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Thread: Making Fina; how to know if filter is clogged???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Question Making Fina; how to know if filter is clogged???

    Hey guys, I started converting some fina last night but I've run into a bit of a problem. I've got everything pretty much pre-filtered and I'm pushing the tren through the Whatman filter into the final (sealed) vial.

    So far I've got most of the tren in the vial but now I'm having a hell of a time pushing the last 4cc's or so through the filter. I have to push like crazy just to get a few drops at a time.

    The question is this: Everyone talks about how easily these filters clog. How exactly would I know if the filter is clogged? I mean aside from the tren not going through very easily, does the filter look distinctively darker or caked with crud? I'm real curious because my tren was very clear after I'd pre-filtered it and it seems strange that it'd clog the Whatman filter so easily.

    And just a thought, but does anyone think that it may be a pressure issue inside the vial that's causing the problem? In addition to the 18g needle through which I'm filtering the tren, I've got a 23g needle sticking out the top of the vial to balance out the pressure. Does anyone think that there just isn't enough air escaping out the 23g pin and that's why it's so difficult to push anything back into the vial? I'm starting to believe that is the problem because, whenever I unscrew the syringe from the filter, oil pushes back out the top of the Whatman from the pressure inside the vial. I'm considering swapping the 23g pin with an 18g to see if that helps. Also, am I risking infection if I just took the top off (these are the vials with the screw tops from finakits) and squirted the tren directly into the vial, then screwing the top back on again?

  2. #2
    G-S Guest
    It's a clogged filter. If you have a needle releasing pressure, then it's the filter. I've been there, done that. Get a new filter, and push the last 4 cc's thru.

    Don't push too hard on that clogged filter, or you'll end up with TREN all over your face, shirt, and floor. I've been there, and done that too. It sucks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Dude, warm your shit up...this helps ALOT...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    This happened to me last week but I didn't have an extra filter. So I just pussed it through. I baked it twice and now there's a little bit of junk on the bottom of the final product and when I hold the bottle up to a light there is what looks like "orange juice pulp" it's not easily visable but if you look hard you can see it.
    Will this "pulp" junk hurt me when I start to us it. Should I use it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I just did like Nutrider did a few minutes ago, only I guess the filter was still good enough that my final product only has the tiniest bit of cloudiness to it at the very top. I already ordered another filter so I think I'm gonna wait till it gets here and re-filter the whole vial, then pasturize just to be safe. If that doesn't do it I don't know what will.

    Oh, and on a side note, am I the only one who is using a kit from finakits and end up with more oil and tren than the vial will hold? My vial with the tren in it is full and I've got about 2-3 cc's of left over oil. Are the vials from finakits 50ml vials? If so, is it normal to have left over oil?

  6. #6
    G-S Guest
    No. Those vials are 42ml. I always have extra left over. According to Chemmripped, it's common that they send a lil extra - just incase.

  7. #7
    G-S Guest
    One more thing, remember that the kit you have has a final product strength of 100mg per ml, so just shoot 3/4 of a cc. That is straight from Chemmripped as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    In Alberta's Oil Patch
    Originally posted by Gettin Stupid
    It's a clogged filter. If you have a needle releasing pressure, then it's the filter. I've been there, done that. Get a new filter, and push the last 4 cc's thru.

    Don't push too hard on that clogged filter, or you'll end up with TREN all over your face, shirt, and floor. I've been there, and done that too. It sucks.
    LOL, same here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks guys, I didn't realize that the final concentration for this kit was 100mg/cc. If I got a bigger vial, would I be able to simply add the remaining oil at the end to up the amount of cc's while lowering the overall concentration? Would that not work if that extra oil wasn't mixed from the beginning?

  10. #10
    G-S Guest
    Well, it would work, but I don't have the info of what the final conversion would be. Send Chemmripped an email, he'll be able to answer that for you.

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