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Thread: what do i say

  1. #1
    G-PIG's Avatar
    G-PIG is offline Associate Member
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    Question what do i say

    Im sure alot of you have had this experience at some time

    No that i am putting on some serious size, people, mainly friends come up (i deny as use) and say "hey do you think you could get me some juice? and they all have one thing in common

    1. only want oral, needle haters
    2. think they'll get big
    3. workout regularily, not TRAINING

    I have on buddy who, wont take right, train hard, get sleep and youll see results pitch and i was thinking of giving him some dbol , you know 20-30-30-40-40-30-30-20mg, is it even worth it, myself and hopefully you readers would not do this, but if this is the road they must take, will any keepable gains be made, even though they're livers will glow in the dark?

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Bro, it's his cash, soon to be yours. Hopefully you'll make a profit off it, whether he gains anything or not. I'd say go for it, but don't just give him the gear, he's gotta pay for it.

    That means your a SOURCE !!!!!

  3. #3
    G-PIG's Avatar
    G-PIG is offline Associate Member
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    I dont want to screw him hes a friend, yes i will make a profit for my trouble, but i cant just throw it at him with no direction, what im really asking is...would it be better to tell him no, its not worth it, cons outweighing the pros? is a dbol cycle (if you can call it a cycle) worth it and not to damaging to your live (8 weeks)

  4. #4
    30SUMTHN's Avatar
    30SUMTHN is offline New Member
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    good luck..

    It's your call bro', but remember....if something goes wrong and these "part-timers" dont get the results they expect, they could fall into the "he scammed me list". I say fuckem...if they don't have the dedication to put in the time we do to get the results, it's not worth the exposure. Think of it as if you were them... a beer drinkin' large pizza eating lazy ass.... what would you do if someone sold you this shit for not so cheap that did'nt do shit, but make you more fat than you were, and possibly shorten a friends the end? your call, but I would'nt...good luck.
    Not to mention, why take attention away from yourself?

  5. #5
    ptbyjason Guest
    Just get them on here, we will tell them they don't need it yet.

  6. #6
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Its up to you its a waste of your friends money but make sure if he does buy the As dont taper dbals no need to.

  7. #7
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool For What It's Worth . . .

    Here are a couple of miscellaneous things to keep in mind when others ask you for advice or want you to score gear for them . . .

    First, AS is like any other kind of controlled substance. If you get caught with a couple of joints in your pocket, you'll get your wrist slapped. But if you get caught selling those joints to someone else, you get a lot more than a wrist slap. Just like weed, there's a biiiiiggggg difference between being a user and a dealer. And if you sell something, even if it's only once, you've become a dealer.

    Second, if you're a careful user of AS and have done your research, you're in a better position than some putz who hasn't done so. But you're still not in a position to advise someone else - especially a newbie - on what to do. Why? Because if you fuck up on your own, you merely take responsibility for yourself. But if someone else fucks up based on your advice, there are two people responsible - the other person and you. That carries a lot of implications, both moral/ethical and legal.

    Anecdotal note - When I go shopping, I always pack my own groceries. Why? Because I'm nuckin' futs when it comes to certain things - like I go freaky if a cashier bags the milk on its side instead of top up, or bags the meat/chicken/fish together. So I do my own not only for that reason, but because if something gets crushed (like a loaf of bread, or eggs get broken, etc.), then I can only blame myself, not some dipshit cashier.

    In other words, we take responsibility for what we do to ourselves - we reap the benefits or the consequences, depending on whether we know what we're doing. When it comes to AS, I'm not about to put myself in a position in which I have to take responsibility for someone else if he screws up.

    Foor for thought from someone who has reaped the benefits of AS, and wants to keep it that way . . .

  8. #8
    pureanger is offline Senior Member
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    Back from Hell
    Good post sometimes its hard to see the forest through the trees

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