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  1. #1
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    ~~First cycle Critique

    I am planning a perfect first cycle.

    Here is what I have decided I think.

    1-4 100 mgs/ Test P EOD
    1-12 Test E @ 500 mgs/week - with injections monday morning and thursday afternoon.

    I was thinking about taking 30-40 mgs/day of Dbol for weeks 1-4 but I am weary of the bloat and the lack of retaining gains.

    I plan on using the bulk diets from this forum.

    For PCT by Anthony Roberts, I will keep nolva and letro on hand in case of gyno.

    I plan on using a 23 g 1.5 inch pin. Alternating injestions for the prop.

    I want everything to perfect and don't want any distracting worries so any input will be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by Growingpains; 08-24-2006 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    what are your stats and what are your goals for this cycle. whats your diet like?

  4. #4
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    thats too much for your first cycle. why not use less to grow the same say Test E 250mg 10/weeks. the your second cycle can look like the one you posed. its ur first so it doesnt take much, why give it more now.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Reading your previous threads it states your 21yrs old and have trained for one and half yrs, if this is true your not ready for AAS with that training history and also your to young aswell.

  6. #6
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with these guys... however, if your set on running a compound anyways, at least stick with one only. This is the smartest way to start off.. good luck..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    what are your stats and what are your goals for this cycle. whats your diet like?

    Thanks for the replies so far. My diet is good, I eat 5-6 meals a day and get my protein from naturally lean sources, like chicken and fish. My goals are to gain quality muscle. Stats are 6' 195. 22 years old (in a week).

    With 500 mgs/week of Test E how much (all other things constant) do you guys think I could gain? and retain?
    Last edited by Growingpains; 08-24-2006 at 10:59 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Reading your previous threads it states your 21yrs old and have trained for one and half yrs, if this is true your not ready for AAS with that training history and also your to young aswell.
    I do need to update that thing. I will right after this. I am turning 22 in a week and now have been training for 3 years. I feel ready, and have done the research so I am pretty confident.

  9. #9
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    What do you guys this of this one,

    Ditch the prop

    1-4 Dbol 30mgs/day
    1-12 Test E 500/ mgs/ week

    I appreciate your respones a lot guys, I have probably read a thousand cycle critiques but it is different when it is your own. Thanks,


  10. #10
    Kal-El's Avatar
    Kal-El is offline Associate Member
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    Not trying to hijack the thread but, my upcoming cycle which is identical to growingpains I have a question about. This is my 3rd cycle i have a thread about it out there. I just came across 2 10ml vials of Test P and was wondering should I use both the dbol and prop in the begining or just use one or the other. My cycle is as follows

    1-4 DBol 30-40mg ED
    1-12 Test E 750 Wk
    1-10 Deca 600 Wk

    Have enough prop to do 3 weeks up front or 4 weeks if i only do 50mgs.

    Nolva 1-16
    Clomid 1-14

  11. #11
    FranKieC's Avatar
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  12. #12
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    NO FAIR! Bump your own thread!

  13. #13
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Just run the Enthanate Bro..You will love your gains and if your diet and PCT are correct you will retain most of what you gained.

    Good luck and happy growing

  14. #14
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    I never understood the point of D-Bol with Prop for the first 4 weeks. Use one or the other I'd say. Or just stick with Test E stand alone.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I never understood the point of D-Bol with Prop for the first 4 weeks. Use one or the other I'd say. Or just stick with Test E stand alone.

    I don't understand it either! That's why I am not doing it!

    I was debating whether to use prop and Test E
    or Dbol and Test E.

  16. #16
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    the test E is a good start. But if it were me, id be running prop. Its fast acting, and gets you going right away. i ran test C once, which is identical to test E, and it took forever to kick in....

  17. #17
    WEBB's Avatar
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    yes but as a first cycle i dont think running prop is a great idea just because of the ed or eod injections...he should stick to one test only yes, but i think adding prop is a great idea cause it is outta himreally fast and then he is just on teest e...i love the cycle...

  18. #18
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    avoid the DBol . Do either Test E on its own or if you have to kick start it then run the prop too. I would be looking to pack in some serious cals at 6' and 195.

  19. #19
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    yes but as a first cycle i dont think running prop is a great idea just because of the ed or eod injections...he should stick to one test only yes, but i think adding prop is a great idea cause it is outta himreally fast and then he is just on teest e...i love the cycle...
    I agree......

  20. #20
    goalseeker's Avatar
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    On the other hand... starting with ed injections may be good for him.. give him a taste of the real stuff! LOL

  21. #21
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    You guys kick ass! Thanks a lot

    I like the idea of prop short 'kick in' time and think that I'll be able to get used to taking a shot EOD. I mean sh*t if I can't handle a shot then I should be doing them in the first place.

