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Thread: thinking about a dbol/sus/deca cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    thinking about a dbol/sus/deca cycle

    I am getting ready to purchase a cycle that I am going to be starting in a couple of weeks. This is my fourth cycle and I am trying to put on some mass but not too much. I am a business man and don't want anyone asking questions. I am currently 6'2" 195lbs just off a cutting diet and want to gain about 15 to 20 lbs. Here goes:

    week 1-4 dbol 20mg per day
    week 1-10 deca 400mg per week
    week 5-10 sus 500mg per week

    run 50 mg winny tabs and clomid at end of cycle to help harden and sustain gains.

    I stick extremely well to my diets and weight lifting programs. I plan on taking in 5 to 6 thousand quality calories a day.

    What do you guys think any comments, changes, or suggestions.

    I have run deca, sus, cyp, and winstrol before in smaller cycles. Never run dbol. I hope I have not bit off more than I can chew.

    Appreciate any responses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'd scrap the d-bol. You stated that you don't want your gains to be obvious to your colleages, and the water retention from d-bol would be one sign of AAS use. I'd look into a T200, Eq, Winny cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    come on guys! any other comments. appreciate it excess!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Youll get big from that for sure....thats what im on 6th week but i didnt do the Dboll....but ive gained like 12-14 pounds and i dont eat as good as I should. But I usually get my protien..just not my calories. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    sound's good bro, just lose the d- will puff, up in just a few day's on it ,you can gain 15 to 20lbs. with out the d-bol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    southern Indiana
    I am on the same cycle you're planning. I'm on 35mg/day of dbol, 600mg Sus/week, and 400mg deca/week. IMO, Definitely add the dbol...... I love it. It kicked in on day one and I have put on good weight. Unlike expected, I have no bloat and the gains are not obvious to those around me. Several people have made comments about my appearance but nothing from those closest to me. I'm starting week 4 and the Sus/deca is just now kicking in and I'll be off the dbol in about 7 days so it worked out great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Irvine, Ca.
    Hey bro.

    I am also on the same cycle now. I just finished my 1st week. The Dbol is the SHIT!!!! Do not let anyone tell you not to take it. I am up about 4 lbs in just a week. I am sure it is just water but still look bigger.

    Be careful and make sure to have Nova on hand in case of tits.

    You will love this!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    well this is my opinion. 20mg of dbol for 4 weeks you will make gaines but i don't really think your will get "juice" notacible gaines. Meaning at 20mg it's not like you will look like your taken something big. DBol is good jump start unless you want to not feel any power or gains the first 4 weeks while on the injections. I think 20 of dbol will be fine to give you the power you need, and some weight to go with it. Not incredably huge. The deca is a good though but i dont' understand why you would start the sys weeks 5-10? I mean it takes 4-5 weeks to kick in. My thoughts is do this...

    weeks 1-4 20mg DBOL ED
    weeks 1-10 400mg of Deca
    weeks 1-8 500mg a week devided into two parts(Monday and Thursday)

    The reason why i made sus to 8 weeks is because sus most people should run it AT LEAST 8 weeks to get great effects from it. And like you said you don't want to get noticably big, so I think this is a great cycle... You don't have to take my advise, but that is what I would do if I was in your possition. GOod luck man.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Appreciate the responses bros. I will definitely consider pulling the sus to week one. I have just read alot of cycles where dbol is used in first 1-6 weeks to jump start tes levels. dbol effectiveness usually digresses after 6 weeks as the receptors become saturated. Therefore, a injectable test is substituted for the rest of the cycle. I don't know just my research. I think I will be alright with the dbol at a low dossage for only 4 weeks. I don't have a problem with bloating usually and I keep my diet very clean. I have heard alot of great things about it and look forward to trying it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    dude if you dont want to make it obvious id back off on the dbol too. my thing is deca/dbol and that alone puts on 16-20lbs on me in 8 weeks, granted i eat like a house but still...i would just do the deca/sus because sus wont bloat you as much and give u that grossly huge look that we all love to have in the winter time =)

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