gettin Stupid is right. And maybe even more important is the fact that you can't buy finaplix-H or component-th in amounts less than 100 & 200 pellets respectively.

    I suppose the math would suggest that each pellet contains roughly 10mg worth of fina (1000mg/100 pellets) but that's not entirely accurate since you've got so many variables in the conversion process with the solvents, oils, etc.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york

    Re: lol

    Originally posted by osujudoman
    Gettin Stupid is right. And maybe even more important is the fact that you can't buy finaplix-H or component-th in amounts less than 100 & 200 pellets respectively.

    I suppose the math would suggest that each pellet contains roughly 10mg worth of fina (1000mg/100 pellets) but that's not entirely accurate since you've got so many variables in the conversion process with the solvents, oils, etc.
    20mg of trenbolone in each pellet. 2g trenbolone in each cartrige.

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