    So I'm definately sticking with the 500 mgs/week of test E for weeks 1-12. I want to hear more responses!

    It's funny because I really have heard no so good reviews of dbol . Pros are the water inbetween the joints and strength gains but the cons are water, bloat and lack of long term gains.

    What do you guys think? How much should I up my cals, I currently eat around 4000-4500 a day!

    How much do you guys think I could gain? Keep?



  22. #22
    Aesthetix's Avatar
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    that whole dbol = bloat sh1t is a myth .. me and my friends take it an always end up gettin leaner .. its how yur eating honestly .

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesthetix
    that whole dbol = bloat sh1t is a myth .. me and my friends take it an always end up gettin leaner .. its how yur eating honestly .

    I bet you are right to a degree (low sodium diet, etc) but dbol is known to have a propensity for water retention.

  24. #24
    Huckster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesthetix
    that whole dbol = bloat sh1t is a myth .. me and my friends take it an always end up gettin leaner .. its how yur eating honestly .

    You ain't sh#ttin', I don't notice much of a bloat. But am rock hard and a lot stronger.

    BTW : I did the same for my first cycle (currently still on first cycle)

    On on like week 7 of my first cycle now.
    1-6 DBol 40mg
    1-10 Test E 250mg Every 3.5 days (500 week)
    6-10 Proviron

    PCT, the usual...
    And love the results so far. When the DBol kicks in on about the 4th day, you'll feel like a frickin' monster working out.
    Started: 5-11 185 lbs. 14% BF
    at week 7: 215lbs. probably 15-16% BF

    I have done no cardio for these 7 weeks, getting a just a bit of a belly from all the food and no cardio. But it will be gone post-cycle.

    But anyway your cycle looks good and after week 4, you'll be soo tempted to continue running the DBols. I know I was, that's why I ran it for 6. Results were outstanding.
    Last edited by Huckster; 08-24-2006 at 05:43 PM.

  25. #25
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    First cycle critique

    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    I bet you are right to a degree (low sodium diet, etc) but dbol is known to have a propensity for water retention.
    Thats not accurate bro...Its not a myth its actually reality...evreyone reacts invidually to different compounds.Now i do agree that alot has to do with diet but there guys who bloat looking at the damn things(figure of speech bro)And the minute they get off them they spill the water entirely leaving them the same way they looked before.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Thats not accurate bro...Its not a myth its actually reality...evreyone reacts invidually to different compounds.Now i do agree that alot has to do with diet but there guys who bloat looking at the damn things(figure of speech bro)And the minute they get off them they spill the water entirely leaving them the same way they looked before.

    I think that you are right and that diet is very important. It just seems like the gains are too short term to really be worthwhile. Thanks for your reply.

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Bump. Thanks!

  29. #29
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    I am planning a perfect first cycle.

    Here is what I have decided I think.

    1-4 100 mgs/ Test P EOD
    1-12 Test E @ 500 mgs/week - with injections monday morning and thursday afternoon.

    I was thinking about taking 30-40 mgs/day of Dbol for weeks 1-4 but I am weary of the bloat and the lack of retaining gains.

    I plan on using the bulk diets from this forum.

    For PCT by Anthony Roberts, I will keep nolva and letro on hand in case of gyno.

    I plan on using a 23 g 1.5 inch pin. Alternating injestions for the prop.

    I want everything to perfect and don't want any distracting worries so any input will be greatly appreciated.


    "Perfect cycle"...hmmmmm i dont think so...
    You are 21,18 month of trainning and who know how is your trainning., ?...but is your body and you can do whatever the hell you want,.
    Now,you are been here for some time amd you should read the newbies cycles,there is a good info...
    Go with T e @ 500/week folow for proper pct.....thats MO.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatinoPR
    "Perfect cycle"...hmmmmm i dont think so...
    You are 21,18 month of trainning and who know how is your trainning., ?...but is your body and you can do whatever the hell you want,.
    Now,you are been here for some time amd you should read the newbies cycles,there is a good info...
    Go with T e @ 500/week folow for proper pct.....thats MO.

    First off don't come at me like I haven't done my homework. I have been on this board for a while now. I don't appreciate that. I have been training for 3 years now. ( I need to update the profile). Read the thread. There are mixed thoughts on the dbol plus test E cycle. I am certainly going to stick with the test E at 500 a week. But am wondering if I should jump start it with something. Everyone has different opinions on the prop. Thanks,

  31. #31
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  32. #32
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    I say just use E at first, then for your second come back with prop and E, then deca prop and E..

    I'm gettin excited lol..

    In the end, don't use more than you have to.

