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  1. #1
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Apr 2005

    Should I start or wait?

    I want to start my cycle asap, but I`ve been on a diet and I`m really sensitive when it comes to loosing glygocen. As soon as I lose 4 pounds my glygocen storages are depleted and my maximum upper body strength drops like a stone (22 pounds on the bench an such). My rep strength and sub-max effort strength stays the same and my legs and back aren`t affected by dieting.

    My plan was to carbo load until my strength was back to normal and then juice, but even when I`ve carbed so much that half of the 20 lbs I dieted off are put back on I`m still not back to normal when it comes to my max lifts in the bench press.

    Should I wait with the juice until I`ve carbed up and regained my strength or won`t my gains be affected by another week or two of working out with 90% of my max strength as opposed to 100% while the carbing continues?
    I feel like a kid who woke up on christmas day only to find out that X-mas has been postponed a week

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Stats....look at my sig. below.

  3. #3
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Stats....look at my sig. below.

    how is this helping?

  4. #4
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power Viking
    I want to start my cycle asap, but I`ve been on a diet and I`m really sensitive when it comes to loosing glygocen. As soon as I lose 4 pounds my glygocen storages are depleted and my maximum upper body strength drops like a stone (22 pounds on the bench an such). My rep strength and sub-max effort strength stays the same and my legs and back aren`t affected by dieting.

    My plan was to carbo load until my strength was back to normal and then juice, but even when I`ve carbed so much that half of the 20 lbs I dieted off are put back on I`m still not back to normal when it comes to my max lifts in the bench press.

    Should I wait with the juice until I`ve carbed up and regained my strength or won`t my gains be affected by another week or two of working out with 90% of my max strength as opposed to 100% while the carbing continues?
    I feel like a kid who woke up on christmas day only to find out that X-mas has been postponed a week

    You can start to juice your body will respond even better and your strength will go to the roof. Mabye you should read into priming. Just start the juice and carb up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear-StrengthWithin
    how is this helping?

    So I can tell him if he is ready to cycle or not based on where he is physically at.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    After all he asked for an opinion.....

  7. #7
    Power Viking is offline Banned
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    Apr 2005
    I`ve already done a few cycles, so the question is really whether or not I should start my cycle now even though my glycogen levels aren`t 100% and my strengt is affected by it (and not whether I should juice as a general Q).

    By the way my stats are (in case you want to know anyway *lol*):
    height: 6"1
    weight: 255 (will probably increase a couple of more pounds once my carb loading is complete)
    cycles done: 5

    I`ll only be doing 250-275 mg of test a week (1 ml of sust until my dealer can get a hold of the andropen 275 I ordered, then 1 ml of that a week) as I`ve seen very good results on such doses in my previous cycles.

    Squat: 575
    Deadlift: 560
    Bench Press: 420

    Bear Strength
    Sounds like you know what you`re taking about. I did a search on priming and I think I got the idea. I always thought I should be at peak strength and then add juice to "blast" through the platau instead of being at 90% and have some of the effect of the juice wasted on recovering strength; guess the body is kind of like a rubber band, and when you diet down and slow down the metabolism and then start eating a lot and adding juice it will not only swing back like a pendulum, but instead "rocket" into an anabolic state as you get the double effect of 1) getting plenty of excess calories and 2) add juice (if you get my point).

    Thanks for the help!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by Power Viking
    I`ve already done a few cycles, so the question is really whether or not I should start my cycle now even though my glycogen levels aren`t 100% and my strengt is affected by it (and not whether I should juice as a general Q).

    By the way my stats are (in case you want to know anyway *lol*):
    height: 6"1
    weight: 255 (will probably increase a couple of more pounds once my carb loading is complete)
    cycles done: 5

    I`ll only be doing 250-275 mg of test a week (1 ml of sust until my dealer can get a hold of the andropen 275 I ordered, then 1 ml of that a week) as I`ve seen very good results on such doses in my previous cycles.

    Squat: 575
    Deadlift: 560
    Bench Press: 420

    Bear Strength
    Sounds like you know what you`re taking about. I did a search on priming and I think I got the idea. I always thought I should be at peak strength and then add juice to "blast" through the platau instead of being at 90% and have some of the effect of the juice wasted on recovering strength; guess the body is kind of like a rubber band, and when you diet down and slow down the metabolism and then start eating a lot and adding juice it will not only swing back like a pendulum, but instead "rocket" into an anabolic state as you get the double effect of 1) getting plenty of excess calories and 2) add juice (if you get my point).

    Thanks for the help!

    ^ Thats what I would do. Get to full strength then jump on. Just wait out another 2 weeks and feel that muscle memory work its magic.

    BTW glad you posted stats.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your body is very sensitive to dieting and drops lbs in weight when the carbs are restricted then you defo need to carb cycle, this will help alot to hold on to the valuble muscle tissue your lossing and prime the body for a cycle

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