  33. #33
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    wow there is a lot of bull shit in this thread.

    Bro first cycle you will never make it throw the pain of prop in a vergin muscle.
    just stck to test-e for 12 weeks 500mg spit does.

    If you wont run the d-bol for the first 4 weeks only at 50mg day. There is no need for 6 weeks.

    do not run deca for the first cycle. you need to know hor you respond to test first.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    I say just use E at first, then for your second come back with prop and E, then deca prop and E..

    I'm gettin excited lol..

    In the end, don't use more than you have to.

    Hear hear to that! Thanks for the comments!

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    wow there is a lot of bull shit in this thread.

    Bro first cycle you will never make it throw the pain of prop in a vergin muscle.
    just stck to test-e for 12 weeks 500mg spit does.

    If you wont run the d-bol for the first 4 weeks only at 50mg day. There is no need for 6 weeks.

    do not run deca for the first cycle. you need to know hor you respond to test first.

    Thanks for the wise words bro! What do you think about painless prop made with grapeseed oil or some sort of oil thats thinner and moves in the muscle more?

    Also, for sure no deca the first cycle, and definately no more than 4 weeks of dbol . I like my liver as it turns out.

    Thanks again!


  36. #36
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Thanks for the wise words bro! What do you think about painless prop made with grapeseed oil or some sort of oil thats thinner and moves in the muscle more?

    Also, for sure no deca the first cycle, and definately no more than 4 weeks of dbol . I like my liver as it turns out.

    Thanks again!

    I have not found this yet. I make mine with grapeseed oil sill pain full.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    I have not found this yet. I make mine with grapeseed oil sill pain full.
    Interesting, I heard that that can help with some of the injection pain.

  38. #38
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    Interesting, I heard that that can help with some of the injection pain.
    when are you starting im interested in how you go?

  39. #39
    Swifto's Avatar
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    A single estered testosterone for 10-12 weeks at between 250-500mg/wk. PCT to follow.

    Add an oral for your second. Then another compound for your third.

    Keep it simple.

  40. #40
    donveto's Avatar
    donveto is offline Junior Member
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    Hey GP,

    Im getting ready to start week 8 of my first cycle (40mg Dbol ED 1-4 and 500mg test e 1-12)

    Take my advice dude and forget the kickstart, don't make the same mistake I made....Don't get me wrong I loved the Dbol and that might be my biggest problem! let me explain...

    #1 Dbol makes you feel like a frigin beast- I ate a shat load of food and drank 2-3 gallons of water a day I gained a boat load of weight (yes some was water) Problem is you better get ready to join a new gym because everyone is going to know you are is silly how fast this stuff works if you eat and train hard... While on the dbol I got comments to me all the time by strangers asking me how often I lifted, how good I looked ect, ect...
    It will make your ego swell faster than your muscles! your pumps are insane..bla bla bla....

    now the problems may begin here as they did with me...
    You stop the Dbol and guess what - you no longer feel like superman every minute of the day..I lost 5 pounds in like 2 days and you start to wonder if your test is fake..enter placebo effect ...I started to panic and wonder if I screwed up on how I injected my test and if I was doing something wrong, your workouts go down hill because you are to concerned why you don't feel the test yet...SO I went back on dbol for week 6 @ 20mg ed,,felt a litle better.... Then a couple days ago I started to have great workouts again - you couldnt drag me out of the gym , my strength is going up and up and I feel great again...

    So in short I wish I just stuck to test-e for my first cylce!
    For many reasons including.. If I would have done test alone I would not have had a 2 week slump and wonder what my problem was, I could have had a great experience on test alone and learn how my body reacts to it alone( how long it takes to kick in and what to expect on TEST ALONE) now I will always wonder....

    If I were you I would run the Test alone-keep a daily log of how you feel- mentally and physically- this way you know when the test kicks in and what it feels like exactly..not wonder if it is one or the other..This way on your next cylce you can properly add an oral ..for example

    If it takes you until week 5 to feel the results of test, then I would run dbol for 5 weeks so you have no gap..or yo-yo effect.
    Or like me, I now know test takes aroun 7.5-8 weeks for me to kick in..So my next cycle I will run dbol @ say 50mg ED for 5 weeks-week 6 @ 25ed and week 7 at 25 mg EOD..this way I can taper off the oral and not experience the not so pleasent SLUMP I went trough..

    Am I happy with my cycle ..your damn right I am! I have gone from 179 @ 9.5-10% bf to 208 14-15% bf...I need to pull my head outta my ass and get the cardio upped I know this...

    In the long run though I wish I just did the test honest with yourself , you are not just going to do one cylce ..take your time and enjoy!!!!

    Hope this helps man!!
    Be safe..

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